Having a hard time

on 2/10/06 2:29 am - Austin, TX
I am not doing so good as I would like. The cravings are still there. I haven't found peace yet. Dang! Vicki
on 2/10/06 10:06 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Vicki, Do you have a support system? People locally that are friends in recovery? This has been the greatest gift for me. I have cravings too but if I think them thru to the end results and verbalize them with people I trust it seems to ease the compulsion to use. Laurie
on 2/10/06 10:52 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Vicki, I was reading some old posts. Did I read that you had a slip over the Holidays? If so then I am not surprised you are struggling. I am sorry. As I understand the disease of addiction, once you use you release the disease to be active and while it is great to stop using immediately the disease has a grip and is harder to suppress. I am sure the amount of time it take varies from person to person and how they work their program of recovery. Do not be too hard on yourself. Just keep doing the right thing. You have a lot of clean time in your history, you know that you will find that peace. In the mean time don't give up! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Laurie
on 2/11/06 3:14 am - valrico, FL
I just received your email I have not a clue as to why I am days behind on the email thing but am glad that you found the site... I understand what you are going thru cause I too am having a hard time and have slipped once again and I always beat myself up... I hate it I hate me when I slip or should I say lose my will? Hanging in there is all I can do I and I hope that you hang in there too... Cyndee
on 2/11/06 3:29 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Hi Cyndee, It is good to see another face on the board. You are right we just have to hang in there and it will get better. For today just don't use. Sometimes that is ALL we can do when it gets hard. Personally talking about it helps me a lot. Laurie
on 2/11/06 3:35 am - valrico, FL
This is true... I am doing better today than yesterday and will be better tomorrow than today... I have faith and have seeked the help that I need to get thru this crappy addiction and I have to say I love my theripist... She too has had WLS and understands what I am going thru.... And every other Wednesday night she has a support group at her office for other WLS people with any kind of problem.. This too helps I just wi**** was every week.... Cyndee
on 2/11/06 3:44 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Cyndee, I posted you a message on the other post. You obviously are working hard at this. In my area there a addiction meetings of all kinds. AA, NA, OA. I would take advantage of that for that daily support. Nothing is more healing than being with others who understand how we think. Laurie
on 2/11/06 3:52 am - valrico, FL
It is funny that you ask.... I have been looking and found a na meeting but not a aa meeting.. I see my theripist once a week and go to a meeting every other wednesday... I do pretty good with this so far but need AA meetings on some of the days in between.. I do have HARD days and there are days that it never enters my mind thos are the GREAT days. I have been fighting this hard and heavy sence Nov and I will not give up.. I will win this fight.... Cyndee
on 2/11/06 4:17 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Check the internet for AA in your state. They should have meetings listed in your area. I go to NA about 3 times weekly. I even chair a meeting now! Laurie
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