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on 2/21/11 8:39 am - Germantown, MD
Topic: a shrink trying to shrink
 Thought this would be the most appropriate forum to pose this question: anyone have problems getting in with a support group in your area? and has that affected how you felt WLS was a success? 
I've started thinking of starting a support group in my area as the one affiliated with our local hospital stopped last year & other ones - further out - have inconvenient days for a few MD posters. Anyone start their own group? I'm a licensed counselor, so I think I have the chops to do it, and of course I wouldn't charge b/c I'd be getting support in the process too! 
Just seeking opinions on how support groups have helped and if anyone thinks it's a good idea to start your own. Thanks! 
on 2/19/11 2:07 am - Canada
Topic: RE: wellbutrin vs wellbutrin sr or bupropion
The reason that it is supposed to help with weight loss and quitting smoking (it is the drug in zyban) is that it is supposed to help with impulse control, at least that is what I was told.  I never noticed any changes in that another thing is that the generics are different from the original.  They have the same amount of the same drug but the formula has to be slightly different from company to company, so what may vary from the name brand and even from one generic to another is the make up of the rest of the tablet and therefore the way it is realeased into your system (ie. rate, concentration, etc.) which can impact the possible side effects if it changes when the drug peaks in your system or how long it stays in your system after you take it.  I am on a few different things and one of my other meds the pharmacy switched to a generic and didn't tell me and I didn't know until I went to take it and I take it at night so I couldn't take it back and even if I did with any Rx once you leave the store you can't return it and I couldn't afford to go and get the right pills and throw out the generic and I had side effects that I had not had since I very first started on the medication, and some that I had never had before from this med.  So sometimes it is worth it to go for the name brand.  With my anti-depressents and anxiety med I pay the price for the good stuff, anything else I don't really care.  And try taking it at different times if it is effecting your sleep.  The best thing is to talk to the doctor who prescribed it.  Most surgeons don't know much about mental health issues or meds and most shrinks or family docs (whoever prescribes it for you) don't know much about this surgery, but since there is little to no affect on this med before or after surgery I would go with what the prescibing doc thinks is best and hopefully they know enough about you and these meds that they will make the right sugestions for you.  I trust my shrink with my meds because I know he knows his ****  If your doc knows the meds well he will be able to tell you the best form for you, and when is the best time for you to take it and what the right dosage should be.  And that should not be affected by whether or not you had surgery.
on 2/18/11 10:55 am - WI
Topic: RE: wellbutrin vs wellbutrin sr or bupropion
wow thought rny are not suppose to take extended release. I am wondering if the SR would work better for weight loss. I haven't seen any weight loss with the regular generic wellbutrin. Notice that I have insomina though. And sometimes I have side effects 30 min after taking it. so wonder if the SR would be better. any feed back on that? It will be a month at the end of next week that I start it. Haven't really seen any decrease in appetite either. hmm
Robin from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Distal gastric bypass 7/28/09
6 month supervised diet done lost over 50 lbs pre-surgery
My facebook page is:  (just put that you are from OH in message to add you to my facebook)     
       View more of my photos at

August 2010 weight 138 lbs lost of 179.5 lbs but gain again since my gallbladder surgery Oct 2010 range recentlly my weight got up to 166 and I was in freak mode. I am now down to 152.6 hoping to get back to 135 and started generic wellbutrin
on 2/18/11 9:25 am - Canada
Topic: RE: wellbutrin vs wellbutrin sr or bupropion
I am on wellbutrin XL, I take 450mg once a day.  It was effecting my sleep when I was taking it in the morning because it would peak in the evening and later so I started taking it at night and it does not effect my sleep anymore.  It will not cause weight gain but the extended release doesn't seem to have the same effects for weight loss and it didn't help me quit smoking either which is one of the things the regular kind is used for.  It is however an effective anti-depressant.  I have not noticed any changes in the effectiveness since my surgery, I am 14 months out now but I never changed to another form after my surgery and never had a problem. 
Patricia R.
on 2/14/11 11:52 am - Perry, MI
Thanks Rhonda.  I apologize for not replying to your daily posts.  I appreciate your faithfulness in posting these.  I have been struggling with depression a lot lately, and isolating.  I got my year coin in January, and stopped my meeting attendance for a lot of stupid reasons, mainly the depression.  It's a vicious cycle, I get depressed, so I isolate, stop doing my meditations, and just sit on my rocking chair and wallow in self-pity.  Then, I get more depressed.

Friday, I broke out of the cycle, and went to a meeting to see my sponsor.  We got a sandwich afterward, and I made a commitment to meet her at that meeting regularly, because I need to connect with her more face-to-face. 

Last night, I hit another meeting, and then today, I read my meditation books and hit two meetings.  Amazing, but I feel better, and want to go to more.  Shazam! 

At tonight's Beginners meeting there was a girl who had two years sober, and drank over the weekend.  I so related to her, because I was in relapse for two stinking years, till I went to rehab last year.  I need to protect my year, and work my steps daily, and keep going to meetings to stay out of my depression and be reminded of how awful that relapse was.

Sorry to babble.  I just wanted to  share what is going on with me lately with someone in the program, who would understand.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/13/11 9:56 pm
Topic: RE: Could depression be contagious?
Thanks Trish.

Something is going to have to happen. His traits are rubbing off on my daughter.

Patricia R.
on 2/12/11 1:53 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Could depression be contagious?
My best suggestion would be to get therapy for yourself, to help you deal with your feelings about the situation you are in, and to explore options on how best to deal with this situation.  One option would be to follow through with the threat to kick him out.  Drive him to a psych hospital and drive away, or take him to the shelter. 

It is not your fault he is the way he is.  Depression can be chemical, which requires meds and therapy, which I assume he has neither.  Or, it could be situational, which I believe is probably your own situation.  Living with someone with any mental illness takes its toll on the caregiver, and depression is a mental illness.  I grew up with a mom with bipolar disorder, and a brother with psychotic episodes of bipolar.  It was very difficult.  My own bipolar disorder ruined my marriage. 

Hang in there, and post as often as you need to to vent, cry on our shoulders, or explore your feelings, like you did already.  But, seriously seek your own therapy to help you work through this dilemma.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 2/12/11 1:46 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Looking For a Therapist - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

This is from the Psychology Today website.  I hope it helps.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

(deactivated member)
on 2/12/11 3:07 am
Topic: RE: Having This Surgery Destroyed My Life
I just want to encourage you to use every resource that is available to you through county mental health services or any other options. Go to support groups, individual or group therapy, or any other places you can get some help and support.   Surround yourself with people who love you and are looking out for your best interest. You shouldn't have to fight such a huge battle alone. I am sorry you are going through so much! 
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/11 2:36 am
Topic: RE: Need mental health help...haven't posted here before.
 I can't offer any solutions.  I suck at relationships and I am at a 100% failure rate so far at them. Ha ha.

I just wanted to encourage you to get therapy so you can learn other ways to cope with all those feelings.  Stuffing them down doesn't help anything get better. Hugs and encouragement to you. In couples therapy mostly work on the communication at first. Once you get where you can talk to each other about things without total communication shut down, you will use the communication to work out all the other things piling up. Know what I mean? If you can't talk, then the problems you can't talk about out just pile up.

Sometimes you hit a breaking point and just would rather be alone.
I have. I'm getting old and crotchety though. I will turn into a mean old lady and just knit afghans and collect cats. :)
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