addiction forum

Jan S.
on 4/16/04 11:08 pm - SD
I just come across this message board. I plan on using it so I hope people actually read this and post replies of support. I am 1 year post op and have lost about 96#. I am not at my doctors goal weight and one reason is I struggle DAILY with food. Things I should not eat. Some days it seem as if my life is focused on food. I hate it. I really want to get past this. I have not gained any weight, but know in time I will if I do not get this thing figured out. Any support, suggestion, word of advice, anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.Jan
Tere B.
on 4/20/04 1:01 pm - Sheridan, WY
Hi Jan; First off congratulation on your significant weight loss. I have not yet had my surgery, it will be about three weeks from now. However, the struggle you wrote about is one that I am very familiar with. I used to be a smoker, a drinker, a regular party animal and I know how hard it is to give up an addiction. I think with food it is almost impossible because we have to eat to live. All other addictions I can be abstinent and gradually get to the point where the struggle isn't so hard. But, food we have to go into the lion's den several times a day and not wake up the beast. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get a support group of people that you can go places with, talk to about your feelings and form friendships with who know what you are going through. You need people who understand close at hand that you can call anytime for help. Have you checked into over eaters anonymous? I'm an AA member and have been to OA also. At very least this is a source for support. Another idea is to find a new focus that doesn't involve food. Are there any hobbies that you like that you could get more involved in? The best advice I can give you, is to turn the whole problem over to your higher power (some call it God, but it is a source of spiritual relief that will give you the strength you need, all you have to do is ask). Remember when you call on the higher power for help you still have to do the foot work. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time if that's what it takes. But, don't give up on you and remember you are a beautiful, unique, wonderful child of an all powerful God that loves you and will help you, if you allow it. Good luck, and hang in there. Tere
Traci B.
on 7/10/04 1:47 pm - Sierra Vista, AZ
"But, food we have to go into the lion's den several times a day and not wake up the beast." WOW....I was amazed at your wording....You hit the mark.....That one hit home!!!!!!
Kelle W
on 4/21/04 8:07 am - Atlanta, GA
Jan, I also want to congradulate you on your weight lose. What your doing to try and take control of you life is a significant struggle. For most of us it's the hardest thing we will ever deal with. Like the other poster I'm still pre-op as well, but know that I will have issue with food addiction. One thing I'm doing is going to therapy. I started in December and am trying to get to the root of my food addiction with a qualified professional who can help suggest different ways of coping with stress tha don't involve self destructive behaviors. It's a long hard road, but it's so much easier to walk down when you have an objective third party to listen to you grouse and offer constructive advice! Kelle
Jenny A.
on 5/1/04 11:04 am - West Terre Haute, IN
I am 6 mos. post-op and am having the same struggles with food. The damn food is going to kill me if I can't get it together. I have lost 80#, however have lost only 6# in the last month or so. It is scary that I allow something to have so much power over me. Wish I could offer suggestions but if I knew what to do I would not be here.
Lynda B.
on 5/13/04 3:00 am - Hiram, GA
Dear Jan: I too find myself in the same situation. However, I still weigh 275. I've gone from 435 to 275. I was eating candy and cookies for almost three months straight during some very stressful times in my life. I finally went and got Dr. Phil's book "The Ultimate Weight Solution" because I figured the same problems that made me overweight in the first place were still haunting me. I'm actually getting some focus and I'm back on track and losing again. I suggest you get the book and I hope it will help you too. I know a lot weight loss surgery patients don't like his book, but I think we don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water. I think we can glean a lot of very helpful information from his book and still use the tools of this surgery for our benefit. I wish you the best. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm a food addict and an emotional doubt....for the rest of my life. I'm going to get control of it because I'm worth it! Lynda
Missy A.
on 7/7/04 2:29 am - Marion, IA
This is a little late for this , but better late than never right? I have a food addiction, otherwise titled "compulsive eater" I have found that, as alternative as it is, listening to self hypnosis tapes HELP me to Make GOOD is NOT a miracle cure. I DO find though, that I seem to CHOOSE to actually excersice rather than sitting on my ass THINKING about it. And when presented with a choice of Chicken strip sandwich, or a salad, it is EASIER for me to choose the salad... Whatever it does for me, it helps by making good choices easier...I listen to it every night to fall asleep. I got my tape from "A better You" and one from Positive Changes you can look both of these places up on line...
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