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on 3/19/09 6:05 am - Spicewood, TX
Topic: RE: how to permanently cure oneself of ever drinking too much again
I hope for your sake you are right - that it has cured you. I can tell you that I did what you did many, many times. Clearly - it was not a cure for me.
I have detoxed more times than I care to admit - sometimes at home and sometimes in the hospital. I finally came to realize that I can not drink. I am an alcoholic and alcohol can not be part of my life.
That said - take hear - you are NOT the worst or stupidest person in the world. Many an alcoholic has done the same thing and done it many times.
on 3/19/09 3:23 am
Topic: RE: how to permanently cure oneself of ever drinking too much again
I say go a good two month with even a social drink and see how you r.  if can not go without even having a social coctail, there is a severe problem there and that needs to be addressed.
on 3/19/09 1:02 am - Hamilton, NJ
Topic: RE: how to permanently cure oneself of ever drinking too much again
I don't think the worst of you.  You went on a binge.  Now get over it.  You got it out of your system.  Get to an AA meeting.  Get some help.  You are an alcoholic.  There, I said it.  How does that make you feel?  I am not trying to be mean or hurtful, but it is the truth.  In all honesty, you cannot have another drink, ever, even in social settings.  Just be done with it.  You don't need it.  I've been there.  I am 9 months sober yesterday.  I know its a short time, but I work my program really hard and I want this badly.  My drinking career was short (about 18 months) (transfer addiction) so recovery has been relatively smooth.  Please get some help.  I am here if you ever want to chat  - PM me.  Kathy
on 3/18/09 11:13 pm - Yardley, PA
Topic: how to permanently cure oneself of ever drinking too much again

the good news: chances are i'm not a life-long alocoholic--for over a month i have not had a craving to drink too much and, other than some light and enjoyable social drinking (a glass of wine at a bar with my boyfriend kind of thing), i've stayed away from alcohol. another bit of good news: i'm pretty sure i will never binge drink again.

now the bad news: how i was 'cured" is nothing to be proud of--it;s just that i learned my lesson the unbeleievably embarassing and physically painfull way about month ago. i know upon reading this you guys will think the worst of me ****rtainly feel like an idiot) but i feel have to own up to what happened (or, rather, what i did to myself.).

about a months ago (ironically, on a Valentine's day weekend), i was happily celebrating with my boyfriend by having dinner at a wonderful accompanied by impessive (but by not means outrageous) amount of chmpagne. for some reason not only did i not stop on time but, when we got home, proceeded to drink a couple  (o.k. maybe 3 or 4 ) bottles of champagne he had in his house that night untill i passed out but, not to be deterred, i resumed drinking the chmpange the next morning (in fact, as soon as i woke up.) to make this sory even more unbelieable, after i ran out of all the champagne my boyfriend had in the house (about 6 bottles--and no, he doesn't have a drinking problem, so much champagne was there because a while back he was in NJ for work and stopped by one of those giant discount liquor warehouses (with don't have those in PA) on his was back and decided to take advantage of the great deals and volume discounts by picking quite a few things, like his favorite brand premium beer, some good wine and a case of  champagne brand i really liked. again, that was all great since the idea was for this collection to last for months and to be enjoyed in moderation, brought to dinner/pary invitations, shared with friendsetc. That was exactly how it was used until i managed to drink all that remaining chanpagne in a course of 24 hours.

to continue the unbelievable saga, after i finished all of it and there was no more alcohol in the house, i was still unbelievably thirsty. i asked my b/f to drive me to the store and picked up 2 cases of beer (i guess i was craving variety.) that was on saturday and i don't remember much until monday afternoon when i woke up, went to get another beer and discovered the supply was gone--my b/f literary cut me off. apparently i literally lost 2 days of my life--according to my boyfriend for 2 days i alternated between being passed out, waking up only yo drink some more--for 2 WHOLE DAYS. i don't remember much of it--i guess they call it a blackout.

