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D. Switcher
on 12/17/13 12:41 pm
Topic: MH Meds and DS

Has anyone had to change the dosage of Seroquel or other meds due to malabsorption?

 Sleeve to DS Conversion - Regain 290# Current weight: 252# - VSG lowest weight: 235#  

"Serenity to Accept, Courage to Change, and Wisdom to Know..."

***all comments are my personal experience and/ or opinion***


(deactivated member)
on 12/2/13 8:06 pm - Lower Burrell, PA
Topic: RE: First time in this forum.. Rapid Cycling BP

Well, update... I finally crashed and ultimately the result was me quitting my job. Rather than be fired I quit hoping that one day I will be able to return. I loved that job and miss the kids I was taking care of, but I was having real bad anxiety even thinking about work let alone being at work. I was crying all of the time and crying at work. NOT a good combination when working with kids. So I quit. UGH. I'm hoping my Bipolar stabilizes again with the lack of so much stress. I'm still managing school but not doing real well. Right now in my class I have either a low C or high D. I need a passing grade to keep my financial aid. I can't afford to pay for schooling myself. I'm really struggling and still rapid cycling. I'm not getting any sleep and I'm still crying all of the time. It dosen't help that I'm not struggling financially as well. UGH I don't know what I'm going to do. ANy way, I hope the rest of you are doing well. Have a good week.

(deactivated member)
on 11/26/13 12:05 pm - Carlsbad, CA 92009, USA
Topic: Nursing Home Care

A nursing home is often the very best level of take care of older adults outside of a hospital. Nursing homes give what's known as tutelar care, as well as moving into and out of bed, and providing help with feeding, bathing, and dressing. However, nursing homes dissent from different senior housing facilities in this they conjointly give a high level of medical aid. A authorized  doctor supervises every patient’s care and a nurse or different medical skilled is sort of continuously on the premises. practiced medical aid is out there on website, sometimes twenty four hours daily. different medical professionals, like activity or physical therapists, are offered. this permits the delivery of medical procedures and therapies on website that will not be potential in different housing.  If you are faced with placing a family member or loved one into the care of a nursing home you should research carefully to determine the best place. If you do not get good referrals from people you know, a simple Google search can provide a lot of  Wellness Nursing home care. Carefully research each option and make sure you tour the facility before you make a final decision.


Good Luck !!


(deactivated member)
on 11/15/13 4:48 pm - Lower Burrell, PA
Topic: First time in this forum.. Rapid Cycling BP

Ok so I was diagnosed Bipolar in 2000 and have been on medications since. I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy on May 13, 2013. I chose this surgery because of the non malabsorption component for fear my meds would no longer work. I have been "BASICALLY" stable for about three years and just started working in October for the first time since 2000. I have sever anxiety attacks and have needed Klonopin to get through them, though I am currently with a counselor who is helping me with tools to work through them. I am attending school full time as well as working 30 hrs a week ( which is considered full time there)  I seem to be managing my bipolar OK for now but I fear that I will have another relapse because I have been on the verge of becoming manic for about two weeks now. Part of that is being triggered by my wls. See I had many expectations coming into this and one of them was being close to goal by my six month mark. I was a light weight at the start, being 234lbs and 5'4 BUT my weight loss has been slooooooow since the beginning with my first long stall at 11 days out. I am currently (hopefully) coming out of a month and a half stall. ( The next couple days will confirm or deny this ) I am finding that my stall has had a major effect on my eating, my thinking, my anxiety, and my bipolar. In a nut shell I'm going nuts. Every time I even SEE the scale I want to cry. But with a little bit of hope I can muster I step on every day hoping to see it move. I am starting to wonder if I have made the wrong decision in which surgery to have. I originally wanted the duodenal switch but because of malabsorption and the length of travel to have the surgery I did not have it done. Now I'm disappointed, to say the least, in my weight loss thus far. I am down to 179-183 depending on the day. I have been bouncing around these four pounds since October 2. I am so frustrated I want to cry. SO what I want to know is whether or not revision is something I should really be thinking about, and how are the effects of ryn or ds on psych medications?

on 11/12/13 1:52 am - Pittsburgh, PA
RNY on 04/09/13
Topic: Look great, lots of energy, getting stronger daily but head full of cobwebs?

So I know that I will get many responses and or message for me to contact a therapist.  Already DONE.  Waiting for a call back.

I am looking for some of you who may have had similar issues and want to get your feed back on what worked or didn't work for you.

I had surgery back in April of this year.  During surgery it was determined that I have thin blood and its harder for me to stop bleeding on my own that the average person.  This resulted in a second surgery to clean some things up and an extended hospital stay.

