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on 9/8/10 9:37 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
The longer I'm in The Program and the longer I try to practice its principles in all my affairs, the less frequently I become morose and depressed.  Perhaps, too, there's something to that cynical old saying "Blessed is he that expecteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed."  If such a person is in The Program, he or she shall not be disappointed, but instead will be delighted daily by new and fresh evidence of the love of God and the friendliness of men and women.  DOES SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, NEED ME TODAY?  WILL I LOOD FOR THAT PERSON AND TRY TO SHARE WHAT I'VE BEEN GIVEN IN THE PROGRAM?

May I be utterly grateful to God for lifting my depression.  May I know that my depression will always lighten if I do not expect too much.  May I know that the warmth of friends can fill the cold hollow of despair.  May I give my warmth to someone else.

To look for someone to share with.

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 9/8/10 7:30 pm
Topic: RE: I just realized I am feeling blue...

Hi Seattle-Maui,

I just read your post and wanted to respond.  I'm sorry your Mom died a few years ago, especially just before your B-days.  I can imagine this time of year being especially difficult for you.  Strange thing about grief:  I think it comes on stronger as we discover more about ourselves than at other times, even years later.  Sometimes it takes a while for things to "hit", maybe because now you are less busy taking care of others (daughter off to college?). 

I too turned 43 this year and decided that I was really ready to have WLS.  I had realized my obesity was really taking a toll on me and I had looked into WLS 3 yrs ago, even gotten through to pre-op, but obstacles just seemed to crop out of nowhere to prevent it.  After several months of waiting and postponements (Dr's, not mine), I decided it was not the right time.  I felt very disappointed and depressed.  Looking back, I really can't say if it would have been better for me to have done it then or not.  Like you, I do now believe that I need to do what's right/healthy for me, but I also know that there are times when others need me more than at other times, and that sometimes self-sacrifice is necessary (my youngest was 3 at the time and money was also tighter, a pblm for self-pay).

I'm sorry you regret not doing this 6 yrs ago, for yourself and for your mom and daughter.  Perhaps it would have been good, perhaps not.  Now that I did do it, I must say that it does take up a lot of emotional energy to try to get a handle on eating, with lots of ups & downs after the surgery.  At times, I get very "snappy" and irritable, so I'm glad my son and daughter are more independent and I have more time to myself to deal with stress, not to mention exercise and "head shrinking".  Financially, we are in a better position, so the cost of the procedure was also less stressful for us as a family.

Anyway, I guess I'm simply saying that there may be good reasons for you to be doing this now rather than 6 years ago, and please don't be harder on yourself because you feel you let yourself/mom/daughter down earlier.  You are here now, and by the sound of it, in a very good place to make all these positive changes for yourself.  It is the right time for your journey of self-discovery and new personal achievements.

I hope you get your WLS soon and are able to find/fulfill all your dreams!

  HW 285  SW 268  CW 206  GW 175
  (includes 17 lbs lost over 2 mos pre-op)
on 9/7/10 9:47 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
We are told in The Program that no situation is hopeless.  At first, of course, we find this hard to believe.  The opposites -- hope and despair -- are human emotional attitudes.  It is we who are hopeless, not the condition of our lives.  When we give up hope and become depressed, it's because we're unable, for now, to believe in the possibility of a change for the better.  CAN I ACCEPT THIS:  "NOT EVERYTHING THAT IS FORCED CAN BE CHANGED; BUT NOTHING CAN BE CHANGED UNTIL IT IS FORCED..." ?

May I remember that, because I am human and can make choices, I am never "hopeless."  Only the situation I find myself in may seem hopeless, which may reduce me to a state of helpless depression as I see my choices being blocked off.  May I remember, too, that even when I see no solution, I can choose to ask God's help.

I can choose not to be hopeless.

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 9/7/10 3:40 am - VA
VSG on 08/24/10 with
Topic: Trouble with Meds Post-Op??
 Hi there,
I got my sleeve two weeks ago today, and am finally starting to take some liquid Zoloft since I just couldn't stand doing the crushed thing. 

