My name is Laurie
Hi everyone,
I just found this board and have responded to a couple of posts but decided to introduce myself. I am almost 50 yr old. 18 months clean and 21+ months post op. I have lost 136#. I have been an addict forever, I functioned well considering. No one knew. How, I guess because I had the ability to switch what I abused. Money, food, meds, drinking. I could combine these behaviors in different degrees to get the buzz. It almost killed me. I thought surgery was the answer. It was in many ways. However, when I got stressed out I became obsessed with cravings, ice cream, alcohol or a valium and it would be better! I was fortunate to have a recovering addict around who invited me to a meeting and saved my ass. Nothing else has helped me maintain such peace of mind. So all that said, I just wanted to say hello and that I am glad to see this forum.