Any Coke or Pepsi addicts?

Jane S.
on 9/4/04 1:57 pm - Boston, MA
Some people may feel this isn't an addiction or that big of a problem, but it is. I hadn't had a coke in at least ten years (due to diabetes), but while in the hospital 6 wks. post-op for complications a nurse flattened Coke for me for my nausea (since I didn't seem to by able to drink much of anything) It's REAL Coke. I try to stay with caffenine free, but they're not diet. When I've tried to go without them I just go crazy!!
on 9/8/04 8:11 am - Chester, PA
Hi Jane! Going without Coca-Cola makes me crazy! Please understand that anything can become an addiction. I know plenty of people who cannot think straight until they have two cups of coffee. The caffeine has an impact on our brain chemistry. I have had to go through soda withdrawal on a couple of diets and it isn't pretty. The only way I got through it was reminding myself that the yucky withdrawal symptoms only last about 10 days. Just keep flushing your system with water and natural fruit juices (assuming you are pre-op). Hang in there!
Lora Leach
on 10/6/04 1:24 pm - Goreville, IL
My name is Lora and I'm a Pepsi addict. I like to think I'm not addicted to anything, but I noticed that if I go a few days without a pepsi, I get such a migrane it kills me. I'm assuming that is caffine withdrawl and I've had a couple people laugh at me like I was nuts for saying it. But yes, caffine is an addiction, not just through pop, but coffee,tea,etc. I'm obviously pre-op but I have vowed that after this month is over and starting on November 1 I am going to be soda free. I need to do this before my surgery so I'm not wiggin out and I figured this would be the best time to do it. I've cut back considerably on it the last few weeks, with only having 1 or 2 a week, so I'm hoping it wont be too bad. Keep me in your thoughts.. I'm gonna need
The New & Still Impr

on 10/27/04 2:57 pm - Houston, TX
Hi. My name is Robin and I'm a Pibb addict. I have quit cold turkey, but gone back to it. I am determined to kick the habit real soon. I agree on the bad headaches as being caffeine withdrawal. I've gotten them a few times and they're not fun.
Janna G.
on 3/18/05 1:00 pm - TX
I was a Dr Pepper addict pre-op. The four days I was in hospital, I got the headache and the whole shabang. It was `nt intolerable , but was a bit uncomfortable. I agree it probably did take about 10 days. I have also had some withdrawal symptons from carbs too. I think anything we stuff our bodies with has the potential to be addictive. Dr. Phil recommends replacing one addiction with a heathier one. So far I have not been able to do it effectively. Still working on it.
on 7/22/05 4:05 pm
As a pre-op, I was addicted to Dr.Pepper. I would drink 10-12 20 ouncers a day, sometimes more! I stopped drinking them before surgery so that I wouldn't miss them much. I have had some diet soda post-op but not much at all and not until I was well over 6 mos post-op (out of fear hehe). It seems like a special treat now.
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