In desperate need of help.....

on 12/30/09 7:53 am - Canada
I know this may not be the best place to search for information but I am desperate & figured it was worth a shot.
I have been taking Effexor for depression since I had a miscarriage four years ago.  I have always suffered from depression, mainly because of my obesity but this loss pushed me over the edge.  Anyway, I recently decided that I wanted to change my pill because EFFEXOR was causing me to have a very low sex drive & inability to have an ****** (very important aspects of my life - especially now since I have lost over 100 pounds!).  So my family doctor took me off of Effexor & put me on Remerol.  It has been three days since I stoppped the Effexor & started the Remerol & I feel like complete ****  I am dizzy & nausous & my tounge feels like its too big for my mouth.  All I want to do is sleep & cry.  I know that Effexor has horrible withdrawal symptoms but I never thougth it would be this bad.  Has anyone went through this before?  Do you know how long these horrible side effects last?  Is anyone on here taking Remerol & know anything about it????  I have now decided to stop taking the Remeron & take only Welbutrin (as its in a totally different class than both of these!!****il I can see my doctor after the New Year. 
Right now I feel lost & hopeless.  I haven't felt like this in years, especially since my weight loss surgery & feeling so amaznig with loosing weight. 
So if anyone has anything to help I would GREATLY appreciate it.
Lost & afraid in Canada....
Patricia R.
on 12/30/09 10:58 am - Perry, MI
There are many different antidepressants on the market, and it may take a visit to a psychitrist to discuss all of your psychological history to find the correct medication for you.  Psych meds are often trial and error, and not a guarantee that any old one will help.

I have been on and off meds for almost twenty years.  What I thought was depression turned out to be bipolar disorder, and it takes a combination of three meds to help me stablize and live normal. 

Obesity for us WLS kids typically involves eating to deal with negative emotions.  Giving up the food can cause a huge gamut of emotions to surface, because our best friend, food, is no longer there to numb out.  For me, I knew I was eating disordered twenty years ago when I first started psychotherapy.  I also suspected I was an alcoholic.  Going on my first diet that the therapist gave me triggered me to go on drinking binges.  Getting sober contributed to fourteen years of over a 100 pound weight gain.  After my divorce, I discovered illicit sex, and shopped myself into bankruptcy.  (I am cross-addicted to say the least.)

Seeing a therapist might also help with the depression.  Cognitive therapy is very helpful in helping to identify distorted thoughts that often contribute to depressed moods.  It also helps in goal setting and learning new coping skills.

In addition to being in therapy, and on meds for what seems like forever, I also went back to graduate school to become a therapist myself.  Working part time in a psych hospital has allowed me to learn a great deal about the psychiatrists, and medication issues.

Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you would like to correspond privately.  I have learned that the best thing for me is helping others like myself.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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