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(deactivated member)
on 5/4/11 1:38 pm
Topic: RE: Zonegren for Bi polar.
 A really good site you might want to visit is  

Just put the name of the med in there and it will give you user reviews of that med.

It helps me a lot since I am also on the medication merry-go-round!

Another good site is

My friend was on Zonegran (sp?) for schizophrenia and she tolerated it well, although it did make her gain weight and had the added side effect of apathy, lack of motivation, etc.
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/11 1:36 pm
Topic: RE: Sick of Trazodone and 'sleep eating'
 Thanks...I will bring this up with my physician tomorrow.  :)
on 5/4/11 11:29 am
Topic: RE: Sick of Trazodone and 'sleep eating'
Try the Restoril.  It didn't make me sleep eat/walk.  I did on Lunesta and Ambien.  It was terrible.  Not just the eating but the other things I'd do, like take everything off of the hangers in the closet and throw it in a pile on the floor. 

For me, Restoril is different than other benzos.  It seems to build up in my system.  By about the third or fourth day of taking it, it takes a lot to wake me up. 

Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/11 10:54 am
on 5/4/11 9:15 am - CT
Topic: RE: Sick of Trazodone and 'sleep eating'
My pcp gave me clonadine and klonapin at night. The clonadine is a bp med that helps with my nightmares and the klonapin takes away the anxiety. Both together work pretty good. When I start to rev up there is not to much that can help. I know what you mean about the trazadone though it sucks. I was also on hydroxazine I think. It was kinda like an antihistamin I think and it worked well too. I hope that helps.  

good luck

on 5/3/11 1:02 pm
Topic: RE: What anti-depressant are you on that doesn't tear up your tummy?
 hi there, I have been on and off meds for years, the one that has worked the best for me is citalopram (celexa) It worked for me both before and after surgery, lexapro is escitalopram they're "cousins" so to speak.  Here is a link to a study showing the dissoultion of various medications.
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/11 9:06 am
Topic: Sick of Trazodone and 'sleep eating'
I have BPII and take Trazodone at night to help me sleep.  I absolutely cannot sleep without it or another sleep medication.  If I don't sleep, I become unstable.

The problem is, I eat like a horse at night, half awake.  I will eat anything with carbs in it.  During the day I am a stellar dieter and also basically bulimic (with a crappy band, but that's another story).  I wake up in the morning with food all over me and don't remember, or remember vaguely, eating at night.

Anybody out there taken a med for sleep that didn't cause this side effect?  It's horrible on me. I am almost at 300 lbs and I am desperate.

I am thinking I might try Restoril or another benzo, but I do develop tolerances to benzos quickly, so I might switch it around with another sleep med like Zoplicone.

Thanks for any advice you can offer!

Patricia R.
on 4/28/11 11:53 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Zonegren for Bi polar.
I am on Geodon, and don't experience any side effects of note.  I had been on Risperdal, and hated the sedation it caused.  I could not get out of bed in the morning if I took the right dose.  If I cut back, I would go manic.

I had been on Lexapro while taking the Risperdal, but switched it to something else.  Now, I am on Cymbalta. 

I had been on Abilify for a while, instead of the Risperdal, but that was not strong enough for me. 

Good luck.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 4/28/11 5:39 am
Topic: RE: Zonegren for Bi polar.
What about Abilify or Geodon?  Those are supposed to be fairly weight neutral.
on 4/28/11 12:42 am - CT
Topic: RE: Zonegren for Bi polar.
no I haven't I'm scared of the side effects of those. I need to do something because this is not working the way it is. Thanks so much Michelle

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