My high weight was 372.  Six months prior to surgery.  My surgery weight was 338 and today I weigh in at about 210#.  Yeah!! Right? 

I exerices 5-6 times a week at the gym for an hour plus and swim twice a week to move those crazy muscles you only access when swimming.   

I have never felt better physically in my life.  This includes prior to age 25 when I ran 5 miles each morning. 

I have two issues: 

1. I am very insecure about discussing my weight loss with others.  And as well all know we become the center of attention when seeing people we don't see on a regular basis.  In my profession I see people a few times a year.  So if i have 4 meetings a day, I see no less than 8 people who all want to talk about my "change".   Granted it is all positive feedback.  I am flattered I really am.  But I have always been a private person and do not liking putting my personal business on the street.   

2. I ignored the red flags and got into a serious relationship with someone I have known for years several months after surgery.  It got hot and heavy and now it is crumbling apart.  I am trying to salvage a friendship and mend a broken heart regarding our relationship/friendship.   In addition I am trying to learn from my mistake and not make the same mistake twice.  At the end of the day we probably destroyed our friendship beyond repair and need to move on and stop seeing each other.  Everyone I tell the story to says tear it off like a band aid.  It will sting but it will be over soon. 

So the purpose of my post is two fold. 

If any of you out there have advice I am all ears.  (if you just want to say see the shrink, save my time and yours.)

Please learn from my experience.  I do not recommend getting involved in relationships immediately before or after this surgery. Our bodies and minds go through significant change over a relative short time frame.   I was prepared for every physical change, challenge or complication I could imagine.  I was not prepared for the psychological part of it. Also be prepared for people treating you differently.   I see some people once or twice a week and still have to hear it every time I see them.  

Thanks in advance for any feedback.  It amazes me at the hoops we go through to prepare for this surgery at the bequest of the insurance companies.  Only to be left with minimal follow up care outside of post surgery, 3 month, 6 month appointments with our surgeons.   I had case management via my insurance company but it changed when my plan changed, so I called this AM to get re-enrolled.

I have had difficulty finding a Psychologist who knows about the RNY patient.   The surgeon at my Dr's office did not have an appointment for three weeks when I called, and referred me to another Dr who never returned my call.  IF there is anyone who can refer me to a good psychologist in Pittsburgh PA, I would appreciate it.  I have calls into a couple of Drs.  Waiting to hear back. Also if anyone knows of any support groups in Pittsburgh,  I would be interested in attending.  The only one I have attended since surgery was geared towards new patients and frankly was a waste of time.

Thanks for the feedback and your kindness in advance.   At the end of the day I would still have my surgery and deal with the bumps in the road, I have never been healthier and I owe some of that to this website because without OH I would have never had this surgery that probably saved my life.  

Have a good day and good luck to everyone on this long journey.




on 11/11/13 12:26 am - Portsmouth, OH
Topic: My Story in Psychology Today Magazine

My Story in Psychology Today


My story is profile in the current issue of Psychology Today (December 2013), as part of the article Do I Make You Uncomfortable?

This is the article for which I had My Abnormal Photo Shoot. In late August, I replied to a Facebook notice shared by the Obesity Action Coalition. Being a member of the OAC has provided many opportunities to share my story, and thus spread awareness about lipedema and lymphedema.

Does my fat make you uncomfortable?

According to the article that is YOUR issue, not mine. I knew this already, but I admit I misunderstood the article concept as originally told to me: “story about the experiences of those with physical differences—and how, on both a societal and individual level, we can overcome negative or prejudiced responses.” I thought the article was going to focus on those of us on the receiving end of the negative and prejudiced responses. Through my own sessions with a psychologist, I learned I cannot change other people's behaviors, I can only control my own reaction. To my pleasant surprise the article's focus is on the response people have when they see a person with a physical difference. It is a refreshing change for the discussion to address why some people have such adverse reactions to ME, since it is usually just accepted that it's normal for people to act in such ways towards people who are abnormal. And yet, it's not normal. Not everyone who sees me has a negative or prejudiced response, if that was the case I would not have so many supportive friends. So what does prompt the negative response?


Protective Prejudice

The theory discussed in the article is that people's negative and prejudices reactions towards physical difference is rooted in an immune response and survival instinct protecting against disease. Interesting idea for sure! And does go along with the idea that people project their own insecurities towards me. The personal stories shared tell of instances for which we have experiences negative reactions based on our appears, mine included the now famous "check out them cankles" incident. It is inspiring that the other individual profiled in the story have the same positive attitude and outlook as I do and the hope that by sharing our stories we can help others.

