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It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin
on 6/1/09 6:45 am
For day 14..
For a special guest last night.. I love you..
That month end came and went with no issues..
For learning as I go..
For the things that make you go ahhhh..
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
Slowly, but surely, I'm becoming able to accept other people's faults as well as their virtues. The Program is teaching me to "always love the best in others--and never fear their worst." This is hardly an easy transition from my old way of thinking, but I'm beginning to see that all people--inlcuding myself--are to some extent emotionally ill as well as frequently wrong. AM I APPROACHING TRUE TOLERANCE? AM I BEGINNING TO SEE WHAT REAL LOVE FOR MY FELLOWS ACTUALLY MEANS?
May God give me tolerance for any shortcomings or sick symptoms or insensitivites of others, so that I can love the qualities that are good in them. May God instruct me in the truest meaning of love--which must also include patience and forgiveness. May I not overlook the faults of those I love, but may I try to understand them.
Love is understanding.
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin
My 2 year anniversary was April 17th, The good news is is that I am 50% of what I weighed at surgery- 287down to 144. I also no longer have sleep apnea. I look great. Cholesteral is under 200. Now for the bad news.....
However I am hypothyroid, low on iron and low on vitamin D.
I am also having MAJOR problems with anxiety and depression. I am on meds and they are not helping.
I am on Pristiq 50 mg a day and was upped to 2 x a day May 10th. Still not helping Also taking Cytomel for throyoid (hypo) and klonipin but depression and anxiety bad enough that I am in evening IOP program for the next 3-6 weeks.
Anyone have experience-insite to antidepressant/ anti-anxiety meds 2 years out Roux en-Y?
Thank you Ramon..
this also reminds me of the saying..
"... the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack. "
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin
Giving love is a fulfillment in itself. It must not matter whether love is returned or not. If I give love only to get a response on my terms, my love is cancelled out by my motives. If I have the capacity to give love, then any return I get for it is a special bonus. It is through giving love, freely and without expectations of return, that we find ourselves and build ourselves spiritually. HAVE I BEGUN TO BELIEVE, IN THE WORDS OF GOETHE, THAT "LOVE DOES NOT DOMINATE; IT CULTIVATES.."?
May I, the inveterate people-pleaser and approval-seeker, know that the only real love does not ask for love back. May God be patient as I try to practice this principle. May I rid myself of pride that throws itself in the way of love. May I discard my silly cat-and-mouse games that have no place in real love.
I will not give love to get love.
~~~~my goodness.. is this ME or what~~~~ .. people-pleaser.. approval-seeker.. Yep.. ME. When I don't get back what I give out.. many times I'm left hurt or just a feeling of let down. Yep.. ME. Think I'll make TODAY'S PRAYER.. a routine prayer for me for awhile!! and ask for the COURAGE to CHANGE!
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin
Since I've been in The Program, I've learned to redefine love. I've come to understand, for example, that sometimes it's necessary to place love ahead of indiscriminate "factual honesty." No longer, under the guise of "perfect honesty," can I cruelly and unnecessarily hurt others. Today, I always must ask myself, "What's the best and most loving thing I can do?" HAVE I BEGUN TO SOW THE SEEDS OF LOVE IN MY DAILY LIVING?
May God, in His love, show me how to be loving. May I first sense the feelings of love and caring within me and then find ways to show those feelings May I remember how many times I cut myself off from relationships because I did not know how either to let myself feel love or to show what I did feel.
When I feel love, I will be loving.
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin