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on 3/12/11 2:01 pm
Topic: Feeling discouraged....vent alert
I am feeling discouraged. I had GP surgery in August 2010. I have lost 93 pounds so far, which you would think would make me ecstatic.  But I am feeling bummed. When I look in the mirror I see some knees are thinner, my 'wings' are smaller, my behind is smaller too. But I have stalled in my weight loss with 50-75 pounds to go. I am trying to reframe it that it is better to be just obsese, than morbidly obese or the super morbidly obese that I was when I started.

People at work comment almost daily, my husband says he still sees changes in a positive way. I haven't really lost anything in the last two month though, maybe 3 pounds. I can intellectualize that there is a stall around 6 months, but I've been stalled for almost 7 weeks.

I am becoming less motivated and not following my program too. I know...get off your behind and exercise, eat protein first. I'm just not managing to do that right now. Potatoes go down so much easier than meat. Plus I have been having reactive hypoglycemic episodes, so I have to eat more carbs lately.  So exericse is a kind of battle on it's own, since when I do my blood sugars go down to the 50's

Thanks for letting me vent. Any words of encouragement or 'I have been there too's' would be appreciated.
on 3/12/11 1:11 pm - CA
Topic: RE: Having This Surgery Destroyed My Life
I am backwards then... I am an alcoholic/addict/chain smoker who got clean/sober/quit smoking only to discover that I'm bipolar. All the brain chemistry in the world couldnt' stop what happened next...

Because I didn't fill the empty places from the alcohol/pills/cigs with any real long lasting tools and learned how to deal any only made sense that I would gravitate towards SOMETHING...and that was the socially acceptable thing - food. I never got pulled over for eating a donut, I never had a hangover from cheetos and I never coughed up lung cookies from cheeseburgers.

Now that I have had surgery... I'm now wondering what my NEXT addiction is going to be... I can already tell you that I'm hitting more meetings, working harder in AA than I ever have because now I don't have the "fix" of food... so I have to find ways to cope and fill the empty spaces with tools and healthy "fixes" (like walking, meditating and other "balanced" things) rather than use my addictive personality to shop, gamble, sex... etc.

Take away someone's coping mechanism that they use that's outside of themselves and unless you replace it with something solid, supportive and consistant and positive then any addiction or maladaptive behavior is going to fill the empty spot.

Don't stop trying to get help. Fall down 99 times, get up 100. Don't give up and don't bull**** yourself


I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
on 3/12/11 6:41 am - Port Orchard, WA
Topic: RE: X-Post - ALCOHOLISM.
Hi, My name is Terrie and I believe I'm an alcoholic.

My surgery was 04/03/03.  I was never a real drinker.  I would go and and drink socially.  I faithfully went to my WLS support group for 2 years.  Stayed on track with my vitamins and protien.  Then I got married in 2006.  My husband is a stay at home drinker.  I'm not blaming him at all..... But I started doing the same.  Then I got laid off from my job after being with them for 18 years.  What was hard was that they kept the new person (only 1 year) and let go of 6 of us that had 17+ years with the company.  I found myself drinking even more.  I had been in denial and thought I could conquer it. I'm not succeeding.  I started school and for an English Research paper I decided to do a research paper on Gaining Weight after WLS.  But it's turned into Alcoholism and WLS.

Did you know that alcohol relaxes the body whi*****ludes the esophagus and stomach, which allows us to eat more?  This has become an eye opening experience for me.  Now I'm looking for an AA group to join.  I cannot believe this has happened to me.  I never really liked alcohol let alone beer.  Now I can slam down a bottle in like 5 minutes.

There really needs to be a bigger forum for addiction transer (cross-addiction) on this site.

on 3/12/11 2:06 am
Topic: Hello!
 Hey, Hey everyone! 

Just wanted to reintroduce myself and say...Thank you for being here.

I've updated my profile if you would like to know more about me.  Hope you are all well and if not yet in recovery but in need of it...that you're on your way! 

