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Shelley L.
on 8/2/09 10:36 pm - overland park, KS
Topic: RE: Pre-menstrual dysmorphic disorder

Hmm, well hopefully I can get in to see a psych doc soon, in the mean time i'll stick with the 100 zoloft, but I really dont think it's helping much, i'm also taking clonazapam and ativan for anxiety and ambien for sleep, and believe it or not, i still dont sleep much, mostly related to my anxeity/depression at the moment. 


So maybe I'll mention effexor, and i know pristiq is new, i worry about insurance paying for that, i dont have bipolar, just depression and anxiety. 

 i really dont think the clonanapam helps much, but i keep taking it until i see someone, cuz i just dont want to abruptly stop, ya know/

 thanks for your advice.

 347/194-back up to 215/189  48lbs lost before surgery!






on 8/2/09 11:25 am
Topic: RE: 41 days clean and sober
  Yay!  Way to go!  Feels good huh?!
on 8/2/09 4:19 am - Spicewood, TX
Topic: RE: Pre-menstrual dysmorphic disorder
Yes - I have. Actually - before I had my wls. My physician at the time had me on Zoloft also. Once I had the surgery - it simply no longer worked for me.
I then switched to Effexor TR and that worked for a little while and then quit working.
I am now on Pristiq (which is chemically similar to Effexor) and so far so good. (I have to let you know that I am also bipolar - so the meds are for treating that also.)
on 8/2/09 12:21 am - So. Easton, MA
Topic: A short re-cap
Hi folks!!

I haven't been online much lately. I've let baseball season consume me more than I thought possible. (who am I kidding?? I AM an addict after all right!?)  I haven't had a drink in 23 years, a cigarette in 22, haven't overspent in ONE week.  That's been harder than anything else so far. I traded one addiction for another and another and another....I guess that's a recurring theme for many of us.

I just had my two year surgiversary yesterday!! I'm seeing my nutritionist on Monday and was just fitted with a continuous glucose monitor along with my insulin pump. I've had type 1 diabetes for 40 years now and have lost most of my sensitivity to blood sugar changes. I feel like the insulin dependent Borg....(resistance is futile)!  I'm having trouble sticking to my protein program AND exercise. This past week I've been better about hopping on the dreadmill and lifting weights though. I just need to make the effort and keep it going!

Hope everyone is doing well and feeling good!!



on 8/1/09 10:35 am
Topic: RE: Support for those w/Alcoholism after surgery
Hello, Pat,

I am so glad that I came across your message. I am about 6.5yrs. post-op, and have had problems with drinking for about 4yrs. I have tried AA several times with no avail. I also suffer from many mental health issues, which doesn't seem to help the matter. I have atttempted to see counselors, however, they did not have a lot of knowledge with the drinking, eating, and mental health combination. Unfortunately, my life is worse than before I had the surgery. How are you doing? Outside of AA did you find other things to help? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks. Jane
Shelley L.
on 7/31/09 1:00 pm - overland park, KS
Topic: Pre-menstrual dysmorphic disorder

Has anyone been diagnosed with this? I swear this is what I have. I was doing fine up until about a week and half ago, and sure enough went into a super funk of depression right before my period. I've always had mild symptoms, but it just seems to be getting worse and worse. i'm currently on zoloft, was on 50mg and increased to 100 this last week. i dont think it's helping. I had surgery 8 mos ago and I'm skeptical of some of the meds working the same way they do in others. ya know? 

Has anyone had any luck with other meds to try for this? Unfortuntely the psychiatrist I was seeing, has closed her practice and it's been hell to try to get into another one. WHY do they only have appointments 2 mos in advance??? My regular doc wasn't much help, she gave me refills on some stuff, but that was about it. 



 347/194-back up to 215/189  48lbs lost before surgery!






Shelley L.
on 7/31/09 12:49 pm - overland park, KS
Topic: RE: new, pregnant and have bipolar
sorry to hear you're are struggling. Congrats on your pregnancy, 36wks, you're almost there! I know how you feel, I take care of pregnant women and being off your meds all that time can be brutal! Remember to give yourself time to adjust, as those after delivery hormones can be wacky. Don't worry about your feelings towards your baby and make sure you have some help for a while, not only to phsycially recover from your c-section but to get back on track with your meds. Goodluck!

 347/194-back up to 215/189  48lbs lost before surgery!






Sarah D.
on 7/30/09 5:58 am - Waynesville, MO
Topic: RE: new, pregnant and have bipolar
I know what its like to be bipolar and off almost all meds. Its also hard being hormonal also. I know that just monthly periods are killer on my mental heath. I've never been pregnant, but I can only imagine. Right now I need atleast 3 mood stablizers to keep me at a happy level and will need to be off all of them if I get pregnant. Last time I was off all my mood stablizers was when I switched from depakote to lithium and that was hell. Like I said before I can only imagine. Just try and keep calm. The baby needs you to stay calm. I hope all goes well with the c-section and hopefully you meds wont be messed up for long after the c-section. I am praying for you.

Michael S.
on 7/30/09 1:47 am, edited 7/30/09 1:47 am - WI
REALIZE Band on 02/20/09 with
Topic: Grateful Post (Filling in for Ramon)
Today I am grateful ...

For being alive...

For having some good days...

It's not a sign of weakness to seek help when you need it.
The only sign of weakness is NOT to seek the help you need.

530/428.6/363.0/200 (High/Surg/Cur/Goal)
7.0cc in my 9.5cc Band (Sweet Spot) - Winning my Battle Against Obesity Thanks to Weight Loss Surgery

on 7/29/09 6:03 am - Tallahassee, FL
Topic: RE: My DAD is making things worse....
I feel the same way about my sister! She's lost weight on her own, she's got a college degree, a nice house, nice cars, she's successful and I am stuck in this rut dealing with this mental illness I was dealt! I think about suicide a lot as well, but I won't do that to the people who are there for me and I know that it's not the answer. Everyone in my family has issues, but the difference between them and I is that I choose to face mine and if that makes me the outcast than so be it! We shouldn't hide behind our issues it only makes them worse! I had to learn that I'm not supposed to be like my sister, I was given this for a reason and I believe that reason is to help others. We are more compassionate because we understand what it's like and we live it every day! Think about it this way, you have the ability to help someone who's going through the same things you are and there's no telling how many lives you could save! Don't ever be ashamed of who you are!!
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