Needs vs wants

on 3/1/06 1:10 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Seems I struggle with this a lot. I want it all! Now! So somedays I set myself up for failure. I want to be selfish today. I need to be focused on what it important. The fact is half the things I want today could be spread out over the remainder of the week. My brain says screw that do what YOU want. It has brought me nothing but diappointment my whole life thinking like this and acting upon it. So will try to be open and focused on what is the right thing to do today, if I succeed I know I will be a happier person and have peace of mind in doing it. That said I will get off this computer, get dressed take my vitamins and do something, anything that is important today and save the frivilous stuff for if I have time later. Wish me luck! Laurie
on 3/1/06 1:22 am - morris county, nj
Oh how I know what you mean! Now, luckily I live alone . . .but with the 2 jobs nothing gets done during the week. Saturday I run like a maniac, doing everything that needs to be done; if there's time left I do things that should be done. Sunday is mine, all mine! Did anyone say "Mall?"
on 3/1/06 2:30 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
HA! Malls are great. I am dressed and waiting on my daughter to run up to the college. I have decided to ask her to help pick up the house. She is very busy but I indulge her a lot so I think it is fair. I have to stay out of the mall. I have so many clothes, shoes and purses. We are going on a cruise and I have so much stuff! I want more though. The boys and hubby need a few new things so I have to stop buying for myself and daughter. It is a real short coming of mine. In fact one f my to do things today is to pay the bills. Too easy to put it off until the next day. I promised myself I would put some money in savings not spend it at the mall. I do better with it today than in the past. It is so easy to slip up tho. Impulsive am I.'I do not envy you with 2 jobs but then with a family of 6 people I get stretched pretty thin too. I pretty much handle all the household stuff as hubby travels and has a high stress job. Grateful that iI have the option today to be home and address it because it was really hard working full time. I would not mind a part-time job tho. tired of nursing after 28 yr of it. I tried to start a coffee shop but in the end the numbers would not work out. Maybe it is just as well... I wonder if the stress fo owning my own business would have jepardized my committment to sobriety!' Laurie
on 3/8/06 12:57 pm - Smalltown, MN
Laurie, Sorry to interrupt this post...but, I read it...and noted that you mentioned you've worked as a NURSE for 28 yrs!!!! Way to funny/coincidental, caregiver to caregiver....we are so used to "carrying" for everyone else that we neglect ourselves....or so the cliche' says I've been in Nursing since my job! Who doesn't though! Was interesting to me, that we ALSO had this in common! ~Daisy
on 3/8/06 1:40 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Daisy, Boy, I know what you mean. Nursing has always been a love/hate thing for me. I had a nice career but frankly I do not miss it.It is so much easir to take care of others. It really is something addicts do well. It takes the focus off us. There are so many ways to feed the disease. I had a hard week but I think I am moving past it. I am working on my sixth step. Willingness to ask my higher power to remove my character defects. Funny how something that causes me so much discomfort is so hard to give up. I am so glad you posted. Feel free to email me anytime! Laurie
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