Cross Post: friend in trouble???

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/09 4:08 am - NH
I have a friend that is in serious trouble i think..........

She has lived with her Boyfriend for ever , has not worked outside the home, has worked but not on the books.  She suffers from repeated spells of depression, anxiety and for the most part these have been untreated.

he B/F left her, she has zero money, zero job, depressded, anxious, calls me all the time for advice which I am at a loss as to what to tell her.

She has not enough credits earned for disability even if she was eligible for disability.

So my question is 1st I want to get her to Mental health, BUT can depression and Anxiety perhaps make her eligible for state aide? I mean where is she going to live, to eat etc?

she has 2 family members that tell her to toughen up and "get a job"

Easier said then done, she is not talking suicide but she is talking that maybe she needs inpatient care???               She is 50      

Any advice , has anyone been on state aide for disabilty?

I am at such a loss as to HOW to help her???            Where do i begine/         How does she afford counseling and prescriptions?                  I gave her money to pay march rent and I bought food but I can`t do it again???

Whathappens to the mentally ill, I don`t even know if she quailifies as that but she is and has always has social anxiety, seperation anxiety, depression and for most if not all the years I have known her ( 30 )        these conditions have been untreated.

Help me to help my dear friend????
Patricia R.
on 3/7/09 10:51 am - Perry, MI
She can go to a psychiatric hospital and ask to be evaluated for admission.  If she warrants admission, they will help her apply for medical assistance to pay for it.  They cannot turn her away if she is sick enough to be admitted.  If admitted, the social workers can help her apply for other things like medical disability for mental illness, if she qualifies.  If she does not warrant inpatient care, ask them where she can access outpatient care, given her lack of a job and medical insurance.  There are clinics where she can get help applying for medical assistance and medical disability.  She can also go to the welfare office and apply for medical assistance, and temporary assistance for needy families.  She can also apply for Section 8 housing, and see if there is anyway she can get into some sort of apartment situation with that assistance.  Most importantly, she needs to be evaluated, because if she is to qualify for medical disability, she needs a psychiatric diagnosis that would prevent her from holding down a job.  Not all psychiatric diagnoses prevent people from working.  In my own case, I am bipolar, borderline personality disorder, eating disordered and alcoholic and I have two jobs, and once had three jobs. 

Good luck.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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