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Curious G.
on 9/11/11 11:27 pm - Peachtree City, GA
Topic: RE: Worried...
I can't speak to what will or won't disqualify you for surgery but I can speak to having psychiatric diagnoses and getting WLS.  My insurance did not require a psych eval but I wish to hell they had and I wish they had prepared me for what would happen post op.

I've been in and out of therapy all my life, suffered from eating disorders, all sorts of issues, panic attacks, chronic depression, ptsd...

Then I got the surgery.  The weight came off but I had lost my best friend and my drug of choice - food.  I was so depressed and didn't understand why I wasn't just thrilled that the weight was coming off.  I began drinking.  There is a history of alcoholism in my family, but I had this under control.  Because you absorb alcohol muchc more quickly with a rny, it doesn't take much to get you drunk.  I always dran****il I blaccked out.  I became an every day drinker.  I became an alcoholic.  After a terrible series of events, I got into recovery for that in 2006.

Flash foward to today.  I'm malnourished, anemic, down to about 103  (goal was 135) and I think I've developed an eating disorder.  I can't seem to make myself put on the few pounds I need to look healthy again.  The brain boogeyman is in there.

I see professionals.. therapists, psychiatrists, doctors.  We're working through all of this stuff, but basically I just wanted to be a voice of reason when you guys balk at the psych eval stuff.  There are some very real risks of transferrence of addiction when you are a food addicct and get the surgery.  They need to know how to help us or if even having the surgery is a good idea.  My psych would probably not have signed off on the surgery due to my eating disorder history....  So that's a moot point..  :)

I wish you well in your journey - and just know that the wls is only the beginning of the changes....

  "God does not care about our mathmatecial difficulties - he integrates emperically!" - Albert Einstein

on 8/25/11 8:00 am - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: Depression or manic-depression
 Many depressed people posted on this forum sometime during the summer.  I can't really help you other than to sympathize.  I am manic-depressive and have been from that for at least 20 years.  I've been receiving a Fed Civil Service disability due to my condition for 19 years.  For about 10 years prior to that, the shrinks thought I just had depression that would get better. Ha,ha!.  Lithium aided in gaining weight which I didn't need.  I was eventually changed to other meds.

I know that almost eveyone who posts her does feel depressed from time to time.  I'm just wondering how people who seemed desolate back earlier in the summer are doing.  I'd like to write to each of you individually, but that's not practical.  

I'm actually feeling ok now but I'm still snacking on my addictive foods.  I'm keeping the volume low.  I really do feel like I'm going crazy an climbing the walls if I try to give up all of my treats.
on 8/24/11 6:18 am - Willingboro, NJ
 I thought for a long time about whether I should ever respond to your post.  I understand your point of view and I do realize that there may be many underlying causes for obesity.  But, I think that everyone in this country has the right to judge you.  They shouldn't say it to you, and, in most instances, you are protected from discrimination due to obesity.

The reason I am writing is that some people may read your post and feel that there is no excuse for being criticized about being obese and they may just give up on getting help. 

When I first sought RNY, I weighed over 570 lbs.  I knew that everyone was looking at me when I entered a restaurant.  Heck, just about everyone looked at me wherever I went.  Luckily, some people advised me about WLS.  I had tried every other method of weight loss that I could afford--I couldn't afford going to a "fat farm"  nor could I afford programs with pre-packaged meals.  They would work for a little while and then I'd gain the weight back.  Atypically, I was not always fat.  I grew up as a skinny kid and started putting on excess weight when i got married and exercised a lot less.  I have seen shrinks for years because I'm manic-depressive, and I've also seen therapists--first they used psychologists and later the ins companies started using MSWs.  

I've maintained a weight loss of over 220 lbs following the RNYs ( I had a revision due to a stapleline disruption ).  I've been able to get back on track using Dr Judit Beck's Beck Diet Solution Weight Loss Workbook.  I don't like to use it because I have to be honest and do a lot of written exercises.  I use spiral notebooks to write down my answers to give myself more room.  The book is like a 6 week course which you can spend as much time on as you need.  I keep returning to it when I have problems.
on 8/11/11 6:23 am - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: RE: End of my rope
 I'm just writing a follow-up note and I'm wondering how you are doing.  Many people do have depression following surgery and may have to take antidepressants atleast for a short term.
on 8/7/11 12:37 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Worried...
Hello. I have not been hospitalized and I can only speak for myself. You are on the right track in not lying about your situation; it would only hurt your chances of having the surgery. With the experiences you've had, I can assume that you are still under your doctor's care and are being monitored closely? Even though things have been going very well for you the past 6 years I would suggest getting some counselling now to prepare you for the future changes. If you are doing these things then those who make the decisions regarding surgery approval will see that you are being proactive and responsible.

I wish I had counselling before, during and after (I am 1 1/2 years post-op). I am finally getting some of that help I need, because my meds aren't enough. Plus, even though the surgery and subsequent weight loss feel great, it's still a battle at times to cope with the emotions. Having the surgery was the best thing for me and I'm so glad I did it! Now, I need to make sure I do the next best thing: take care of the rest of the package!!

Remember to get your support lined up and start taking advantage of it well ahead of your appointments (family doctor monitoring, regular meds checks, counselling...). If it is on the record that you are active in your own well-being, you are already a success!

Good luck!
To become learned, each day add something. To become enlightened, each day drop something. (Lao Tzu)
Highest Weight: 293lbs         Surgery Weight: 266lbs (Mar. 1/10)
Current Weight: 205lbs         Goal Weight: 170lbs
on 8/7/11 3:36 am
Topic: RE: Transfer Addictions
Tried the link..says I do not have access...:(
MJ (Boston) RNY 6/25/01 pre-op 335 goal 160 Breast reduction 4/04  38J to 38C
Panniculectomy with anchor incision 5/8/09 (10lbs skin lost) re-do of breast reduction to correct flaws 38c to 38c- with lateral breast lift.        
on 8/5/11 1:39 pm - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: RE: End of my rope
 Are you under a psychiatrist's care?  You obviously have anger issues.  Prior to surgery they were aimed at yourself.  From your post, it sounds like you are angry at yourself and at the world.  We say that WLS is not an operation on the mind and we usually imply that that means food addiction.  However, it doesn't solve mental or emotional problems.  

I suggest that you discuss your situation with your primary doc.  Then you should probably see a shrink.  I did note that you are not working and I saw how that situation affected my wife when she was out of work for 2 years until this past Dec.  Looking for work is like having a job with no benefits.  I assume that you are on your husband's ins.  You may need to see a therapist and have counseling, but seeing a shrink and possibly being put on anti-depressants may make more sense in the short run.

Counseling is not cheap and they generally want you to come on a regular basis.  You may not feel that you are able to afford that.  If possible, get counseling for yourself and then either go for joint counseling with your husband or for family counseling.  I see a shrink a few times a year but the agency he's at also has couple's and family counseling.  If you can't afford it outright, there may be a program available through your county.
on 8/5/11 7:39 am
Topic: RE: Worried...
  I was in exactly the same boat as you are in right now.  I had planned on having my surgery last year.  But because I had had a hospitalization in 2009 for a medication change I was told that I had to wait.

 I was told the cut-off is one year. I was frustrated because it was a med change due to an allergic reaction and I didn't really think they should count that but those are the rules.

However, another year has passed, no hospitalization and now my surgery is scheduled for two weeks from now. So it all kind of worked out it just took longer than I thought.

 I think that if you are six years out you will probably be fine. The psychiatric eval that I had to have for the pre-op clearance was mostly to reassure them that I was medication compliant.

 My worry at this point is how my meds will be affected by the weight loss but my Dr. and therapist both will be on the lookout for problems. It is hard though to feel as though you have to battle harder for approval because of a mental illness, when often the surgery might help things a little.
on 8/4/11 11:24 pm
Topic: Worried...
Hey everyone!  I am new to all of this, so here's a little background info: I started seeing my surgeon about 3 months ago and was put on the pre-op diet for 6 months (because of my insurance requirements).  So far, I've lost about 42 pounds! Yay! Everything is going well, but I still need to have my psychiatric evaluation sometime within the next 3 months. I'm putting it off because I have suffered from depression for many years now. I have been doing great for the past 6 years! No problems at all!  However, six years ago I went through some major things and just had a breakdown and was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital for about 5 days.  It was voluntary, so I think that makes it a little better. Anyway, on the doctor's report when I was discharged, one of the main reasons listed for my visit was morbid obesity.  I think it all points to why I *should* have surgery, but I just worry that it will prevent me from being approved for it because all doctors see is that I've been hospitalized.  I know I can't lie on the evaluation because if I did, it might ruin my chances altogether.  Does anyone know someone who's been in this situation before?  I just need some encouragement and maybe some tips at how to handle it.  Thanks a lot!!!
on 8/1/11 5:13 pm - CA
Topic: RE: End of my rope
I'm so sorry no one has replied to you yet. I was just poking around on the boards and saw your post. How are you feeling?

Take care,

start/pre-op/current/goal weights:  286/240/138/130

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