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on 9/7/09 2:21 am - Winfield, KS
Topic: RE: 90 days
That is so exciting, Trish! Good work. I know you will do a great job speaking. What a wonderful opportunity to praise God for all the transforming work He's doing in your heart and life. Let us know how it goes.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Patricia R.
on 9/6/09 11:21 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: 90 days
90 days ago, I stopped drinking and started rigorously working my AA program.  Last night I went to a meeting and was asked to speak at a meeting this coming Saturday.  I will be finished my treatment program this week, and starting to live my life.

I am working on my 4th step this month and trying to get that done is a bear.  I will not give up, I just am not thrilled with what I am learning about myself.

Have a great week.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 9/6/09 11:35 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Completely cured my anxiety, but now I have another problem!!
Hi there,
I can empathize with your loss.  My younger brother died three years ago of blood clots, and he was 40.  Then, a little more than a year later, my older brother died of the same thing at 56. 

I am familiar with xanax, as I was on it when I first got sober.  I had to go off of it, and can only take Buspar these days for my anxiety.

If you want to get off the Xanax, talk to your doctor and discuss your options for tapering off of it.  OR, check into a rehab and detox off them there.  Addiction to benzos is nothing new to rehabs.  There are plenty of decent people in my treatment program who became addicted to something by accident, either painkillers because of surgery, or tranquilizers the way you did. 

You can also attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings for help as well.  The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using the drug.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/4/09 12:36 pm
Topic: RE: Completely cured my anxiety, but now I have another problem!!
Hey Jacky.. I'm sorry to hear about your brother.  Congradulations on overcoming your anxiety and panic attacks... It's always good to hear positive stories from people.  I also for the most part am over my anxiety.. coincidently as a result of the same program from the very site that you mentioned.  It has worked very well for me as well... As far as your addiction problem, I'm not sure but I would say the way to do it would be to probably slowly ween off of it just like you would with any other drug.. Have you told your doctor about this problem???
on 9/4/09 9:20 am
Topic: Completely cured my anxiety, but now I have another problem!!
Well, about 2 years ago I suffered a death in the family.. my brother who I grew up with my whole life died of cancer at the young age of only 35... after this happend I became what I like to call "Terminally depressed" .. I ended up losing my job because I didn't want to leave my bed and be out in the world, I just wanted my brother to come back... Sooner or later I started forcing myself to get up out of bed and by this time I was still very depressed but not enough anymore to make me completely immobilized, I also found myself to be INCREDIBLY anxious dealing with severe anxiety all throughout my days dealing with CONSTANT panic attacks.  Especially in social situations...  So a friend of mine convinced me to go see a psychologist who eventually referred me to a pyschiatrist who I began to see regularly...This doctor must have put me on and I must have tried every drug out there from zoloft to paxil, prozac, celexa, buspar, klonopin, and most recently xanax which I'm still on. 

NONE of these meds worked for me... the depression, anxiety, and worst of all-panic attacks continued.  Eventually, desperate, I began scouring the web for answers and I eventually came across this site .. .. which is this program to cure anxiety/panic attacks for good all naturally.. To make a long story short, it worked incredibly for me.. my anxiety is gone, depression as well almost all but gone, and I haven't had a panic attack in over a month.  I do though from time to time still feel sorrow over my brother.  However, this is my problem:  I'm still taking my xanax because I'm completely ADDICTED.. when I try to stop taking it I start going through incredible withdrawls mentally and physically... If I would have known of this addiction problem I would have never allowed my doctor to put me on them.  Has anyone else suffered from benzo addiction and if so, know how to safely get off it with minimal side effects??  Please any advice/comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

P.s- For those of you on SSRI antidepressants, I would really recommend taking a look at this site: .. From what I can tell looking in hindsight, these are potentially very unhealthy dangerous drugs.
Patricia R.
on 8/31/09 8:36 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: This site rocs
Hi and welcome,
I have made some friends here, and on other forums as well.  This used to be the Addictions site, and is now for all mental health issues.  I am both, so it works for me.

I hope you will feel comfortable here, and share what is happening, as well as share your experiences that help you. 


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 8/31/09 8:34 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: Stocking up on meetings.
I have been hitting a lot of AA meetings lately, because I am in a high stress period of my life. August/September is when I return to my teaching job. The job is not as stressful as it once was, but the transition period is stressful, especially as we are also in contract negotiations. Add to that, I broke my toe three weeks ago, and have been unable to work my second job, which bites into my finances horribly.

Then, Mom is in town for a birthday week, hers being one of them. If you were here in June, I had a total meltdown from a run-in with her. She is speaking to me now, but no mention of the incident, and she can hold a grudge.

So, I have been making a lot more meetings. I hit one on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I hope to get to treatment group today, and hopefully receive some sort of discharge letter to give to my primary therapist as he has concerns about me ending treatment.

I will have my 90 days of sobriety in a week. Till then, I am protecting myself with my stepwork and meetings. I fear relapsing as I did before, which was always preceded by a couple of weeks without meetings.

I appreciate the support here, as I am not one to take things like that for granted.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/31/09 10:21 am - So. Easton, MA
Topic: RE: What gives with the BMI???
Hey chickie!!

I finally walked...and had a hefty protein dinner of a shake and I had a small nectarine and prunes with breakfast. Not only am I not getting in enough veggies, but I'm way wicked low on fiber too. AND I got back to drinking water. Today I've had 60 ounces so far. I need to stop comparing now to what I used to manage.  I'm also trying to NOT bake from stress. I'm trying to detox ME and clear out my cupboards AGAIN to give myself the best chance. Course, I have Steve to think about too..and while he's a sweetheart about not bringing me pastries and junk food like he used to, he's still very much into crunchy carbs...and it's tough keeping away from HIS stuff once the bag is opened.  

Hormonal pimple cream population...LOL...gotta love it!!  The summer flew didn't it?? NOT fair!! But at least we got a few days of nice weather out of it!! :) Now I'm freezing again. I lost my 70 pound sweater and have to start wearing real coats instead of my Red Sox hoodie!! LOL...



on 8/31/09 10:14 am - So. Easton, MA
Topic: RE: What gives with the BMI???
Hi Wanda!

I ate very low carb today...all protein and only 1c. of lasagne made with whole wheat noodles. Most of that 1 cup was cheese n meat goodness. I got home from work and walked a mile on the dreadmill...then had 74 MORE grams of protein in a shake with some cheddar cheese. I am getting better about 'just doing it' and no bemoaning the fact that I "used" to do much more...I'm trying not to beat myself up.

Getting back to basics will be the key for me to feel better and drop more weight. I just can't lose sight of the prize again.

Thanks for your encouragement!!!


Patricia R.
on 8/31/09 7:35 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: What gives with the BMI???
Hey Girlie,
My surgeon suggests I only get 150-200 grams of carbs a day.  I cannot get off them though.  It's my substitute for alcohol right now.  

I also am needing more exercise, but with a broken toe, I am limited for now. 

I go back to work Tuesday...set up my classroom, sit in boring meetings, get ready for another year of fun with the homonal pimple cream population.

Hang in there.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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