Addiction/Alcoholism and Physical Pain
Anywho, I have been having off and on body aches since October, and had been seeing a rheumatologist. Now, I have a really bad case of tendonitis in my foot, and have been having excruciating pain when I walk, even though I do have a special boot to wear most of the time.
My bind is that I cannot take NSAIDS or anti-inflammatories because of the gastric bypass, and had a relapse abusing Vicodin in March because of the pain killers. Which basically leaves me with Tylenol, OTC. I am scheduled to see a new orthopedist for the foot on Thursday, and a new rheumatologist for the body aches, as I had also had some positive bloodwork showing symptoms of Lupus.
BUT, I am in pain NOW!!!!! I am about ready to go to the emergency room for help, because I just cannot take the pain any longer.
Does anyone know of any pain medications for people who cannot take the anti-inflammatories or the opioids?
Albert Schweitzer

I'm sorry you are in pain. I hate to admit this, but I do occasionally take NSAIDS. I am 5-1/2 years out. Ibuprofen doesn't bother my pouch. Naproxen (Alleve) makes pouchie gurgle, but no pain. As long as I use them sparingly, I am ok. I even got the ok from my surgeon to do this, but only because I'm really far out. I know people will come back and say you're never to take NSAIDS, but, I cannot walk around in pain. Tylenol does not work for me. I also found that by asking for prescription strength Ibuprofen and Naproxen, instead of the over the counter stuff, the pain relief seems to last longer. Being a recovering alcoholic myself, I am on constant vigil about what I can and cannot take. I don't believe we can abuse Ibuprofen or Naproxen. Feel better. Kathy
I have also taken Ibuprofen on occassion, but have had the bleeding ulcers before and after my RNY. It is like doing a tap dance in a mine field with me. My rheumatologist had me on Celebrex for during the winter, and gave me Prevacid to counteract the effects it would have on my pouch. Problem is, she told me to back off on taking it when the weather got nice because it does have side effects that could damage the heart. I would do more cardio exercise for this pain, but my recent foot injury has sidelined me.
Sorry to whine.
I am hoping to find some relief soon.
Albert Schweitzer

I wish I had a good answer for you but I don't know anything about pain meds.
just wanted to tell you I know somebody on OH who had joint pain to the point where she thought she might have rheumatoid arthritis. turned out to be a vitamin D deficiency!
do you get any relief from - soaking in ho****er? (bathtub, hot tub, therapy pool at the Y
might not be any help but I had to make a suggestion!
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great
I might splurge someday for a therapeutic massage...used to get them regularly, when my insurance covered it, but it does not cover it any longer.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Albert Schweitzer

Hey Trish!!
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. When absolutely necessary I've taken Aleve (just one and ages ago) to get some relief and that seemed to work. It's hard on us as we can't take certain things post-op, but need SOMETHING to help with the pain...shame that won't go away when the other health issues do. I hope you're pain is lessened enough to be bearable, then GONE just as soon!
I have the double whammy with the tendonitis in my foot aggravating things, on top of the chronic arthritic crap all over my body. So, this is not going to be an easy fix.
I am scheduled to see a new orthopedist on Thursday, as the original one I saw for the foot has lousy hours and his nurse was useless over the phone last week. I then will see a pain management specialist in the beginning of May for the arthritic stuff.
What is so depressing is that I had the WLS to get rid of the body aches, and other crap, and become more active. This stuff has me sidelined, and sitting on my A** more than when I was morbidly obese.
As long as I stay sober, it is a good day.
Albert Schweitzer

I just take it one day at a time. I just hate how strong the urge to drink is because I know I can have immediate pain relief, but just totally ruin my life in the process.
Oh, did I send you the e-mail with my daughter-in-law's show info in Rhode Island? If not, I will.
Albert Schweitzer

I so hear ya on the "I had WLS to get rid of the body aches and other crap......" Me too!!!!!! Seems like I have had every complication there was to have, sometimes more than once, except for a blood clot. Also, I've been sick with some pretty weird stuff in the past 5-1/2 years. Makes you go hmmmm. Of course, I would not take back the weight, but can I at least get a break? I drive the doctors crazy, even my pharmacist. I think I take more meds now than I did before.
Feel better soon. Have a great sober day! Kathy