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on 12/12/10 10:26 pm
Topic: RE: Am I the only one depressed???
Hi Lyn-
Yes, I'm sad today. I hope today has found better spirits for you than your last post. I wanted to let you know that you're not the only one out here feeling depressed and sad. I am also doing all the 'prescribed' work to control my emotions but gosh darn it, sometimes we just feel sad. Even after losing 130lbs, I still get depressed. To be honest, it's a different kind of depressed now. Before surgery, I was depressed about the opportunities I was giving up being fat and all the emotions that go along. But, after surgery, it is more about healing the wounds that caused my fatness to get out of control. It has been more of cleaning up very dusty emotions and getting rid of the old and making room for the new. Don't get me wrong, I have never felt better when I try on that sexy size 2 dress and put on the high heels and take my husband's arm and see the pride in his eyes. The good days will start to out-weigh the bad at some point. Hang in there and please know you are NOT alone. Smiles...Stephanie
on 12/9/10 7:03 am - FL
Topic: RE: Having This Surgery Destroyed My Life
Can't believe no one has rep;ied to your post. I don't think it is an uncommon problem to. Used to be a sub-group that offered support for "transfer addictions" as they call them. Hang-in there and keep trying. I find that a drug called Campra has helped me.
Ginny F.
on 12/7/10 2:46 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: Having This Surgery Destroyed My Life
Looking for some support and maybe some other people that may be in the same boat as me.  I had my surgery in 2002 when I was 19 years old.  I am now 28.  After about 5 years out I started having major issues with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and worst of all, ALCOHOLISM.  It was like something just clicked in my brain one day and I went from never really drinking at all to being a fall down drunk within a matter of months.  I didn't feel like myself and my personality, etc. has changed drastically.

I have always kept up with my eating habits, exercise and vitamin intake.  If fact, I weigh less now than I ever have since having my surgery.  I never had a problem with mental illness or alcohol prior to my surgery.  I followed all the required therapy and psychological testing as requested by my surgeon and had NO PROBLEMS.  I am now CONVINCED that there is a direct correlation between RNY surgery and long-term mental health/substance abuse issues because of the vitamin deficiencies and malabsorbtion created through the surgery.  I feel as though this surgery DESTROYS your brain and I only feel like it is getting worse over time.  I have been trying to do some research to actually find some studies on this matter...  I have been through rehab 3 times now and each time have met SEVERAL other people who have also had WLS and now have developed alcoholism.  As a result of what has happened to me since having WLS I have lost my job, my driver's license and am fighting several other legal cases.  I would give ANYTHING to return to 300 lbs. and still have my sanity.

I wish there were more support groups and information available regarding this subject because everyday it seems like I meet more and more people with the same problem!!  Please let me know if you have any info, research, etc... Or would like to be of support to one another.  Thanks!
 "Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future"
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 12/6/10 9:32 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: Grateful Post..
Today I am grateful..

For the people who gave their lives at Pearl Harbor and all the Veterans that have served our country..  If you can read this thank a teacher and since you are reading it in English thank a Veteran..

That I live in this Great country..

That I am not a Jets fan..

For the lights of my life..

For another day to pay it forward..
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 12/5/10 10:18 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: Grateful Post..
Good Monday Morning..

Although I haven't been faithful about posting this I just know that I have so much to be grateful for and I thought I would post today..

Today I am grateful..

For the love and support of my friends..

For a Dallas Cowboy victory..

For the food and company I shared yesterday..

That I have been able to maintain although it has been tough..

For great songs that make you think..

Much love to you all..
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 12/5/10 10:16 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: devastated
Here are the words to the song..


