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Virgie Tschirhart
on 2/24/13 8:10 am, edited 3/2/13 9:16 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17
Topic: Manic Depressive who needs a 2nd Revision? VSG to DS or RNY?

Hi Everyone, (I'm new here and I'm excited that I found this forum. Finally some peeps that can understand me).

I have been suffering with depression since June of 1988 that is when my brother, whom I loved dearly, had a massive stroke and almost died. Then in December of 1988 my mom died, I felt like my world was ending, I was the baby of the family and we lived together.  In 2004, I lost my brother who had the stroke, he was like a father to me then I knew needed some help I went to see a psychiatrist and started taking medication for my depression. In 2005 my other brother had an aneurysm that almost killed him.   Since then I have had several other things that have happened that added more depression to my life.  

I take Effexor XR 150 mgs, Effexor 150 mg.  I was taking Lamtical 150 mg because my first psychiatrist registered nurse back in 2005 diagnosed me with Bipolar but I was not Bipolar.  In Dec 2012, I went to see a Psychologist to be tested for depression and possible ADD. I was diagnosed with Adult ADD so now I take Adderall 40 mg.  

In 2008, I had the Lap Band and I hated it.  I lost 17 lbs and gained it back.

I 2009, I had the Sleeve, I did lose 35 lbs and gained back around 20 lbs.

Ok, I know that I would go to food for comfort and that maybe that is the reason why I never got to my goal and having a procedure with restriction only did not help. 

Now, I want to revise to the DS.  Do you think a 2nd revision to with malabsorption will help me lose my weight and get to my goal?  I want to know what you all think?  I'm 52 years old around 185 lbs, have type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and really bad acid reflux.  That is one reason why I don't think a DS would work for me. But, it is supposed to have more long lasting results and it is only natural to take the next step and get the Switch, since I already have the Sleeve.

Thanks for reading and your replies!

Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 2/23/13 10:21 pm - AL
VSG on 06/28/16
Topic: RE: Wellbutrin
Wellbutrin is not like any other antidepressant. It works by increasing dopamine in your brain and all the others work by increasing serotonin or serotonin + something else. It is very good for improving energy, motivation, and concentration and does not typically cause any weight gain or sexual side effects. Hair loss would be very rare. I hear hair loss is common after WLS so you may want to make sure it was really from the Wellbutrin. It also comes in several formulations. You may want to ask for the immediate release form which isn't prescribed much anymore because you will likely have difficulty absorbing the controlled release forms. It does not come in a liquid. Hope that helps.
on 2/22/13 10:33 am - Fargo, ND
RNY on 02/22/12
Topic: RE: Wellbutrin

Hopefully that's one side effect I don't have. Lol

  Highest weight : 315 lbs, Surgery weight: 298.5 lbs, Current weight: 183.5 lbs





on 2/22/13 5:23 am
Topic: RE: Wellbutrin

I took Wellbutrin for a few months but I stopped since the only effect it seemed to have on me was hair loss.

on 2/22/13 4:29 am - Fargo, ND
RNY on 02/22/12
Topic: Wellbutrin

Anyone have any experience with taking Wellbutrin? My PCP just called & said he was going to put me on this & to keep taking my 40 mg of Celexa. Would love to hear of anyone's experiences with this drug post op or even pre op. Thanks!

  Highest weight : 315 lbs, Surgery weight: 298.5 lbs, Current weight: 183.5 lbs





on 2/21/13 8:16 am
Topic: Anyone on Latuda?

I just started Latuda for Bipolar 2.   New med and least I know what I am now....just wish I knew who I was.  I don't feel like myself anymore.