Maryellen R.
on 3/11/11 6:42 pm - Sayville, NY
Topic: Serenity Song
To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here:

"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed".  Faith Thomas

visit my blog at

on 3/10/11 11:44 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY



Since I came to The Program, I've begun to recognize my previous inability to form a true partnership with another person.  It seems that my egomania created two disastrous pitfalls.  Either I insisted upon dominating the people I knew, or I depended on them far too much.  My friends in The Program have taught me that my dependence meant demand -- a demand for the possession and control of the people and the conditions surrounding me.  Do I still try to find emotional security either by dominating or being dependent on others?



May I turn first to God to satisfy my love-hunger, knowing that all He asks from me is my faith in Him.  May I no longer cast emotional nets over those I love, either by dominating them or being excessively dependent upon them -- which is just another form of domination.  May I give others the room they need to be themselves.  May God show me the way to mature human relationships.



To have faith in His love.





It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 3/9/11 3:33 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY


We learn in The Program and its Twelve Steps that as we grow spiritually, we find that our old attitudes toward our instinctual drives need to undergo drastic revisions.  Our demands for emotional security and wealth, for personal prestige and power, all hae to be tempered and redirected.  We learn that the full satisfaction of these demands cannot be the sole end and aim of our lives.  But when we're willing to place spiritual growth first -- then and only then do we have a real chance to grow in healthy awareness and mature love.  Am I willing to place spiritual growth first?



May my development as a spiritual person temper my habitual hankerings for material security.  May I understand that the only real security in life is spiritual.  If I have faith in my Higher Power, these revisions in my attitudes will follow.  May I grow first in spiritual awareness.



Value for life of the spirit.




It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 3/8/11 12:40 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY


Merely to change my behavior, and what I say and do, doesn't prove there's been a change in my actual inner attitude.  I'm deceiving myself if I believe I can somehow completely disguise my true feelings.  They'll somehow come through, prolonging the difficulties in my relationships with others.  I have to avoid half-measures in getting rid of the trouble-some emotions.  I've been trying to hide.  Have I taken an honest inventory of myself?



May I know that feeling will come out somehow -- sometimes barely disguised as behavior that I cannot always understand.  But that perhaps is more acceptable to me than the root emotion that caused it.  May I be completely and vigilantly honest with myself.  May I be given the insight that comes through depending upon a Higher Power.



Feelings can come out "sideways".




It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 3/7/11 12:48 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY


it's time for me to realize that my attitude -- toward the life I'm living and the people in it -- can have a tangible, measurable and profound effect on what happens to me day by day.  If I expect good, then good will surely come to me.  And If I try each day to base my attitude and point of view on a sound spiritual foundation, I know it will change all the cir****tances of my life for the better, too.  Do I accept the fact that I have been given only a daily reprieve that is contingent on the maintenance of my spiritual condition?



Since my illness was spiritual -- as well as physical and emotional -- may I mend spiritually through daily communion with God.  May I find a corner of quiet within me where I can spend a few moments with Him.  May He make His will known to me.  May I worship Him from that inner temple that is in myself.



To spend a quiet moment with God.




It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 3/6/11 12:57 am - AL
Topic: RE: emotional rollarcoaster
Hello Kitty, good to hear from you.  Yes it has been a rocky 5 months.  I did see a psychologist, not sure how long I will contine seeing him, seems a little strange, but most of them are.  I guessI would be too listening to peoples' problems all day long! 
Right now feel pretty good mentally, but there are days I do just fine, then bamm!  I have a bad day and cry a lot.  Relationship with my fella frend is somewhat strained due to his dumb ass, and my finances are in deep kemchee right now which has really put me into a tail spin.  Seemed like everything came crashing on me at the same time.  Also turning 60 didnt' help much, but have gotten through that phase and am adjusting ok.  All I can do is take it one day at a time.  Also have a vit. D deficientcy...don't know how that came about...get plenty of outdoor time, drink lots of milk, etc....could be related to my thyroid...possibly parathyroid.  Will see the family doc this coming wed.  I looked up all the symptoms for parathyroid problems and I have all of them!    So, hopefully things will smooth out with time and God....he knows what is best for me. 
Hope all is going well with are you doing with maintance? 
Hope to hear from you soon, Your friend, Sheila
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