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Patricia R.
on 1/4/10 10:44 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Trish.....
 Wow, has it been two years.  Seems like only yesterday I was having my surgery. 

I will put you on my church's prayer list for your thyroid cancer.  I will also keep you in prayer as well.

Trust God to take care of you.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/4/10 8:42 pm - Hamilton, NJ
Topic: RE: Trish.....
I have watched/read and chatted with you for almost 2 years now.  I am so proud of your accomplishments - even when you are in a downturn.  You amaze me.  Me - I made it through the holidays barely.  I was just diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer (on Dec. 23rd - Merry Christmas) and now I will be having a biopsy on my neck as my lymph nodes are swollen and painful and nothing is helping.  Doc is concerned that I may also have lymphoma as well.  I will keep you updated.
Thinking of you.  Congrats on the 11 days.  19 months here.
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/10 2:25 pm - Kirkwood, NY
Patricia R.
on 1/4/10 1:02 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Anyone out there have anger issues after surgery..??
You described me throughout most of my adult life, prior to my surgery.  I threw things, cut, raged, flipped out, ate, drank, cut some more, hit, threw temper tantrums galore.  Only with the help of a therapist and psychiatric meds did I get some stability, which I can throw away in a new York minute by drinking again.

Trust is a huge issue for me.  I have seen the same therapist for almost 20 years.  Took me 14 years to trust him enough that I would cry in front of him.  I still believe he will abandon me, and drop me as his patient if I don't get better, or start drinking.  I have even lashed out at him, in a drunken rage, on his voicemail.

My diagnoses include binge eating disorder, alcoholism, borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder.  What has helped me, medication, intensive psychotherapy, active participation in outpatient treatment for both the eating disorder, (pre-op) and alcoholsim (for the past year), as well as regular attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

If you truly want to get better, you will have to do things differently than you do them now.  It will mean not always getting things you want when you want them.  I might mean giving up addictions, like alcohol and nicotine.  It will also mean taking the risk of participating in psychotherapy again.  I speak from personal experience.  

Because of my outrageous behavior, I lost my marriage, and hurt my children terribly.  Thank God they have forgiven me, and care about me now.  But, in my outrageous acting out, I got myself into over $60,000 of credit card debt, which I am now in bankruptcy for.  I also participated in sexual acting out for several years after my divorce.  

I am not proud of any of that.  It has brought me deep shame, especially because I am now a psychotherapist myself at a psychiatric hospital.  I was able to go to graduate school and earn a Masters in Social Work.  I hear my therapist constantly saying, "Physician, Heal Thyself."  I can lose my social work license if I keep drinking, not to mention the risks I take of possibly driving under the influence

I am concerned for you, because I vaguely remember you posting on the PA Forum, and not being happy with some of the responses you received.  I hope you are able to take honest feedback, as that is what I am about.  I speak from my own pain, and experience.  I learned some tough lessons, and after my husband walked out, I had to take an honest look at my behavior and realize that I was nothing more than a spoiled child, and at the age of 44, that is humiliating.  When my own children behaved more maturely, and more rationally than me, I knew I had to grow up and take responsibility for myself.

Good luck,

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 1/4/10 12:47 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Trish.....
You are so sweet to be concerned about me like this.

My move went wonderfully.  I am settled in one sense, but still have a ton of boxes to unpack and put away.  I have returned to work after being out with herniated discs and fibromyalgia pain.  I got a shot in my epidural part of my back on Christmas Eve, and began to experience relief in a few days.  I stopped drinking Christmas and have 11 days today.

I went back to work today, and feel wiped out by it.  I really don't want to go back to school, as I just feel overwhelmed right now.  

My psychiatrist says I have to find balance in my life.  That is a concept I truly can't grasp just now.

Thanks for thinking of me.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/4/10 4:00 am - Hamilton, NJ
Topic: RE: Anyone out there have anger issues after surgery..??
I am so sorry you are going through this.  I had some anger issues after surgery.  Like you, I was in a horribly abusive marriage for 12 years.  Just about every bone in my body was broken at some point.  Marriage ended when I got the courage to say I was leaving, hubby took aim and fired at me, missed, shot his dog then himself.  I got angrier and angrier after finding out how much debt we were in and that he was running around on me.  Went to many counseling sessions.  Still have nightmares and sometimes something will trigger a memory.  I have remarried, hubby is a saint.  I have my anger under control.  I take depression meds and bipolar meds - it really helps me.  You really need to talk to someone.  Put down the drink.  I will not scold you on smoking as I was quit for many years and picked up over the summer.  Looking forward to putting it down soon.
You will be in my thoughts.
on 1/4/10 3:55 am - Hamilton, NJ
Topic: Trish.....
Haven't heard from you in a while - how was your move?  Are you settled in?  Are you doing ok?
I was thinking about you today and thought I'd post here.  Wishing you the very best for 2010, it has to be better than 2009!
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/10 1:28 am - Kirkwood, NY
Topic: RE: Anyone out there have anger issues after surgery..??
 OK thanks for the number I will call you sometime..right is turned off. Christmas hurt the pocket.
on 1/3/10 11:57 pm - Yardley, PA
Topic: RE: Anyone out there have anger issues after surgery..??
i'm going though some of the same issues...don't feel like spilling htem over the internet. of u feel like it, call my cal 2679872107
on 1/3/10 10:57 pm - Yardley, PA
Topic: RE: Do I trade my mental health with meds or mental health with weight gain n a severe eating disorder?
On January 1, 2010 at 11:50 PM Pacific Time, MistyLynn81 wrote:
Went pretty hypo manic, and ended up in patient for 3 weeks from the 20th til the 11th of last/ this month.. During that time they tried Trileptal which without the purging dropped my sodium to 124ish (keep in mind I have severe bulimia so not a good thing). Then they put me on Neurontin for like 2 days, then now they have me on Depakote. I did lose almost 10 lbs in a week after they took me off the Lamictal.

They just increased my Depakote to 1500 and I've gained 3 lbs, freaking out a little bit already. :(

I have noo freedom over it all now though because I'm under commitment now for my severe eating disorder They keep griping if they can get enough food, etc in me the meds would work better, etc.. If they can make me not gain weight I'd be more likely to eat. :( 

I don't know what to do but cry and give up. I'm severely depressed. I'm bout to be thrown in the hospital for however long they want (I do want to get better some days but others I don't I'll be honest and I am just terrified, period, I am willing to work the program but I'm just scared).

Sad thing is if you look at me I'm still chubby. :( All of this for nothing.

What happens if they finally find a good med combo and I start regaining everything though what do I do?? Compromise mental stability for fat which is mental instability in another source for me. I'm just lost and broke and sad.

I'm in therapy 3 times a week. I probably should be in patient right now truthfully but my therapist had to cancel because of weather Thursday or I garuntee she'd put me in because I was not doing well. Been hypomanic for 5 days again.. had labs gonna call psychiatrist Mon bout upping Depakote if they can but IDK if they can.

I'm barely sleeping without self medicating, I'm jjust a blubbering mess LOL... I'm a severe cycler too if that helps any typically.
hi, i'm natalie...that mey sounds lame but i'be been through hell and back with this me anytime if you'd like 2679872106..
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