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on 12/10/11 12:56 am
Topic: RE: Risperidone (Risperdal)
 I took it for two weeks one mg and it didn't do any thing for me. I didn't even get tired and my problem is sleeping. So I am at a loss right now for myself on what to try. I see a new dr next week. I didn't gain any weight and it didn't increase my hunger but I am pretty early out in my RNY. What other meds have you taken.
on 12/8/11 1:14 pm - Hopkins, MN
Topic: First time back in a long time!

I only recognize one name!  I suppose thats good and bad!  I am many years out and just looking to re-connect with others in my shoes.  Thanks!

Lori at Goal  

RNY October 2004

on 11/30/11 8:13 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Topic: A Day At A Time

It has truly been said that "We become what we do."  It's emphasized to us over and over in The Program that our thoughts and actions toward others color and shape our spiritual lives.  Words and acts of kindness, generosity, thoughtfulness and forgiveness serve to strengthen those qualities within us that heighten our consciousness of God's love.  In asking God to direct and guide my life, am I also asking love to take over and lead me where it will?

Today I Pray
May I make a resolute attempt at acting out the way I want to be -- loving, forgiving, kind, thoughtful.  May I be aware that each small, attentive act carries with it an echo of God's all-caring.  For God so loved the world; may we make His love our example.

Today I Will Remember
We become what we do.

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/11 8:28 am - NY
Topic: RE: Sex/Love Addiction...
In addition to providing job security for the therapist, therapists are trained to be non-judgmental.

Even more important to remember is that you should never be embarrassed about taking action to solve a problem - you should be proud of yourself for facing up to it!

on 11/29/11 4:11 am
Topic: RE: Sex/Love Addiction...
You should never feel concerned about your counselor being disappointed in you coming back for more support.  Think of it as providing job security for them.  :)  It's great that you realized you have starting doing things which may lead you down a path which you do not want to go.  Part of this WLS journey is realizing there are limitations to what we can do on our own and knowing that there are ways to get the support we need.  Conratulations on being able to identify your limitations. 
VSG 1-10-2011 Dr. Randal Baker.
on 11/28/11 1:03 pm - NC
Topic: Sex/Love Addiction...
 Would rather post this anonymously, but really could use some support.  I started counseling in Nov 2009 for what was then diagnosed as "sex/love addiction" after engaging in a few inappropriate relationships.  It was more about the attention...feeling desirable.  I would actually get a "high" from the flirtations, text messages, phone calls, emails, etc.  If I didn't hear from the person, I would get really depressed.  I had been doing really well for the past 12 months and knew after having the RnY surgery I may have problems again after receiving more attention from men after losing weight, so I started going to my counselor again pre-surgery.  I haven't been back since the surgery in September and I'm already finding myself falling into those old patterns.  I'm embarrassed to go back bec/ I thought I had everything under control pre-surgery...I worry about the counselor being disappointed in me, etc.  Crazy, I know!   Does anyone else on here suffer from this kind of behavior?  If you do, you can message me if you don't want to post a reply...Thanks....
on 11/22/11 11:21 am - Houston, TX
Topic: Risperidone (Risperdal)

After almost a year off of meds for bipolar disorder, I totally crashed down to depression.  This of course leads me to believe that the busy, full, exciting, and anger with everyone during the past year was some pretty bad hypomania.   It was totally my fault... trying to repair what I can, but there are quite a few burned bridges.  I'm just going to move forward the best I can.

So I was put on risperidone (Risperdal).  1 mg at night.   I took the first one tonight... hoping I can wake up in time for a morning appt.  I took this med years ago and I slept all the time.  The dose was much higher back then so maybe excessive sleepiness wont be a problem on this small dose.

I'm a little freaked out about the possible weight gain that can come with any of the atypical antipsychotics.  Maybe it'll be good motivation to keep my eating/exercise on target so that if there is any significant weight gain, we'll know the culprit.

I think the main goal for me taking it is to tame the anxiety, clear up my thoughts, and help indirectly with the depression. We'll see how this one goes for a bit and then see if we need to add something else.  In my very strong opinion, less is more.

Does anyone have any personal experience with Risperdal?



on 11/18/11 5:56 am - NY
Topic: RE: zoloft and weight gain?
 Weight gain and obesity are among the side effects of Zoloft. One of its most severe and fatal one is the Zoloft birth defects to infants. Seek medical advice for a more detailed discussion on the drug.
on 11/17/11 7:05 am - New Bedford, MA
Topic: RE: End of my rope

Do a Google search for Post Surgical Depression.

Your body is going through a shock because of your surgery, physical as well as mental.
I felt like I was going to go crazy too and just couldn't understand why.

I hope you feel better soon.

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

on 11/17/11 7:00 am - New Bedford, MA
I agree with you. I have really bad lymphedema in my legs that I can hardly walk. I have been in and out of the ER for cellulitus and psychological needs. These doctors, who don't know me, always tell me that losing weight will get rid of the lymphedema, and to exersize more. Uh......there is no cure for lymphedema, so that only proves how little they know. Plus if they knew where I was at in my life before my lymphedema got worse, they would see that I walked allot.

Dr.s always blame everything on weight. I once went to a doctor for an ear infection and she told me to lose weight and it will help!

Plus, people DON'T have the right to judge us for ANY reason, unlike what the last post said. If people want to stare, gawk, or critisize, they should have a long conversation with THEMSELVES in front of a mirror!!!!!!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

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