Merely to change my behavior, and what I say and do, doesn't prover there's been a change in my actual inner attitude. I'm deceiving myself if I believe I can somehow completely disguise my true feelings. They'll somehow come through, prolonging the difficulties in my relationships with others. I have to avoid half-measures in getting rid of the trouble-some emotions I've been trying to hide. HAVE I TAKEN AN HONEST INVENTORY OF MYSELF?
May I know that feelings will come out somehow -- sometimes barely disguised as behavior that I cannot always understand. But that perhaps is more acceptable to me than the root emotion that caused it. May I be completely and vigilantly honest with myself. May I be given the insight that comes through depending upon a Higher Power.
Feelings can come out "sideways".

I can apply this one to Friday.. I got angry and said something to someone that maybe I should not have. After reading this.. I understand that my anger was just a disguise of feeling jealous (the root emotion that caused it). I apologized.. not sure if I'm forgiven, but that's okay... a consequence of my action I suppose. But how does one get rid of jealousy? I suppose that is where I have to depend upon my Higher Power and ask him to remove this character flaw. Sometimes.. it's frustrating
but at least I'm learning ..
Wisdom to know the difference and courage to change the things I can..
Merely to change my behavior, and what I say and do, doesn't prover there's been a change in my actual inner attitude. I'm deceiving myself if I believe I can somehow completely disguise my true feelings. They'll somehow come through, prolonging the difficulties in my relationships with others. I have to avoid half-measures in getting rid of the trouble-some emotions I've been trying to hide. HAVE I TAKEN AN HONEST INVENTORY OF MYSELF?
May I know that feelings will come out somehow -- sometimes barely disguised as behavior that I cannot always understand. But that perhaps is more acceptable to me than the root emotion that caused it. May I be completely and vigilantly honest with myself. May I be given the insight that comes through depending upon a Higher Power.
Feelings can come out "sideways".

I can apply this one to Friday.. I got angry and said something to someone that maybe I should not have. After reading this.. I understand that my anger was just a disguise of feeling jealous (the root emotion that caused it). I apologized.. not sure if I'm forgiven, but that's okay... a consequence of my action I suppose. But how does one get rid of jealousy? I suppose that is where I have to depend upon my Higher Power and ask him to remove this character flaw. Sometimes.. it's frustrating

Wisdom to know the difference and courage to change the things I can..

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin