Manic Depressive who needs a 2nd Revision? VSG to DS or RNY?

Virgie Tschirhart
on 2/24/13 8:10 am, edited 3/2/13 9:16 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17

Hi Everyone, (I'm new here and I'm excited that I found this forum. Finally some peeps that can understand me).

I have been suffering with depression since June of 1988 that is when my brother, whom I loved dearly, had a massive stroke and almost died. Then in December of 1988 my mom died, I felt like my world was ending, I was the baby of the family and we lived together.  In 2004, I lost my brother who had the stroke, he was like a father to me then I knew needed some help I went to see a psychiatrist and started taking medication for my depression. In 2005 my other brother had an aneurysm that almost killed him.   Since then I have had several other things that have happened that added more depression to my life.  

I take Effexor XR 150 mgs, Effexor 150 mg.  I was taking Lamtical 150 mg because my first psychiatrist registered nurse back in 2005 diagnosed me with Bipolar but I was not Bipolar.  In Dec 2012, I went to see a Psychologist to be tested for depression and possible ADD. I was diagnosed with Adult ADD so now I take Adderall 40 mg.  

In 2008, I had the Lap Band and I hated it.  I lost 17 lbs and gained it back.

I 2009, I had the Sleeve, I did lose 35 lbs and gained back around 20 lbs.

Ok, I know that I would go to food for comfort and that maybe that is the reason why I never got to my goal and having a procedure with restriction only did not help. 

Now, I want to revise to the DS.  Do you think a 2nd revision to with malabsorption will help me lose my weight and get to my goal?  I want to know what you all think?  I'm 52 years old around 185 lbs, have type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and really bad acid reflux.  That is one reason why I don't think a DS would work for me. But, it is supposed to have more long lasting results and it is only natural to take the next step and get the Switch, since I already have the Sleeve.

Thanks for reading and your replies!

Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

H.A.L.A B.
on 2/28/13 2:41 am

HUGS... when you use food for comfort - even RNY may not work... and if you do end up with that - you may discover that you would need to try more or different medication for depression, Some people have issue with antidepressants after any WLS that includes malabsorbtion. 

I don't think RNY will work for you unless you can deal with food as comfort issue.   But best may be to talk to you doc and psychologist.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Virgie Tschirhart
on 2/28/13 10:09 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17


Thank you for the HUGS!  That might be true for me.  I just don't want to give up.  I found out that my BCBS Federal Insurance denied me because I was not in compliance the prescribed nutrition and exercise.  It was all my own doing.  

Dr. B.did my revision from the LB to the Sleeve (I did Self Pay on the Sleeve) documented in my record that I had LB in 2008, by another physician, BCBS covered the LB..   Dr. B. added to the report, patient quoted "I love carbs".  She was not in compliance with the prescribed etc......  

In 2011, I went to see a new doctor Dr. N. she was going to repair a haital hernia and said, since you did not reach your weight goal, with the Sleeve we could do the RNY at the same time if BCBS Federal would cover it a new surgery and repair the hernia.  Of course, BCBS Federal denied because of what was on my medical record from Dr B.   

Last week, Called Dr. N again she said why bother with BCBS Federal they will not approve you, they told me why, I did not know that was the reason. Because they only thing that I was told was the surgery was not medically necessary.  I called BCBS Federal myself and found out it was the medical report for Dr. B, can't put all the blame on him.  

So, I'm back to thinking and praying about the whole thing all over again.  Might do Self Pay for the RNY, I'm not sure.  I'm search for prices and of course a good surgeon.  

I appreciate your input.




Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

Lauren B.
on 3/1/13 11:26 am - Suffolk County, NY

I'm sorry that you experienced so much trauma over the years. I hope things are less difficult in the days to come.

