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on 8/20/09 9:58 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Topic: RE: Hello all!

Good morning Elena..  I think you are a smart woman for seeking assistance for your spiritual problems.  As they say..  our WLS operated on our stomachs.. not our heads.. or heart!  

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

on 8/20/09 9:55 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
After we take an inventory, determining and admiting the exact nature of our wrongs, we become "entirely ready," as the Sixth Step suggests, "to have God remove all these defects of character."  Sure, it's easy to feel like that and be "entirely ready" on  a morning-after, but we know in such desperate moments that our motive may be remorse rather than repentance,  induced more by a throbbing head than a contrite heart.  The further we get away from the last addictive binge, the better the wrong-doing looks -- more innocent, possibly even more attractive.  AM I READY THEN TO "HAVE GOD REMOVE ALL THESE DEFECTS OF CHARACTER..."?

May I be "entirely ready" for God to remove my defects of character. May those words "entirely ready" re-summon my determination in case it should fade with time and sobriety.  May God be my strength, since I alone cannot erase my faults.

I am "entirely ready."

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

Patricia R.
on 8/20/09 9:08 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Hello all!
I am so glad you are considering therapy to help you sort out the emotional baggage that went along with the eating behaviors.  I did things differently.  I had 17 years of therapy for my eating disorder before I had my surgery.  I had also been in outpatient treatment for the eating prior to the surgery.  The surgery just intensified my emotions, and gave me some heavy duty stuff to work on in therapy.

Good luck with your next step.  It is worth the effort.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/17/09 3:42 am - Santa Clarita, CA
Topic: RE: Hello all!
Therapy has been a life savor for me... It's hard to discuss this stuff but it is very needed in my life right now.  Good luck to you!

Started my journey - 450 lbs (VBG)
Had a revision at - 262 lbs (RNY)

Yelena K.
on 8/16/09 11:05 pm - Plymouth, MN
Topic: Hello all!
Not sure how active this forum is or if there are any regulars, but just wanted to say HI!  I have come to realize that behind the fat there were some major emotional issues lurking. Let me tell you, it was quite a surprise. I thought I was emotionally stable and healthy. I guess not so much.

I am now considering seeing a therapist because I know I need that extra boost. I have been dealing with things... self-worth, body-image, daddy issues... by myself but it's time I get some help.

2019: 11 years out and maintaining a loss of 150lbs.

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susan in sugar land
on 8/16/09 10:07 pm - SUGAR LAND, TX
Topic: RE: Anxiety/Insmonia - 3 weeks post op - Help!
I have had sleep (or the lack of) issues for a long time and my psychiatrist prescribed Trazadone (non-narcotic) and it works for me.  Be very careful with Xanax/Valium/etc. as they are addictive.  I know of what I speak....I had to be taken off of them too and I now live with tiny anxiety attacks vs. the ones where I thought that I couldn't breathe.  If you need to talk, pm me.  I've had some other issues going on that have given me the gift of learning how to cope with stress (life) with new skills.  As long as you're getting some sleep/rest you should be ok. 
susan in sugar land
on 8/16/09 10:02 pm - SUGAR LAND, TX
Topic: RE: Catching Up
I am really glad that you called your sponsor instead of listening to the insanity of alcoholism.  Bravo!  Hope your toe gets better.
susan in sugar land
on 8/16/09 10:00 pm - SUGAR LAND, TX
Topic: RE: Self soothing Skills
When I start feeling out-of-sorts, the first thing I do is to pick up my phone and call my sponsor and friends/mentors, that always works.  I also read, meditate, pray and write.  I have found that there are small phrases (ex:  one day at a time, take it easy, etc.) that really slow my head & heart rate down.
Patricia R.
on 8/16/09 11:22 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Self soothing Skills
Hi Catnip,
I have a variety of self-soothing skills in my arsenal.

1. Deep breathing exercises
2. Visualization exercises
3. Journaling
4. Physical Exercises
5. Crochet/Knit
6. Read a meditation book
7. Read my Coping Cards
8. Prayer

I have more, but these are my regular activities.  I must do these on a regular basis, not just in a crisis. 

Good Luck,

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/16/09 7:01 am - Ottawa, Canada
Topic: Self soothing Skills

First i want to say how nice it is to see this forum being used. I check on it semi regularly and there were never many posts. It is nice to see people using this forum to help each other.

It a couple of the reccent posts people have talked about self soothing skills. This is the first time i have heard this term. I have looked it up online and have the idea. My question to you is...

What ways do you self sooth?


Citrate or Bust (a few bones) !
catnip.gif picture by catnipcook

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