"Research suggesting that prejudice is a flexible trait abounds -- and simply being aware that it's not fixed can significantly reduce discriminatory behavior. Accepting that we all hold negative associates and becoming aware of the one we automatically make are also critical steps in the process of counteracting our biases. So, too, is encouraging people to talk about their negative perceptions."

My abnormal appearance is beneficial in life, it serves as a screening process. If people do not want to get to know me because of my looks, their loss. Now sure, it hurt when I experienced weight bias in the workplace but obviously that was not a company whose values align with mine.

I have Lipedema and Lymphedema. I also have a passion for Obesity and Health Insurance Advocacy

Blog: Facebook: Born2lbFat Twitter: @born2lbfat

on 11/3/13 2:41 am
Topic: Body image question?

I am almost 3 years post op. Reached my goal weight loss and have been very stable, but will I ever stop seeing the fat girl in the mirror? My head tells me I'm not and photos too, but the mirror reflect back something else. Do other people have this issue, does it ever stop?

on 10/22/13 12:56 am - Hutto, TX
Topic: RE: Having This Surgery Destroyed My Life
To all posting here who are depressed and in trouble. I am a former psychologist now working in forensics. Please, all of you, see a psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as possible. Feelings of sucicide and depression are indicative of mental illness and there is NO SHAME in that. Illness is illness and if you had the flu, a broken arm, or eye sight problems you would see a professional that can render aid. Just do it for yourself and your loved ones.

Some people used to say to me that they were embarrassed or ashamed because they were suffering from a mental illness . They reported that their parents, friends, siblings, etc... Had told them they should have the "Will power" to overcome their mental illness. I would tell them to tell those people that the next time they had diarrhea or were bleeding from a gun shot wound to just use their "will power" to overcome and get well. Illness is illness so go get help now. Please!

C.M. "Mike" Adams

Central Texas

"God makes the wind. We set the sails."

on 10/22/13 12:15 am - Searcy, AR
Topic: RE: Having This Surgery Destroyed My Life

I know this is an old post, but I am replying anyway.  This happened to me, I went from going years without a single drink, I went to some clubs in my early 20s, and had parties, and didn't even drink half the time at them.  Alcohol was nothing to me then.  I went to a party about a year or so out, and had a few smirnoffs that were watered down a little (carbonation) and within a month I was buying tequila in bulk drinking tequila sunrises every night, to a year later I was drinking half gallons of vodka alone in a weekend.  Seemed like I needed more alcohol to get drunk but that I stayed drunker. Near the end, I was drinking beer mixed with water or juice, because I couldn't get liquor anymore (I am glad I live in a dry county).  It has been several years since then, I went a year sober on disulfirum (antabusse) and a few months after I drank.  I am back on the medicine, it is a godsend.  I am lucky that I did no damage to my liver or kidneys or heart, I have them all checked regular. I have not had a scope done to check out my pouch but everything is working okay.  I tried attending NA meetings (I don't drive, Im in a small town, we have no bus systems, and AA is 10 miles away).  I didn't feel like I fit in, because it is one thing to get away from drugs, its another when you live in a low rent apartment building and half the people are walking around with beers in their hands (Our doors are on the inside of the building).  I see alcohol everyday.  So for me the medicine is necessary.  I can not change the place I live or the people I see but I can change how I deal with it.  I am in weekly therapy meetings as well.  


I believe that the surgery does something to our brains.  I don't think it's an addiction transfer.  My brain viewed alcohol as something I had to have to live, like breathing.  I couldn't think of anything else but alcohol, everything about my day was getting more alcohol, and making sure I had enough to last.  I would count them, I had beer and little bottles hidden all over the house.  This is something I never dealt with before.  I quit smoking with the drop of a hat before surgery, no problem.  I don't think twice that I have not had soda in over 7 years. But alcohol, another story.  I think this must be what a heroin addict goes through.  


Google disulfirum and other alcoholic medicines, talk to your doctor, and get all your insides checked out.  You can do it, it's hard.  But you have to tell yourself YOU CAN NOT DRINK EVER AGAIN.  My therapist told me once, ONE IS TOO MANY AND A THOUSAND NEVER ENOUGH I believe it, I heard it in NA as well. 

Weight 5 Years Ago (2002): 275.0  --  50.3 BMI
Pre-Consult (7/05/07): 400.12 pounds  --  73.2 BMI
Surgery Day (8/15/07): 369.8  --  67.6 BMI
Past Weight (09/30/08):  205.0  --  37.5 BMI
Current Weight (01/08/09):  190.0  --  34.7 BMI
Check Out My Profile for Pics & Blog
on 10/15/13 10:28 am
Topic: Question about PMC Bariatric Center in Pikeville, Ky

Can anybody tell me about Pikeville Bariatric Center in Pikeville, KY.  How they are concerning psych meds.

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