I'm bipolar I, and can tell you that it was a VERY long journey to get healthy after surgery. I was depressed before surgery and on an SSRI. Then the surgery! Immediately after I crashed hard. I believe it was because my SSRI wasn't being absorbed the same and I went into withdrawal. I went into a psychiatric hospital to get stable then. The problem is that "stable" isn't healthy. Anyway, I've spent time in hospitals, tried what seems like a million meds, had the wrong diagnosis, etc. 

Anyway, I tell you this to make a few points - 1) Surgery should not be taken on if you aren't healthy, 2) assume your meds will not work at all after surgery = have a plan with your doc on how you're going to stay stable at least, and healthy at best, 3) Weight loss is not enough to make you happy.

I TRULY hope I didn't sound preachy. I hate preachy people. Just wanted to pass along my experience. I'm healthy now, but realize it took 3.5 years after surgery to get there.

Virgie Tschirhart
on 3/2/13 9:11 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17

I need to stop and rethink things over. 

It may be a sign that I should not go under the knife again. 2012 has been absolutely horrible for me at work. I have been cheated out of overtime and when I blew the whistle I was moved to a different area where nobody likes to be.  My work leader got a temporary promotion to another area.  There was talk that I was going to take his place and get a temporary promotion as a lead.   Instead, I was sent to hell.  I filed a grievance with our Union and my Union Stewart told me to drop the case, because if I go to arbitration, management is going to be treating me even worse.  

Bottom line:  I hate my job and I want to resign.  I am too young to retire.  I can retire in 4 years.  I don't know if I can stand it there for another 4 years.  Just feel like everything is coming down on me at once.

We put a second mortgage on our house, so if I resign, we will have to downsize and my hubby said that we will probably have to owe.  We have some credit card debts to pay off too.  My son is graduating from High School this year and I wanted to buy him a used car.  

Money, money, money.  Since BCBS Federal will not cover my revision surgery I would have to self pay.  Only I don't have enough money to resign from work and pay for my revision.   

DS is really the one revision that I want, since I already have the Sleeve.  The cost is $22-25K.  

So, I must rethink & pray on everything.  Thanks for your input.  No, you did not sound preachy at all.  


Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 3/20/13 3:02 pm - MA

I am bipolar and considering having the sleeve. Problem is, i swear the psych meds have put 80 lbs on me, so I am wondering if surgery will be effective for me. I al so take insulin and other diabetes drugs. Everyone saya the surgery will make me healthier but I have my doubts.


J. t
on 4/1/13 1:40 pm - Canada
It sounds like you are not stable enough. I would not consider surgery if you are not stable.

I would also be extremely cautious with malabsorptive procedures as they may make your meds less effective.

Surgery will not deal with past traumas or make you like your job. I think you're in a bad place and need to work on some of that before any procedure will be successful as it may make compliance an issue.

referred nov 2012 accepted march 2013 orientation october 2014. sw: 287

on 4/8/13 1:03 pm


I am so sorry to hear about all of your troubles. Although I am not diagnosed with any mental disorders at this time, I am in school getting my Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner license. I really felt compelled to respond to you because of several factors. I really hope you understand I am saying this in a very kind and concerned voice. I really am concerned for you.

First, I wouldn't recommend jumping into another surgery right now. It would just cause a lot of unneeded stress in your life and something as intensive as a DS would be very difficult to deal with, especially with the related job struggles you talked about.

Second, you have a tool already. Why not try using it more effectively? The sleeve is only as good as you use it and I would encourage you to take a look around these boards and possibly take a peak at the VSG boards. There are some great members over there who have gotten to goal weight. Honestly, if you were not as successful with the sleeve, do you think you would do much better with the DS? It is much different with many supplements needed. Perhaps, doing some more research on what people are eating would help by looking at that forum

Third, you need to decide what will make you happy and get healthy. Perhaps talking with your psychologist and any other health professional about different meds if those aren't working or other types of therapy.

I really just want you to understand what jumping into surgery will look like from the other side. Maybe start with some exercising now and small changes in your diet to see how things progress. Focus on becoming healthier at this point in time and really thinking about how this going to affect you long term.

Best wishes.



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