Go ahead and take your best shot,
Let 'er rip, give it all you've got,
I'm laid out on the floor, but I've been here before,
I may stumble, yeah I might fall,
Only human aren't we all?
I might lose my way, but hear me when I say,

I will stand back up,
You'll know just the moment when I've had enough,
Sometimes I'm afraid, and I don't feel that tough,
But I'll stand back up,

I've been beaten up and bruised,
I've been kicked right off my shoes,
Been down on my knees more times than you'd believe,
When the darkness tries to get me,
There's a light that just won't let me,
It might take my pride, and my tears may fill my eyes,
But I'll stand back up,

I've weathered all these storms,
But I just turn them into wind, so I can fly,
What don't kill you makes you stronger,
When I take my last breath,
That's when I'll just give up,

So, go ahead and take your best shot,
Let 'er rip, give it all you've got,
You might win this round but you can't keep me down,

'Cause I'll stand back up,
And you'll know just the moment when I've had enough,
Sometimes I'm afraid and I don't feel that tough,
But I'll stand back up,

You'll know just the moment when I've had enough,
Sometimes I'm afraid and I don't feel that tough,
But I'll stand back up.

Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 12/5/10 10:13 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: devastated
Please do me a favor and look up the song Stand Back Up by Sugarland and make sure you listen to the song and THEN Stand Back Up..
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
on 12/5/10 5:19 pm - Owensboro, KY
Topic: RE: Bipolar
 This is RobinKY.  I had to make a new login because I forgot my passwords.  I have suffered from depression for over 10 years now.  The first week of November I had myself hospitalized because my meds were not working, and since I knew the surgery was getting closer I wanted to get them straightened out.  The Program Manager of the hospital I am/was going through called one day to check on my status with my CPAP.  I thinking it was no big deal mentioned my hospital stay.  She then told me that before they would go any further they would need a letter from the doctor who treated me saying I am ok for the surgery.  When I went to the doctor she said she felt comfortable writing the letter for me, and it shouldn't be a problem.  Well there were several doctors involved in my treatment, and one wrote in my records that I MAY be bipolar.  This was the first I had heard of it.  The Program Coordinator called me and told me that the surgeon who was going to do my surgery said he would need another 6 months before he would consider doing the surgery.  I was literally days from setting a date.  Naturally, I was devastated.  She then went on to say that if I was bipolar that they would under no cir****tances do the surgery.  So here are my options:  Go to therapy like I already am, take the meds I already am, and hopefully convince my psychiatrist I am not bipolar.  I have seen many psychiatrists over the years and this is the first time this has come up.  My second option is begin the whole process again at a new facility.  I am also considering doing both at the same time, and go with the one that gets me done first.  
on 12/4/10 9:29 am
Topic: RE: Bad News....
 WoW! My husband and his single male friend just had surgery and they were both done in 2-3 months. I have now decided to put my "surgery dream" on hold. It was no longer a positve experience and I was more stressed out than ever. If I do decide to have it done it will def be with a different program/hospital. I hope and pray that you don't have to jump through any more hoops and can get the surgery done so you can move on to a healthy and happy life. My issue was not my insurance company but the program/hoptial I choose. My husband and his friend went through a different program.
on 12/4/10 7:45 am - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: RE: Bipolar
I had been diagnosed as being bi-polar (don't ask me what type--my shrinks have always called it manic-depression).  My shrink even listed it as a comorbidity and it did help with getting the surgery approved.    I thought the listing as a comorbitiy was a bit funny because I know that it's hereditary in my father's family.  There's a family history of depression and manic-depression.  He didn't have it, but he had a brother and sister who each had manic-depression and another sister who suffered from depression.  Further back we know that his father was an alcoholic, but we don't know if he also had underlying mental problems.

I know other people who have had gastric bypass surgery who have manic depression.  I've noted who they are and became an online friend with another man about 10 years ago when we both joined OH.  I've been able to stay on my program more closely than he has but I have the advantage in that I am getting a full Federal Civil Service disability pension due to my condition.  That is, I don't have to worry about working and how my mental or physical condition would affect a job.  I know another man who is manic-depressive and is a practicing attorney.  I honestly don't know how he does it.  But, I do know that he struggles with his condition.  Of course, I rarely see people post who are not having a problem due to their mental condition.  That is, they have a mental problem but itis not affecting them post-op.  Look at my Latest Posts or Contact me directly if you want to discuss this further.  Bob
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