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on 2/12/13 7:40 am
I don't know if I can offer any solutions but I can empathize with your situation. I have had plenty of experience with PhDs and MDs who know how to do what the textbooks say but don't really know how to connect. My generally cynical nature wasn't helped when I noticed the pens, mugs, bags, etc., they used had the logos on the very same drugs they were prescribing for me.
I mainly use exercise to burn off my restlessness. If my mind is spinning too fast I put my headphones and start walking until I'm tired. I don't know if I'll ever be really happy but I know I feel better now than I did a year ago when I was over 400lbs. I tell myself that I'll keep at it as long as being alive and healthy outweighs being stuck in my head.
Thank you for pointing that out, it hadn't occurred to me which is why I wrote about it in an appropriate place in hopes of talking about it.
on 2/11/13 11:30 pm
You're not alone, but unfortunately the social stigma around mental health issues means people don't like to talk about it.
I'm curious to see how it went? I got a clean bill on my evaluation, but wish I hadn't had the surgery since it made my psych issues flare/worse. Hope you are well.
After surgery my Bipolar II changed and my moods began swinging up rather than down. All my life I've been used to handle down, but now the ups are really getting to me... they are what I think of when the rest of the world thinks of Bipolar; "crazy". I can't sleep away my time or find things to do that can hold my interest. I used to say I would rather be happy than fat... now I feel sad and skinny (only I don't feel skinny). I don't have a good doctor and my major best treatment has been ECT, which I can't afford. I am sad and feel very alone.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. ~Hellen Keller
Just saw this news thru the American Counseling Association: Lady Gaga is offering teens counseling with mental health professionals during her tour, focusing on brief chats on site and referrals to community counselors. Go her!
First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11, Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13, (1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.
I am post op 7 months on the 6th. I had the rny done. I had known for years that i suffered from sever depression and ocd issues. but my therapist recently told me she believes I am bipolar and have borderline personality disorder... I don't disagree with the diagnoses. Because I am literally crawling out of my skin at times to do certain things that are not good for me, my family,or my marriage. I am posting here today looking for emotional support more than any thing. I have a wonderful hubby and kids (ages 25 to 9) and a good life. But sence I can no longer turn to food I am afraid of starting some risky behaviors..( as in going to some old behaviors.)
Is there any one else out there who knows they are blessed and fights there own private war every minute of every day to stay on the "straight and narrow" ????
Thanks for taking time to read this............
"episodes" come and go. mental illness can last a lifetime - i'm going on 30 years living with it! it sounds to me like you're having suboptimal treatment. are you in selkirk MB? if so, i suggest going with the community mental health program rather than through a family doctor, if you're not already. i had good luck with venlafaxine but didn't like the sexual side effects so i switched to a non-ssri, which was disastrous, and am now on citalopram. i found the venlafaxine was better. perhaps you can ask about adjunct medications and alternative therapies - bright light therapy if your episodes worsen during the winter, for example. exercise helps too (but with all the excess weight that can really be challenging).
i'm happy to talk about this more if you want to bounce ideas off each other. my depression can get very severe, but i'm hanging in there.
again, i'm not sure if you're in selkirk MB but if so there are a number of good books at the library, including Mind Over Mood which is more cognitive-behavioural.