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on 4/18/13 3:41 pm
Topic: one month out... depressed and regretting it.

I have had depression for many years, but now its gotten a lot worse. I keep feeling like I shouldnt have done this procedure. I see the weight coming off, but I cant feel any joy that I should be feeling. Im on a lot of medication for my moods but they are short acting and run through my system too quickly. I usually get very depressed in the mornings when I wake up and havent had my pills for awhile. Could this be my hormones adjusting or the loss of a coping mechanism? Has anyone else had regrets or depression after surgery?

on 4/18/13 3:39 pm
Topic: RE: psych meds and malabsorption?

My dr told me I cant be on extended release pills anymore.  I have to do immediate release now.  Im not sure what your pills are, but check.  Also, you have to stay on a regular schedule when on the immediate release, they leave your system quickly after surgery.  You need to be able to take them 12 hours apart.  I sleep too much so when i wake up i get very depressed because I havent had my pills in about 14 hours.  They will flush out of you so quickly.  Another thing is that with my program, and it might be most programs, you can only take one pill every 15 minutes.  And the pills have to be small, so I have to cut some in half.  This means that since I take about 5 prescriptions it takes me about 2-3 hours to take them all.  Just food for thought.  GL!

J. t
on 4/11/13 2:19 am - Canada
Topic: RE: psych meds and malabsorption?

thank you! yes, that is very  helpful. it sounds like i am right to worry. i'll have to check with my psych to see if there are shorter-release versions of what i take, and when i go for my consult i should ask to see if i can go for the sleeve instead of the RNY. i'm not sure what the solution will ultimately be..


i'm sorry you've been having difficulties. i hope you get your mix right. every one of my psych meds lists weight gain as a side effect.. if i didn't need them to function i'd so like to get off them. but you gotta do what you gotta do..

referred nov 2012 accepted march 2013 orientation october 2014. sw: 287

on 4/10/13 8:34 am
Topic: RE: Starting a new anti-depressant tomorrow

I took that combo for awhile it helped, but I was still having symptoms. I gained about 5 pounds with the Wellbutrin, with no change of diet or excersize.

Then the doc stopped the wellbutrin and put me on Prozac plus Ambilify...that helped for 4 months but it caused me to gain 40 pounds and I couldn't sleep at all!!

Now I'm off Ambilify and on Prozac and Doxipen...I am sleeping now..YEAH...but I still have symptoms so doc will probably add or increase somethiing.

I'm now trying to lose the pounds that I PCP said it should come off slowly now that I'm off the Ambilify. I am thinking that maybe something else is going on with my RNYand the weight gain wasn't totally the meds.since I am having pain and discomfort after eating.  I am going to see the doctor that did my surgery Monday to see if my pouch has streched, my stoma has strched or that my pouch has attached back to my remnent stomach.

I hope the combo works for you...depression is terrible!



on 4/10/13 7:51 am
Topic: RE: psych meds and malabsorption?

I have found that any meds that are "long lasting" or "time released" do not work with my RNY. They just go right through with out dissolving.I didn't have any problems after surgery with my meds that I had been taking.I was stable for along time after surgery.

Unfortunetly I have been having trouble the last 6 months with my depression and am trying to find a mixture of meds to help me get stablized again. The doc put me on Amblilify for 3 months and I gained 40  pounds back after staying at 155 pounds for 4 years after my RNY. I am currently researching having a revision for my RNY. I have an appointment on Monday with the doctor that did my surgery to make sure it was the Ambilify and not anything internal that caused the weight gain because I have been having pain and discomfort after eating anything solid.

Good luck with your surgery...I hope I helped you...


on 4/8/13 1:03 pm
Topic: RE: Manic Depressive who needs a 2nd Revision? VSG to DS or RNY?


I am so sorry to hear about all of your troubles. Although I am not diagnosed with any mental disorders at this time, I am in school getting my Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner license. I really felt compelled to respond to you because of several factors. I really hope you understand I am saying this in a very kind and concerned voice. I really am concerned for you.

First, I wouldn't recommend jumping into another surgery right now. It would just cause a lot of unneeded stress in your life and something as intensive as a DS would be very difficult to deal with, especially with the related job struggles you talked about.

Second, you have a tool already. Why not try using it more effectively? The sleeve is only as good as you use it and I would encourage you to take a look around these boards and possibly take a peak at the VSG boards. There are some great members over there who have gotten to goal weight. Honestly, if you were not as successful with the sleeve, do you think you would do much better with the DS? It is much different with many supplements needed. Perhaps, doing some more research on what people are eating would help by looking at that forum

Third, you need to decide what will make you happy and get healthy. Perhaps talking with your psychologist and any other health professional about different meds if those aren't working or other types of therapy.

I really just want you to understand what jumping into surgery will look like from the other side. Maybe start with some exercising now and small changes in your diet to see how things progress. Focus on becoming healthier at this point in time and really thinking about how this going to affect you long term.

Best wishes.



J. t
on 4/1/13 1:40 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Manic Depressive who needs a 2nd Revision? VSG to DS or RNY?
It sounds like you are not stable enough. I would not consider surgery if you are not stable.

I would also be extremely cautious with malabsorptive procedures as they may make your meds less effective.

Surgery will not deal with past traumas or make you like your job. I think you're in a bad place and need to work on some of that before any procedure will be successful as it may make compliance an issue.

referred nov 2012 accepted march 2013 orientation october 2014. sw: 287

J. t
on 3/31/13 8:55 am - Canada
Topic: psych meds and malabsorption?

i take a relatively high dose of Celexa as well as Lamictal, Trazodone, and Risperidone. i've been fairly stable for a long time and go back right away when i need tweaking.

the program i'm in normally performs RNY. they also recently added VSG. i'm concerned about malabsorption of my meds - would that be an issue with the RNY? the last thing i need is to become destabilized in the middle of a major life changing surgery and recovery.

i'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. it'll be a long time til i meet with the surgeon, psych, etc but the sooner i can learn what to expect and how to work with it, the better.

referred nov 2012 accepted march 2013 orientation october 2014. sw: 287

on 3/29/13 6:16 am - CA
Topic: feeling blue

I am two weeks post op and within the last few days, I have started going through the blues of depression.  I have absolutely no energy, am weepy all the time, and just don't feel like doing anything.  I know I was told this could happen, but how long can I expect it to certainly isn't fun and I am not really enjoying the great aspect of my weight loss.  Any words of encouragement would greatly help.


Revision - Lapband to RNY 3/15/2013 = Highest weight: 244 lbs, Surgery weight: 230 lbs, Goal Weight: 130         


on 3/24/13 1:25 am - Fargo, ND
RNY on 02/22/12
Topic: Starting a new anti-depressant tomorrow

So after my PCP added Wellbutrin 150 mg to my Celexa 40 mg I noticed I was more irratable & snappy. My PCP decided that it was time to change to a different anti-depressant. I had been on Celexa for 13 years, but he said they just in the past year have been finding out that Celexa is having a lot of drug interactions. So after wheening myself off Celexa this past week, which by the way I can really tell the difference that it's not in my system as it has been. I will be starting Prozac 20mg with the Wellbutrin 150mg tomorrow. I really hope this combo does well for me. I also hope I will now be able to sleep at night too. My PCP said that it may help with that as well since I have not slept a complete night since surgery.

Anyone taking the prozac/wellbutrin combo? Or have taken the combo? Would like to hear from you with your experiences with it.

  Highest weight : 315 lbs, Surgery weight: 298.5 lbs, Current weight: 183.5 lbs





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