Life is too fun/weird/dynamic

on 5/3/06 9:08 am - Austin, TX
I went to my local AMOS meeting last night to give away some clothes and try to locate two friends. I have been kicked off the online board by the moderator because I said my surgeon at one time had recommended Ibuprofen for some swelling I had, but a lot of wls patients couldn't take it, but it was OK for me. The moderator claimed a lot of people called and complained and that I was endangering the lives of newbies by spreading false info (although our preamble states that what we say is our own experiences and not to be construed as medical advice). I was in Austin, these were the only people I knew and I was cut off. Well, don't you know I went to the meeting last night and the same person related how she had just had ps and that the doc didn't understand wls patients don't absorb meds, he took her off anti-inflammatories too soon and now she's back on a 3 week course! I didn't feel angry or resentful, just sad she had cut me off for nothing. I realize she was a relative newbie 2 yrs then, 3 yrs now (I am almost 6 and at goal) and that when some people get a position they assume it is power to run the show rather than an obligation to represent the group as a whole. Today I went to my country club ladies'group and was put in charge of(this is TOO funny) the menu for all of the luncheons and the centerpieces. Me in charge of food? LOL! So, dumped one day, elevated the next. Ain't life grand? I admit when I was upset last night I really wanted a drink. You know the old drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die thing? Luckily I respect myself and my sobriety. I cried for awhile instead...don't know why...but swollen eyes are a heck of a lot better than a hangover or going off to the races! Vicki
on 5/3/06 1:41 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Vicki, I am glad you are feeling better. I always enjoy your posts as they are about dealing with life on lifes terms.You sure can't make everybody happy and I am glad you went to your local AMOS meeting. Things and people change. I am busy with graduation stuff. My daughter is involved in everything. My calander is so full!!! My 16 yr old is being a rebellious 16 yr old. Not fun but I will cope.I was in active addiction when my oldest went thru it and it is a hell of a lot better dealing with it clean!!!! Not to say I never THINK a drink might help. I just KNOW it won't. Laurie
on 5/3/06 3:04 pm - Austin, TX
My sponsor says if someone ****** you off, keep going until they fall out. I have phone callS sand emails asking m not to bail, as if it is my choice, but is this one woman is the controller. What was that group before AA that went down the tubes over the same ego issues? Cambridge group? I guess I'm ahead of the track because I've been in AA almost 12 years. But people have to go through their own learning curve. as I did. In a nasty way, I am glad to see the board failing w/o me. In a way I'm sad. I remember what i twas like that first day I wentro an AA meetingg, and know the fear of going into surgery when I had two small kids. I feel bad so many people email me saying they relate, but they are afraid to post for fear of being "different: (which they are not) and slammed. I am so grateful for AA. I can't be kicked out. I earned my seat. Vicki Vicki
on 5/4/06 1:04 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
I have been going to NA for two years and I am as grateful as they come for the 12 step programs. I know I can go to an AA meeting anyday and as long as I respect the primary purpose I will get a message of recovery. Some folks keep trying to fit that square peg into that round hole. Today I would not go to an AA meeting and say I am an addict. I would say I am an alcoholic. Yet, I encounter people daily who just cannot wrap their brain around that. They take that same attitude with them everywhere they go. I hope they will learn someday. I came into the fellowship older, and very willing to learn. I have to remember not everyone is in that place. It isn't always easy. last night I realized there are a couple of people at the meetings who I do not even try to listen to when they share because they are so self absorbed. They could have had something important to say but I never heard it. I do struggle in principles before personalities areas. I have been dragging my feet on a sixth step. Character defects! Assets gone balistic! Glad you are back. Laurie
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