
on 7/30/13 2:03 pm - Toronto, Canada

Hello there all,  I am pre op and ive just seen the SW.  After asking alot of questions and "hearing my experiences" she is still referring me to be assessed by the Psychiatrist.  I have ptsd and I'm seeing a psychotherapist and have done so for over 2 years.  I have given a letter from my Therapist stating that I am more than capable and have been successful in working through alot of issues.  I am so scared that they will deny me. I dont have any eating disorders, i skip meals alot but im changing that.  im no sure what to do or expect at that appointment.  Should i brace myself?  or am i worried for nothing?  Please



on 7/31/13 11:51 am - Washington, DC

Hi.  I wouldn't be too worried.  WLS centers/physicians expect that most patients will not come in with a "spotless record" of mental health.  There could be lots of reasons why they are making you met with their psych.  It may be that anyone who has had a particular diagnosis is automatically referred to the psych, or they may be overly cautious.  Some programs also have a requirement that all patients going in for WLS must see the psych.  

I had a similar experience.  I was approved for surgery despite having a history of major depressive disorder and PTSD.  I was also seeing a therapist and on anti-depressants at the time of my evaluation and surgery.  The docs really just want to make sure that you can handle the stress of surgery, you're not having surgery for the wrong reasons, etc.  

Good luck!  

on 8/4/13 7:40 am - Toronto, Canada

Omgoodness thank you!  Nice to know someone else with similar experience that has made it through the process. 

Stephanie R.
on 9/5/13 12:22 pm - GA
VSG on 09/11/13
Think of it as the doc/insurance covering their rear!

They are just looking out for things that could hurt you later with WLS. Like, if someone does you wrong and hurts your feeling and you don't say anything, they might think you handle things internally rather than externally and there's supposedly proof out there that you are more successful if you talk to people about your feelings and stuff...that you'd use your support system.

That's just one example, but hopefully it'll just give you an idea.
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