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on 4/16/12 11:34 pm - MI
Topic: RE: Change in how anti-depressant/anti-anxiety meds work at almost 2 year post-op?
Hi Karen,

Sorry for the late response.  Yes,  I am about 5 yrs out and need my meds adjusted about every 6 months or so.  Every time, my doctor does dictation about my absorption of anti depressants being the possible cause of needing the change.  I don't think its actually proven, but definitely suspected. I wouldn't question it, I would just go with the flow, because the most important thing is just to feel better, not to measure the amount of mg you take.  Kinda like you are not your dx, you are YOU so dont focus on it, just focus on life.  If you are on a mood stabilizer, they normally check your levels.  I never had a low issue until i had Rny.  so my absorption with those is effected for sure.

I dont know if this helps, but this is my experience.  best of luck and i hope youre on the right track now.


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 4/16/12 11:23 pm - MI
Topic: RE: Angry
Hi Jessica,

sorry I am just now getting to post to this thread.  I have been so busy with life lately.  Its perfectly normal to be more moody because your body is going through physiological as well as physical changes right now.  Everyone experiences this.  Like I usually say, you can post this on the main board and a hundred people will say the same thing.  If you are concerned or if you just don't like the way you feel about how you are reacting, just seek some advice.  I found somebody to talk to through OH.  just go to  and type in your zip code.  My therapist had Rny too so she was awesome to talk to.

You are sick of being pushed around and dont want to take it anymore.  Good for you, but maybe find a way to approach it in a more tactful way, a way that wont make you feel scared that your personality is changing. ? maybe ?


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 4/16/12 11:07 pm - MI
Topic: RE: Smudge Perfection
dear Jessica,

how are you coming along with your 3x per wk for 3 months goal?  That seems very realistic to me and very acceptable for the maintenance period of your weight loss. Just as long as you avoid carbs and obey the 'rules' of your tools.

I wonder why you have the thoughts of all or nothing?  have you thought about maybe seeing a counselor about this?  just curious.


Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 4/16/12 9:52 pm, edited 4/16/12 10:11 pm - MI
Topic: RE: my husband has bi polar
hi Sarah,

I have been dx'd with bpd as well.  Unlike others that call us Crazy or acting crazy we are not. its a chemical thing.  

That being said, you have to realize you are in a very emotional period post op.  at this time, you too are extremely emotional.  i think people forget that fact.  if you go to the main board and post, 'i am emotional 5 wks out, is this normal?' you will get the same answer as i just said.  someone suggested try not to get caught up.  very true.  i speak out of pure emotion at times.  i note this is when my meds need to be increased.  my dh cannot tell me when this is, only i will admit and/or tell me doctor unless my dr. notices first.  nobody else in the world can tell me.  maybe this is just my stubborn side...  i say this just in case you try to tell your dh to get his meds checked he may protest.

please do not stigmatize this disease anymore than it already is.  at one time 'retarded' was, now its 'mentally challenged'.  one day, bpd will be accepted as that is.  there are many support groups you can attend and also

I wish you the best of luck.  I know both are difficult situations.  I am living with both of them.  Plus Type I diabetes, hbp and a child with adhd and a son with bilateral clubfeet with 4 surgeries already.  yes, life is hard.  but remember my favorite words of advise by Victor Frankl:  he who has a why to live for, can live through almost any how.


**edited to add: sarah, i want you to know, you did not stigmatize bpd

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

290/190/160  TT done

on 3/28/12 10:32 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Smudge Perfection
Yep just take it one day at a time and remember that NO ONE is perfect so you shouldn't expect it either. Some use that all or nothing attitudes to sabatoge their hard work so just make sure to constantly check for whether your goal is reasonable or your brain telling you lies. Best of luck to you and if you trip just get back up and try again!
on 3/26/12 3:04 pm
Topic: RE: Anorexia/Bulimia after WLS
you are not the only one.  I feel these intense flashes of fear that I am going to gain weight.  I eat something and start feeling the panic that it will make me fat, that I should do something to get rid of it, puke, exercise, not eat anything else.  I think these thoughts and feelings are normal.  I have been trying to calm myself down when this happens.  To not over-correct for the situation. To let myself naturally drift back to eating regularly and normally.  At least that is what I am trying to do, sometimes I just vomit up everything and stay messed up all the rest of the day.  I think binging/overeating and anorexia/bulimia are two sides of the same coin.  I think your weight is really low and you need to see a doctor immediately to prevent it from going lower.  I see that you wrote this post in December so I hope you went to your doctor/therapist.
on 3/26/12 2:52 pm
Topic: RE: my husband has bi polar
my sister has very volatile mood swings.  The best thing I have found is to  practice not being swept up in them.  I imagine my self with armor.  I tell myself she is being crazy right now and what she is saying is a result of her volatility.  I don't participate when she is like that.  I don't engage her while she is ranting or out of control.  I maintain my calm and let her rage wash away.  I don't let her drag me into her drama.  It is hard to do and I am not perfect.  I have been working on it a long time.  You may not be able to get the support you need for your weight loss from him.  He may simply not have it to give.  You need to worry about your needs right now.  Seek support from others.  You can't help him until you are in a good, supported place.
on 3/26/12 2:43 pm
Topic: Smudge Perfection
I am trying to adjust my 0 to 60mph, all or nothing, black or white kind of thinking.  I find it really hard, and I did not realize how much perfectionism is part of my life.  I am starting to exercise, and in my head I am thinking Iron Man and marathon.  That is a ridiculous amount of pressure to put on myself when I have been nearly house bound for years.  My sister says to make my goal consistent exercise 3x a week.  I am flummoxed by the simplicity of the goal.  Yet, she is probably right, because I have never consistently exercised.  I have gone 2 weeks at best, two days at 3 hours a day at most.  I always give up, usually within a few days of starting.  My expectations were to high to even contemplate, and I ran away from such monumental plans.  So I am going to try it, 3 times a week, for three months, let that be my one and only exercise goal and expectation.  My brain is howling at me to try for more, make the Olympics, be the best, the gold ring.  That type of thinking is my problem.  That type of thinking immobilizes me.  It makes it impossible for me to accomplish any task.  It sets me up, really I am setting myself up, to fail.  So try  something different and maybe get different results.  Try instead to keep something going long term.  Be comfortable with less than maximum effort, less than perfection.  We shall see ......... 
on 3/23/12 2:09 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: my husband has bi polar
That has to be difficult to live that way. I'm not familiar with bipolar myself so I would suggest you get on the internet and read as much as you can about it. If he is still having such dramatic swings it sounds like he may need different or an adjustment to his meds. From what little I have read it seems they usually can keep it on a fairly even keel with the right med combo. Still tho read everything your can on it, the more you know the easier it's going to be to know when to bring things up with him. I wish you the best of luck and hang in there!
on 3/21/12 1:00 pm
RNY on 02/13/12
Topic: my husband has bi polar
 ok so my husband has good days and bad days im 5 weeks and 2 days post op rny and he says all i think about is how i can spend money i really want to star****er aerobics next month to help me with joint issues anyways he hasnt always been like this some days hes supportive some days all we seem to do is argue is there anything i can do to get through his low days i dont know what goes through a bi polar persons mind when they are in their low periods please help


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