on 2/20/13 2:32 am - Fargo, ND
RNY on 02/22/12
Topic: Depression

I've been really struggling with depression the past few days now. I have called out of work the past 2 days now. I need help. I need to see a therapist, I know I do. I've needed to see one for some time now. I have been going off plan eating things I know I should not for a few weeks now & they have slowly been creeping into my life for the past few months now. Carbs! Why can't I just say no Jen you don't need that it is bad for you & that be the end of it. I've started hiding what I eat too which I did before surgery because I'm embarressed of what I'm eating or how much I'm eating. My husband tries to help me when we go grocery shopping by saying you don't need that, which I appreciate but at the same time I'm like who are you to tell me what I can eat & I wait till I go shopping alone & buy it. I'm a food addict & I'm admitting it today. I think about food too much & what I'm eating next. I wish I couldn't smell then it would all taste bad & I would just eat to survive. I know thats how I need to look at it. Food as fuel not for pleasure. I know this surgery was a tool & it doesn't fix our heads. I need help & tomorrow when I go for my 1 year visit I'm going to talk to my surgeon about seeing a therapist. I don't like letting people down or myself for that matter & everytime I do wrong I feel so bad & hate myself for it but it doesn't stop me from doing wrong again. I type this with tears streaming down my face. I've been so emotional the past couple of days & finally I broke down talking to my husband this morning. He tells me just make yourself stop doing those things. He doesn't understand at all. It's not that simple. You tell a drug addict, alcoholic or gambler to just stop doing it. Yeah right! It's just as much an addiction as any of the above stated & not easily stopped. I hate hate hate myself. I like to make everyone think everything is going so great & I've got this down, but no I don't. I did really well in the beginning but now I'm a wreck. I do pretty good during the day but at night is when I binge & mostly in my room. I take an assortment of crap to my room & a meal, well what would be a meal for us & will sit & watch TV & eat over a few hours before going to sleep. This was my thing before RNY it is my way of winding down the day before sleeping. I also have to take a lot of sleep aid to sleep, which my doctor told me was ok if it helped me sleep. I kinda find that weird, but whatever. I am currently on 40mg of Celexa a day for depression but I don't know that it is working well now. I told my PCP last month I think it needs adjusted but at the same time I was having issues with the hernias & he wanted to wait & see if it was just the pain causing my sad feelings. I'm laying it all out here to you all because you all are the only ones in my life that can kinda understand. My husband says I am on this forum too much & that its all he sees me looking at when I'm on the computer. I told him I have to because y'all are the only ones I can relate to with this surgery. He just doesn't understand. We moved to ND & I left all my family in NC so its just my kids & my husband & myself here. Nobody else. I feel stupid because I know I'm smarter than this. I know whats right & what to do. My husband said I need to find a hobby that doesn't revolve around food. Why can't I be addicted to exercise? That would be much better. I did get a membership at our local family wellness center which I did go on Monday night with my son who is 11 & is excited about getting fit & the fact that there is an indoor pool doesn't hurt. He is wanting to get up at 5am in the mornings & go with me whereas my daughter & husband could care less about going. I haven't exercised this whole time & now it's time for me to start. I am proud of me going shopping last night with my kids & bought no junk, not that I didn't want to believe me. I told myself Jen this cycle of distructivness has to stop now. Then when we were done shopping in my head I wanted to go to DQ & get a mini reese blizzard. I stopped myself again & said NO. Why can't I just stop thinking about food. It's all mental. Sorry for rambling on & on about my messed up head but it helped me to write it all out & be accountable to somebody for this. Thanks!

  Highest weight : 315 lbs, Surgery weight: 298.5 lbs, Current weight: 183.5 lbs





on 2/17/13 11:00 am
Topic: Help! paxil not absorbing after RNY

Im on regular paxil 20 mg 2 x day (not extented release) I had RNY on 2-11-13 and since i cam home i have been having the "zapping" dizzy feeling with paxil withdrawls. I called target and i know they have a liquid but my friend is a Pharmacist said to crush them up and chase it with a drink of something sweet to get the bad flavor out. (YUCK) she said since it doenst stay in your stomach and breaksdown in your small intestine it doesnt have the time in the intestine to break down before passing through, anyone have trouble with ssri not absorbing. I have horrid panic attacks

Thanks helen

on 2/12/13 9:09 am
Topic: RE: Manic frustrated

Coffee helps slow you down? I used to drink at least one iced coffee a day and they made me a jittery mess. I don't like cold weather either but I keep reminding myself that moving around more helps me stay warm.

on 2/12/13 7:58 am - WA
Topic: RE: Manic frustrated

Thanks. I appreciate the support. Lately, coffee has been slowing me down, so I've been indulging. Walking would be much more healthy, better yet if I lived in a warm place! Again, thanks.



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