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on 1/18/12 7:01 am
Topic: RE: Risperidone (Risperdal)
I have been dealing with my bipolar disorder since age 15, and I've taken every atypical anti-psychotic there is (Risperdal, Seroquel, Zyprexa, Abilify, Geodon)with varying success. I tried to take Abilify and Geodon postop (2007), hoping not to gain back my "antipsychotic weight". No luck there--had terrible problems. I am stuck taking the only successful drug I've been on--Seroquel. And I'm gaining weight, which is why I had RNY to begin with. I hate the stuff, but it is the only drug that works without the uncontrolled movements and severe anxiety reaction (there's a word for it, but I don't remember what it is)
on 1/18/12 5:52 am
VSG on 06/18/12
Topic: So this big ass questionnaire we have to do...
 I vaguely remember taking one of these psych assessments when I was first diagnosed with depression. I'm a weirdo in that I like taking tests like these so I'm not stressing over it.

Who else had to take one and did you learn anything new about yourself?

on 1/18/12 5:50 am
VSG on 06/18/12
Topic: RE: Sex/Love Addiction...
There is also a 12-step program for sex/love addicts and I have friends who found meetings and counseling to be the best combination. I was in a different branch of the 12-step family and for feeling connected and supported nothing beats that.
on 1/18/12 5:44 am
VSG on 06/18/12
Topic: RE: beginning the journey with long standing depression
I've been on Zoloft for chronic, clinical depression and severe PMDD for most of 20 years. We added Wellbutrin in to help with the sex drive thing, but it made me rage, so I stopped.

Baby steps. And remember that this moment will pass. Turn off the computer and read a book, park in a different place at work. Go to a museum. Mix your life up a bit. And definitely try some other anti-depressants. There's enough of them out there that you should not have to suffer.
on 1/18/12 5:37 am
VSG on 06/18/12
Topic: RE: Having This Surgery Destroyed My Life
Comparatively speaking bariatric surgeries of any kind are "new". We don't know the long-term effects specifically on the brain of malabsorbtion (RNY) or the removal of the predominant gherlin producer (VSG).

I'm a recovering alcoholic with almost 20 years of sobriety. I'm also clinically depressed and suffer from some serious PMDD. I also get hormonal migraines.

I am very, VERY aware of the chemical ebbs and flows of my body.

Do everything that folks are saying here - get help, get support - but also take a step back and remember that this is your body - it's not you. Your body is a machine, and when the machine is not running the way it should it is ever so okay to get pharmacological assistance. I got sober and surprise! I was diagnosed with clinic depression. The booze was my anti-depressant.   I have been on Zoloft for almost as long as I've been sober.  

See a psychiatrist who has some experience with this kind of stuff. They can counsel you and help you find a good medication to sort things out. It's not weak, or lame, or taking the easy way out to take a pill. My body (brain) is broken, so I have to compensate by giving it sertraline every day. It's like being a diabetic. Without my anti-depressant I would eventually die, and it would be a long, slow, horrible nightmare of a process to get there. Pill please!

You are NOT ALONE.

on 1/10/12 10:29 pm - WI
Topic: RE: Sex/Love Addiction...
I know im late replying to your post, but I really dont get on the site much.  FYI... An addiction, defined by the DSMIV requires the ingestion of a substance.  Other than that it is an impulsive behavior.  AND yet they do not consider food a substance?  
Anyways, point of fact to your post, you mentioned therapy, have you looked into treatment for your eating disorder/behaviors?  Perhaps you should focus on those as sexual impulsivity (addiction?) tends to run side by side with a lot of eating disorders along with body dysmorphic disorder.  Although not actually a diagnosed disorder I think a lot of us obese persons have something along the lines of BDD where we do not actually perceive our true size until we are forced to accept the reality of it... That is how we get to 300+ pounds, because we convince ourselves that 200 is normal, then 225, then 250 etc...
I agree with you that you are enjoying the thrill of the chase, with you being the bait... It is an exciting life post op that all of a sudden you are the attractive one and you get attention.  We all experience that as having been the ugly fat one that hid in the corner, always feeling not good enough because of our weight.  We are proud of our accomplishments and want to be acknowledged for it... My advice...put your self on a pedistal.... let them look but dont touch if youre concerned... it still gives you the same feelings of the thrill of being admired... but at the same time you further validate your own self image because you are better than they are and therefore they are not worthy of you...
artroxy blue
on 1/9/12 8:17 pm - MA
RNY on 08/14/12
Topic: RE: RYN and wellbutrin????
 Glad to hear some positive responses to this! I take Wellbutrin now, in addition to Zoloft.  I'm hoping to get off of Zoloft before surgery. 
artroxy blue
on 1/9/12 12:53 pm - MA
RNY on 08/14/12
on 12/31/11 10:53 pm - Blakeslee, PA
VSG on 08/28/12
Topic: Psych Eval Help!!!
 Can anyone recomend a Psych Dr. to perform my Psych Eval without paying out of pocket? I have great insurance and i have reached out to psych Dr.'s in my insurance network and when i set an appointment they tell me they only take cash. Please HELP!! i have BC & BS NJ DIrect.
on 12/21/11 10:55 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Question
thanks so much for the message.  she is still in the loosing stage.   she has been switched by her doc a few times and we hope that this time the meds will work.   thanks again for the message :)

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