and that was nothing compared compared to what followed that evening and over the next week--i literary thought i was going to die--i never flet worse in my life--i'm not talking about a hangover,i'm talking about shaking uncontrollable for days, extreme hot and cold flashes, heart palplatations, bordeline hallucinations and, worst of all extreme fear and anxiety. my boyfriend looked it up on line and, apparently, those were classic symptoms of alcohol withdrawal that can happen after an extreme binge drinking episode. he offered to take me to my doctor or even the e.r but i literary didn;t have the strength to move and get dressed. To make matters worse, when he called my doctor for me, the doctor's advice was to drink a lot of fluids, etc., and to take a large doze of klonopin (a benzo) to relieve the accute physical/anxiety symptoms. I am on klonopin anyway for an anxiety disorder but somewhere in my drunken stupor that weekend lost my bottle and had no access to the medication. I knew i couldn't tell my doctor since claiming to lose a potentially addictive medication is a classic sign of prescription drug abuse and he would not replenish my supply and probably not proscribe it to me in the future as well. ironically, the part about losing the med. was true and i don't abuse my medications but i knew there was no way that would be believed in light of my drinking rampage.

anyway, i had the worst week of my life and will stop boring you with anymore gory details. i've felt worse physically or mentally (suffice it to say RNY has nothing on alcohol withdrawal).

the worst part is that i did it to myself for absolutely no reason and deserved all the pain and embarassment 10 times over.  i never have done or experienced anything like that before and never will again.

if anything good came out of it, is that it scared me off binge-drinking for life--i simply could never endure the physical pain of those so-called withdrawal symptoms, the embarassment and all the rest of it ever again. it's not willpower, it's just self-preservation.

anyway, just had to tell you guys. did anything like that (the extreme drinking episode and the accute withdrawal )ever happen to any of you? or am i really the worst and the stupidest person in the universe?



Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/18/09 10:05 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: Grateful Post..
Happy Friday Eve..

Today I am grateful..

For 80 cents.. LOL

That I realize I am a grown man and I have to live with my choices..

For Nina.. I have more respect for you than you will ever know.. Now throw that shoulder..

For the great conversation at coffee last night..

That I am going to see my family this weekend and just hang out..
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/17/09 10:04 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: Grateful Post..
Happy Hump Day..

Today is one of those days that it is hard to find something to be grateful for so I am digging deep..

Today I am grateful..

That I am going to see my family again this weekend..

For memories.. I will always have them..

For the people that made those memories possible..

That old news is new news to those who have never heard about it..

For myself.. Sometimes you have to have some me time..
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
on 3/17/09 9:21 pm - So. Easton, MA
Topic: RE: Feeling stronger...
I think I'll check them out after all. This is day two home sick from work and yesterday I picked up more dvd's. I need to relax a little on the guilty feelings I throw at myself, but start using cash more. A LOT more. I'm glad baseball season is starting'll just about consume me. LOL.



Patricia R.
on 3/17/09 12:37 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: Back to my treatment program
Finally, after almost a month, I am back to my treatment program.  I had been sick after my surgery and unable to attend.  I finally got well enough to get back there tonight, and I am thrilled.  It is the best group I had ever attended.  God is so good to me these days. 

I am feeling positive about where my recovery is right now.  I want to attend my AA meetings.  I want to attend my groups.  I am working my fourth step, and loving my program right now.  I have never said that in all my 19 years in AA.

Just needed to drop in and share where I am at.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 3/17/09 12:32 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Feeling stronger...
Hey Girlie,
Sounds like you are doing some serious footwork.  You go!!!!!   Keep up the good work.  Did I ever tell you about the Debtors Anonymous meeting I attended years ago?  You might want to check them out.

Keep up the good work.  You know I love ya.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/17/09 12:41 am - Spicewood, TX
Topic: RE: Dreams of suicide?
Check out the side effects of your new medication - I do know that some medications have side effects of weird/scary dreams - my mother is on one and she has nightmares almost every night.
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