
on 3/15/06 5:06 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Well I am in the grip of cravings. Carbs and alcohol. Seems if I get one the other follows. Old habits and behavior. Not in my normal routine. I have all kinds of sweets around with a house full of company. last night I got up at 2am for Twizzlers! I watch my friends and hubby having beer and I want one. Not gonna do it but man the desire is there. Need to go to a meeting tonight. I knew this would be a hard month so I am somewhat prepared but somedays I really wish I did not have to be this way. Well, I always wish that! Somedays I just resent it. Laurie
on 3/15/06 8:46 pm - morris county, nj
will we ever be able to control our eatting? Too bad they can't do surgery on our brains, too. I'm assuming that you like me, don't dump. Too bad. I often wish I would! However, if I'm gonna eat sweets, CHOCOLATE! I made it thru last night w/o a beer. However, I think I must look like a cucumber at this point. I stopped at shop rite on the way home, bought a bunch of cukes, sliced them up, and I sat there shoving them in my mouth. At least its low cal! I, too, wish I could just be normal. I often wonder what in my genetic make-up made me so dam dysfunctional, when my sister is so normal. She still wears a 6! Has never battled the scale or anything else in her life. Not fair! Life sure can stink sometimes, can't it? Have a great day!
on 3/16/06 1:07 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Linda, You gave me a good chuckle. Yep, it sucks. I know where I got it from. My family! I love them and they did the best they could and gave me a better life than they had.But, my family is full of addictive types. I think my first addiction was co-dependency. At 12 yr my mom told me I could get my Dad to stop drinking. My I must be powerful!!!LOL My Dad did not stop drinking until a few yrs ago when he had health issues and decided he would rather live. The other day I told someone alcohol would be my ticket to relapse but really I think it could be food. If I just gave up I would balloon up again.That would depress me and I would be off and running self destructing. This is a very introspective time of year for me. I had surgery almost 2 yr ago. I am nearing 2 yr clean time and turning 50. I wasted a lot of time being a victim of my own misery. I feel like I need to get it right or I will checkout of this life unfulfilled. You should be very proud of yourself Linda. I cannot do it alone. I need my support group. I love these boards but it is not enough. I need to be with people who understand and love me. It keeps me accountable. Have a wonderful day! Laurie
on 3/16/06 1:32 am - morris county, nj
50! A mere child . . . . I'll be 53 this July, and May I'm 3 years from WLS. Food's always been my drug of choice. I was 8 years old when mom hauled me to the doc and put me on my first diet. Why me? Every one else in the family was "normal." But, that said, we were still pre school when dad decided to clean out the bank accounts and disappear, leaving mom with the 2 of us, no money and no job. So our emotional support growing up wasn't the easiest. I'm not blaming her, she was just never there. Had to work 6 days a week to try and hold us together. And when she did get a day off, she was exhausted, emotionally and physically. At least when I go home, not having kids, if I want to flop on the couch and watch the dust bunnies grow, I do. I don't know that I'm an alcoholic in the true sense of the word. But I did recognize that the way I was going that if I didn't at least try to put the brakes on, I'd be in one hell of a mess a year or 2 down the road. From food to shopping to beer, I can't seem to do anything in moderation. Its all or nothing! I could never eat just one piece of chocolate, it was the entire box. I just finished my lunch, a Lean Cuisine. Finished 3/4 of it. I'm stuffed, but dang I want the rest of it. Stupid? Hence my WLS. Best thing I ever did for me. Have a wonderful afternoon and thanks for YOUR support!!
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