What Psychiatric Meds for you?
I notice a lot of people ask what might work for them or what other folks have tried. I have been on Psymeds since probably 1980 and was put on everything from Thorazine to topamax.
Recently my Psychiatrist wanted to take me off Wellbutrin (which had been a lifesaver for 15 years) and try me on Effexor. That was a disaster as all I wanted to do was sleep ll day. Then he tried me on Fetzmia which was LITERALLY "Hell in bottle" and caused seizures from the first few days, It made my Hepatic Encephalitis worse and I became violent and amnesiac, I was almost committed as I became so "Not myself" and violent.
I went back to the wellbutrin. (Right now I am on Wellbutrin, Lorazapam as needed, and trazodone to help me sleep. My point is work with your doctor and yourself. You have to decide "quality of life" as well as something that helps you. (I have PTSD, Major Depression, ADD and General Anxiety Disorder as well as terminal liver disease) Right now my life is all about "Quality of living" and what can help me feel better.
I wish you the best of mental health, it's a scary and horrible disease.
I really get frustrated with providers who change medications that are working just fine. If it ain''t broke, don't fix it!
I have been on anti-depressants,off and on, from 24 to somewhere around 33. I finally got on anti-depressants permanently somewhere after 33, when I was getting my bachelors degree. There is great evidence that the more times you go off and on anti-depressants, or the more depressive episodes you have during the course of your lifetime, the more likely you will need to be on consistent meds for the remainder of your life.
There is no shame in taking medications for depression, PTSD, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia. Mental health shaming has harmed far too many people and it should not be tolerated. Medications do not shorten peoples lives. NOT BEING APPROPRIATELY MEDICATED FOR A MENTAL ILLNESS SHORTENS ONES LIFE EXPECTANCY BY A MINIMUM of 10 YEARS. And if the diagnosis is Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia, that life expectancy is shortened exponentially.
Good mental health is a vital key to a balanced life. Never be afraid to ask for help if you feel you need it. And NEVER listen to NAY-SAYERS. It's your feelings and opinions that matter. Not theirs. They don't live in your head.