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on 11/15/10 11:58 pm - Lincoln Park, MI
Topic: RE: daily devotional and other annoying pump you up posts
Addiction is a real issue, and I think that maybe there should be a special forum for people with addiction and WLS. The daily devotions are usually from people with this issue and the people with addiciton will usually find these devotions very helpful. I think there should be a separate forum for addiction and not be lumped together with mental health.
 Ht: 5'4", Consult wt: 241, Surgery wt: 223, 1/16/11 2cc fill, 2/15/11 2 cc fill.
People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but never will they forget how you made them feel.
on 11/15/10 11:43 pm - Lincoln Park, MI
Topic: RE: Am I the only one depressed???
You are most definately not alone. I have battled depression since I was a teen. I take Zoloft and I also see a therapist and have seen a therapist for the last two years almost weekly. It has made a tremendous difference in my life. When you say you feel like you are mourning the food you love so much, its because you are! In life when we "give up" the things that we do to comfort ourselves we mourn that loss and become uncomfortable until we find something else to fill that void. The real hard part is finding HEALTHY ways to comfort ourselves. Also, you can still have the foods you love, it just has to be in very limited moderation. Like for me its chocolate. So instead of having a whole candy bar, I will take a nibble when I absolutely have to have it and not feel guilty about it at all. This is not about deprivation but about teaching ourselves what is good for our bodies.  I hope you feel better soon and if you feel like crying, then cry! Sometimes we all need a good cry, but pick yourself up and look to the future and try not to get stuck and dwell in the depression. You can do this! You are worth it!  Take care...

 Ht: 5'4", Consult wt: 241, Surgery wt: 223, 1/16/11 2cc fill, 2/15/11 2 cc fill.
People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but never will they forget how you made them feel.
on 11/12/10 11:10 am
Topic: RE: Grateful Post..
Amen Ramon.  I really needed these words today.  Missed you here.  Stay well my friend.  ~Debra aka Payson~
(deactivated member)
on 11/12/10 12:31 am
Topic: RE: daily devotional and other annoying pump you up posts
Thank you. That makes this board much easier to use.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 11/11/10 9:50 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: Grateful Post..
Good Morning OH'ers..  It's FRIDAY! ! 

I know it has been a while since I posted a Grateful post so I thought I would post one today.  I am not sure if it will be a daily post although we all have something to be grateful for daily so someone please continue this post.

I am grateful..

That God is a great God and he gives you as many chances as we need to get it right.

For the great alcohol rehab center, where I have been the past three months, that has given me a new start on life..

That I know that people that live in glass houses should not throw stones.  By the way I am not throwing any stones..

For the love and support of two of the greatest women God placed on this Earth.  Debra and Yvonne I will always love you two..

For the knowledge and understanding, of my addiction, given to me in those three months..

For my three months of sobriety.  It is the longest I have had since I relapsed.  Now all I have to do is live life on life's terms daily.



Go ahead and take your best shot,
Let 'er rip, give it all you've got,
I'm laid out on the floor, but I've been here before,
I may stumble, yeah I might fall,
Only human aren't we all?
I might lose my way, but hear me when I say,

I will stand back up,
You'll know just the moment when I've had enough,
Sometimes I'm afraid, and I don't feel that tough,
But I'll stand back up,

I've been beaten up and bruised,
I've been kicked right off my shoes,
Been down on my knees more times than you'd believe,
When the darkness tries to get me,
There's a light that just won't let me,
It might take my pride, and my tears may fill my eyes,
But I'll stand back up,

I've weathered all these storms,
But I just turn them into wind, so I can fly,
What don't kill you makes you stronger,
When I take my last breath,
That's when I'll just give up,

So, go ahead and take your best shot,
Let 'er rip, give it all you've got,
You might win this round but you can't keep me down,

'Cause I'll stand back up,
And you'll know just the moment when I've had enough,
Sometimes I'm afraid and I don't feel that tough,
But I'll stand back up,

You'll know just the moment when I've had enough,
Sometimes I'm afraid and I don't feel that tough,
But I'll stand back up.


Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared 'neath the stars alone
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye

And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance

Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I a king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have chanced it all

And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance

Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance.


That'll do Donkey, that'll do. From Shrek
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
on 11/11/10 8:45 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
11-12 REFLECTION FOR THE DAYThere are few "absolutes" in The Program's Twelve Steps.  We're free to start at any point we can, or will.  God, as we understand Him, may be defined as simply a "Power greater"; for many of us in The Program, the group itself was the first "Power greater."  And this acknowledgement is relatively easy to make if a newcomer knows that most of the members are sober and otherwise chemically-free and he isn't.  This admission is the beginning of humility.  Perhaps for the first time, the newcomer is at least willing to disclaim that he himself -- or she herself  -- is God. May I define and discover my own Higher Power.  As that definition becomes clearer and closer to me, may I remember not to insist that my interpretation is right.  For each must find his or her own Higher Power.  If a newcomer is feeling godless and alone, the power of the group may be enough for now.  May I never discredit the power of the group.Group power can be a Higher Power.

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 11/11/10 3:53 am - Davenport, FL
Topic: Am I the only one depressed???
Hi to anyone who happens to pop in this forum.  Certainly not a busy one.  I suppose that's a good thing but........
I am so freaking down I can't stand myself.   Anyone out there hear me???
Yes, I'm on medication for it, yes, I am seeing a therapist.   I have been battling depression for yrs.   I will be having WLS soon.   To say I am not scared would be lying.   I feel like I am in mourning today.
I'm mourning the loss of the foods I so love.  The ones I can't imagine going through life without.  You know the ones.   I can only hope and pray that as my weight comes off that I will feel better about my life and my depression will lessen.  I just want to sit here and cry.  Really not doing well at all.   Say a little prayer for me will ya?  Thanks.

on 11/10/10 8:34 am
Topic: RE: I've a confession..
I also battled alcoholism after my RNY (2006) and know the fear that even one sip can bring everything tumbling down around you. Try to focus on all the activities like snorkling that you will enjoy much more when not craving another drink because the one before is now out of your system. Have fun, wish I could go there!!!
 RNY 2006, 225lbs gone so far
Currently looking into Plastics!
on 11/7/10 3:38 am
Topic: RE: Light therapy---SAD Light
I live in Iowa. Short cold days in winter. Many times I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark.
I've been trying to get out in the sun as much as possible while I can during the milder weather and have a trip to the desert planned over Christmas break. That ought to help!

Thanks for your reply.


on 11/7/10 3:21 am - Davenport, FL
Topic: RE: Light therapy---SAD Light
Yes, I have used one.  It DOES help.  I use to live in Maine and hated the darkness that fall and winter brought me.   I have issues with depression and I was always worse udring that time.
I now live in Fl so I am not so light deprived anymore but believe it or not, I do still feel the seasonal change.  Gets darker here about an hr after Maine did.  The sunshine helps too!
Good luck with it.   Where do you live?

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