I've been diagnosed with severe major depressive disorder as well. I've struggled with depression my whole adult life. I'm currently on four different psychiatric drugs, have regular ECT treatments, and attend DBT class and individual therapy weekly. It's been a long road but I'm and am stable for the first time in four years. You may very well need to be on meds for the rest of your life, but know it can get better...just hang in there. Like someone else said a good therapist and psychiatrist are a must. Don't be too hard on yourself when you can't get moving and learn to accept the help.
Thank you for all your supportive words. I have been seeing a psychiatrist and a mental health worker for quite some time now. I was recently put on prozac 20 mgs. along with my venlafaxine. I have been taking it for a month now, so hope it helps soon. I have been feeling really depressed and low energy. I added a fitness class 3 times a week also.
I am hanging in there. Hope you all can too. Thanks Barb