It says to mix it up in 1/2 cup of lemonade, soda (which I obviously can't do), or water... I tried water and lemonade and both made me want to puke :( I feel sick now and I probably only had 2-3 sips of each.

I had to stop taking my Wellbutrin XL altogether because I couldn't stomach crushing the regular (non-XL) pills... my husband REALLY wants me to keep taking my meds, my doctor thinks I should stay on them, but my therapist wonders if I really need them.

I'm definitely in withdrawal from them, but it's not terrible and should pass soon. I just don't think I can go the rest of my life trying to drink this stuff or eat/swallow crushed pills. 

Any thoughts/advice?? I want to be the most healthy I can be, but taking these meds make me feel like death :(
Thank you!!
I'm 40 years old and 5'3"  Got my sleeve on 8/24/10!!      
on 9/4/10 2:59 pm
VSG on 10/25/18
Topic: RE: Hello and need info on depression/anxiety
 I am a big proponent of medication since it proved to be the answer to all my anxiety/depression problems.(I was diagnosed bipolar. It could be that if you cry a lot.) Go to a psychiatrist and get some knowledgeable input as to the medicaton you are taking. Perhaps he or she will prescribe something more effective. There is nothing like the feeling of finally finding an anti-depresssion medication that actually works.
on 9/4/10 12:26 pm
Topic: RE: need some help?
Have you tried an eating disorders therapist and see what they say? They may be able to help.
on 9/4/10 12:23 pm
Topic: RE: Hello and need info on depression/anxiety
I think it is great that you are going to get back into counseling. You realized a problem and you are taking positive steps to take care of it. Have you ever tried journaling? I do that sometimes it helps to get out my anxieties and worries. I set aside time each day... It doesn't have to be every day and it doesn't have to be a lot of time maybe 10 or 15 minutes and I wrote down whats going through my head. Then I try to just leave it there on the paper and not carry it with my everywhere I go. It helps a lot. Then I take the journal and share it with my therapist and we talk about whats going on. Its a great way to keep the communication going. I wish you the best of luck.

on 9/3/10 4:35 pm - Tallahassee, FL
Topic: RE: Hello and need info on depression/anxiety
If you've had depression and anxiety in the past, the smallest amount of stress can cause it to reoccur. Since surgery I've felt A LOT better but I notice that if I'm stressed or in a situation that makes me nervous I panic or slip into a funk. It can be anything big or small. Money problems are a MAJOR factor in anxiety and depression. We're struggling as well and I've noticed that lately I'm more on edge, I'm more depressed than I have been. Second guessing yourself, feeling lost, or scattered is anxiety related. When things are going OK and you're calm you probably aren't second guessing as much. Hope life calms down for you soon! 
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
You can follow my journey at
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on 8/30/10 10:10 pm, edited 8/30/10 10:10 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Topic: RE: Been a long time.....TOO LONG!

You're damn right it's been TOO LONG..

I miss some of the ole peeps that frequented this board.... I'm surprised that more of us don't have Mental issues..and need support.    (sarcasm)..

Good to see you Marie... hope that you (and others.. including myself) make this board more active again.  With real issues and topics.. and helpful support to one another!




It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 8/30/10 10:01 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY

.. been awhile..

From time to time, I begin to think I know what God's will is for other people.  I say to myself, "This person ought to be cured of his terminal illness," or "That one ought to be freed from the torment she's going through," and I begin to pray for those specific things.  My heart is in the right place when I pray in such fashion, but those prayers are based on the supposition that I know God's will for the person for whom I pray.  The Program teaches me, instead, that I ought to pray that God's will -- whatever it is -- be done for others as well as for myself.  WILL I REMEMBER THAT GOD IS READY TO BEFRIEND ME, BUT ONLY TO THE DEGREE THAT I TRUST HIM?

I praise God for the chance to help others.  I thank God also for making me want to help others, for taking me out of my tower of self so that I can meet and share with and care about people.  Teach me to pray that "The Will be done" in the spirit of love, which God inspires in me.

I will put my trust in the will of God.

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

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