severe depression w/ diffuse other somatic

Bubbles B
on 1/8/06 4:19 am - Kansas City, KS
complaints. Can anyone tell me what this is? My sister was diagnosed, (by a work comp doctor) with this and they say it is non related to 20 years of pain and suffering and now arthritis that is often dibillitating to her. Please reply any info you may have or refer me to a place where I can read more about this. Thanks in advance.
on 1/31/06 4:32 pm - St. John, IN
Somatic complaints are physical complaints that the doctor relates to the depression. These may include the things like arthritis, fibromyalgia, GI distress, headaches and so on. Depression is often a chemical issue and needs to be addressed from a multidisciplinary approach. It is not just about the sadness/hopelessness/emotions. Depression involves chemicals in the brain (serotonin, norepinephrine). Those chemicals have been proven to not only affect emotions, but also physical well-being. It is VERY possible for a person to have depression and not really have any of the emotional issues. The depression may manifest in the form of physical complaints. I strongly suggest you go to a website for an antidepressant called Cymbalta ( This drug is used to treat neuropathy in diabetics (that's pain/numbness in the extremities) as well as being a new antidepressant. There is an abundance of information on the emotional and physical symptoms of depression on this website. Those somatic complaints refer to the physical symptoms of depression. Often times once the chemical imbalance is corrected (by medication), those physical issues disappear or get a lot better. Your sister needs to have physicians that are not ignorant about depression. Sometimes, docs will just say you have "somatic complaints" because they are prejudiced or ignorant and think you're just crazy. Her physical complaints should be thoroughly evaluated and investigated. Once any real physical disorder is excluded, you can assume it is somatic, or related to the depression. Encourage your sister to seek counselling on at least a weekly basis. That, along with the medication, should help. These medications can take a few weeks to have their full effects, so be patient. Her spiritual well-being must be addressed. Depression is a spiritual issue as well. There are good Christian counselors out there (If you are not Christian, I don't know what to tell you because in all honesty I don't see any way to get to a point of healing without the help of Christ). I wish you and your sister all of the best.
on 2/16/07 5:14 am - Rockford, IL
Does Cymbalta help with anxiety, too? Kim M.
on 3/12/06 7:51 pm - Middletown, CT
Hi Bubbles, Michelle's assessment and advice are excellent. I was in my 30's before I found out that I was depressed. I thought everyone lived in a shell and cried all the time. Now that I'm 55, been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia before it was Fibromyalgia (Fibrositis) over 20 years ago with all the symptoms related that I'm aware of, and a variety of other ailments, I now know that my physical problems are as much due to an abusive childhood, chemical imbalance and my weight. I have been on Cymbalta for over a year and it has helped with the chemical imbalance, although the pain is still there. It's an excellent medication. I have gone for therapy once a week for over 2 years and that's also been a tremendous help as well. I'm sure your sister would benefit from both. Prayers have been sent for both of you. You need them as much as she does since you obviously love her very much and share in her pain. The best of everything to you both. {{{{HUGS}}}} Sandy
on 6/5/06 5:59 am - warsaw, NC
Hi Sandy, I noticied that you had RNY , right? I had an RNY in May 05, and my health has improved greatly, but still have chronic neck pain. Last week my primary care dr. suggested Cymbalta. I have been taking it for 5 days now. My concern is the safety for RNY patients' pouches. Do you have any info on this? In the patient insert under gastrointestinal it notes; gastris,diverticulitis,ulcer etc. Thought I would discuss with dr. who did my RNY this week. Any info would be helpful. Thanks. Dianne @ [email protected].
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