My nerves are shot......

on 8/11/09 4:57 am - Pensacola, FL
Between my kids and life my nerves are just plain out shot. The majority of the time I stay a crying mess. I didn't get like this till about 2 years ago and then all of a sudden I got to the point where I started staying stressed out all the time and every little thing my kids did would just push me over the edge. I fly of the handle at everything now. I'll be fine one minute but the next you don't know what to expect. I don't know what my problem is. Is it my nerves, stress, bi-polar, hormones, life, kids, WHAT ???? I have 3 kids of my own and I let my sisters 2 kids stay the night with me 2 or 3 times a week. Last night they were all being very disrespectful and pushed me over the edge. I know I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown for sure. Can someone help me. Anyone. PLEASE.....How do I keep from losing my mind ???
on 8/11/09 6:09 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Seek therapy.
on 8/11/09 7:05 am - Pensacola, FL
I don't want to seek therapy....They don't do anything for you but put you on medicine after medicine after medicine. Medicine is what has me so screwed up now.
on 8/12/09 12:10 am - Santa Clarita, CA
I am in therapy and my therapist didn't push medicine on me.  Interview therapists.  That is the key.  Therapy does work... for many.

Started my journey - 450 lbs (VBG)
Had a revision at - 262 lbs (RNY)

on 8/12/09 8:15 am - Tallahassee, FL
It could be a combination of things. With your Surgery coming up it could be nerves, stress, anxiety. You might have something else going on. Was there something traumatic or life changing that happened two years ago when this all started? Seeking a therapist or a support group might help. Meds can be but aren't always the answer. AS someone who takes them for bipolar, anxiety, depression It's a pain to have to be on medications..BUT for some it's what keeps them sane!
I think finding out why this has been going on is more important than just medicating it. There's something causing this! What's been going on the last two years?

on 8/12/09 9:22 am - Pensacola, FL
I've done alot of research on every type of mental illness possible and I can't find one that really sounds like my problem. I've been diagnosed as being Bi-polar by one doctor but another doctor said I wasn't Bi-polar. Than I was diagnosed as ADHD, now that I believe. I took ADDERAL for that and it cured all my problems. Come to think of it. The problems I am having now started right after they took me off my ADDERALL. Could this all be caused from my ADHD and not a mental disorder like BI-polar. I guess I need to research ADHD some more. Anyways, speaking of ADHD, they won't give me anymore ADHD medicine till after my surgery. Only 4 more weeks.
on 8/12/09 2:25 pm - Tallahassee, FL
Sometimes being taken off a medication or put on one will trigger things like this. I was put on Cymbalta by some moron who thought all my physical pain was because of my depression...despite MRI's and other tests proving a back injury. Well, It sent me into the worst spiral that led to my Bipolar diagnosis! Cymbalta is BAD for A person with bipolar!! 
I had to take an MMPI test before I was diagnosed. Not everyone has to but my therapist wanted to be sure. Signs were there growing up, but it took my accident to bring it on full force.
Maybe after surgery the ADHD will correct itself or with being back on the meds it'll help. I know someone who's had bypass who takes adderall with no problems! Try to relax as much as possible! You have surgery soon and hopefully will be feeling much better before ya know it!!

on 8/12/09 3:08 pm - Pensacola, FL
You are so sweet....Thank you very much for the info....
susan in sugar land
on 8/13/09 11:56 am - SUGAR LAND, TX
As with health questions on the Main Board, you need to seek professional help to determine if you have any mental health issues.  Only a CERTIFIED, DEGREED, PROFESSIONAL therapist or psychiatrist can make that call.  Certainly not people off of a message board.  Good luck to you on your journey.
Patricia R.
on 8/13/09 9:56 pm - Perry, MI
I would encourage you to seek therapy for a lot of different reasons.  Therapists are not doctors who prescribe meds, so they should not be telling you to take meds.  They can, and often will, refer you to a psychiatrist for an evaluation for medications, as mine did, and I have done.  Often, meds need to be re-evaluated, and adjusted, as we go through different life stages, or stresses. 

But, therapy is about learning your thinking patterns and behavior patterns, and how to change them, so that extremes in emotion and behavior become lessened, and life becomes more stable.  In therapy, I am learning coping strategies, and examining self-defeating patterns.

As for diagnosing you, only a mental health professional can do that for you, AFTER, you have been evaluated.  It is not an exact science, and there are often differences of opinion.  My therapist has never said I am bipolar.  He has diagnosed me with boderline personality, eating disorder NOS, and depression.  My psychiatrist has never said I am borderline.  He has diagnosed me with first depression, then bipolar disorder.  They did not disagree, just emphasized different things in my treatment.  As it is, it took months before my therapist even diagnosed the borderline personality.  To add to my complicated life, I am also an alcoholic *****lapsed after years of sobriety and am now in outpatient treatment for that as well.

I would encourage you to seek therapy, especially as you approach the changes that will take place with surgery.  A lot of emotions come up in the first few years, as food is no longer an outlet for dealing with things.  Learning the whys of eating is so helpful.

Feel free to PM me if you need to talk.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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