Binging due to my depression. Any tips on how to stop?
I was diagnosed with bipolar type schizoaffective disorder in 2005 and prior to that, I had been diagnosed from an early age with various forms of depression.
I am almost 6 months post-op (lap RNY) and today, due to stress beyond my control, I have been eating way too much which scares me because prior to today, I haven't been able to tolerate the foods I am binging on. Today I've had macaroni and cheese mixed with tuna, oatmeal cookies, tons of skim milk and water, a bowl of ice cream and countless numbers of popsicles. I'm currently experiencing dumping, but I still want to eat.
I'm currently at work for another few hours or else I'd just go to sleep.
I do go to counseling once every two weeks and that has helped me up until now.
I am on meds, an antidepressant and an antipsychotic.
Any tips on what I can do to control the eating?
Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.
I visit the Overcoming Binge Eating Forum, and find it helpful. I have been in therapy for twenty years for Binge Eating, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Bipolar, and Alcoholism, just to name a few. I also did outpatient treatment twice for eating disorders, and am currently in outpatient treatment for alcoholism. Sometimes I feel discouraged that I am where I am after all these years of therapy. But, then I look back to where I was twenty years ago, and see progress.
I have a list of coping skills that I sometimes use when I am tempted to self-destruct with food, or whatever. Unfortunately, food is the hardest thing to resist, and rationalize.
Some books that have helped me include "the Beck Diet Solution" and "The Anatomy of a Food Addiction"
Hang in there.
Albert Schweitzer