It Works if You Work It!!! Really!!!
I cannot even begin to tell you how grateful I am today to be celebrating not only my five year WLS anniversary but I also picked up my TWO YEAR sobriety chip this morning at my AA meeting. I just wanted to share with anyone out there who doubts their ability to get sober that they CAN do it if they are willing to go to ANY length to get there.
I heard someone share this morning that God can't drive the car if the car is still parked on the side of the road. Wow. What a message....I truely believe that it is impossible to stay sober unless one finds a Higher Power (meaning ANYTHING more powerful than themselves-even members of an AA meeting) that they can turn their care over to and REALLY mean it.
Letting go of trying to control others and even trying to control the outcome of our own futures is self-defeating and impossible. By allowing life to run it's course under the assumption that our only responsibility is to not drink or drug for today only; that a Higher Power will be in control of all else, is such a relief and allows me to concentrate on just me. I finally realilzed that not everyone on this earth was going to like me. Just as I don't like everyone else. It's really none of my business what others think. That's their junk.
Thanks for listening to me share my experience today.
I heard someone share this morning that God can't drive the car if the car is still parked on the side of the road. Wow. What a message....I truely believe that it is impossible to stay sober unless one finds a Higher Power (meaning ANYTHING more powerful than themselves-even members of an AA meeting) that they can turn their care over to and REALLY mean it.
Letting go of trying to control others and even trying to control the outcome of our own futures is self-defeating and impossible. By allowing life to run it's course under the assumption that our only responsibility is to not drink or drug for today only; that a Higher Power will be in control of all else, is such a relief and allows me to concentrate on just me. I finally realilzed that not everyone on this earth was going to like me. Just as I don't like everyone else. It's really none of my business what others think. That's their junk.
Thanks for listening to me share my experience today.
Congratulations on both of your anniversaries.
I had five years of sobriety when I had my surgery in 2006. Now, I have less than two months. I know it is possible, I just made it harder on myself by going out and staying out for almost a year.
Today I work my AA program as rigorously and honestly as I can.
Keep up the good work.

Today I work my AA program as rigorously and honestly as I can.
Keep up the good work.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish,
I have watched you struggle over the past year and commend you for making it back. Some never do...but we don't kick our wounded when they are down.
It is when we take a simple program and make it difficult by taking control again instead of letting go that we pay such a high price. I KNOW you can do this, Trish. I have never heard of anyone going back out who has been attending meetings every day and calling their sponsor or someone in the program every day. Sometimes, that is what it takes. Any length to keep sober. You CAN do it. I know you CAN.
One day at a time...
Pull the car away from the curb and let God do the driving.
I'm starting my 22nd year of sobriety and wish I'd done it with AA. I sure could've used more support although those who were there for me helped more than they know! Doing it alone is really riskier....I'm so proud of your accomplishments!! You've reminded me like lots of folks on here that I need to work my steps on my other issues! The program DOES work, we're all living breathing proof!!
I'm starting my 22nd year of sobriety and wish I'd done it with AA. I sure could've used more support although those who were there for me helped more than they know! Doing it alone is really riskier....I'm so proud of your accomplishments!! You've reminded me like lots of folks on here that I need to work my steps on my other issues! The program DOES work, we're all living breathing proof!!
WOW 22 years! That is quite an accomplishment! You should be very proud of yourself; I don't know how you did it without AA. But it is never too late to attend AA meetings. The support is always there and, more importantly, others can benefit from hearing your story.
Keep up the good work, one day at a time...!
Keep up the good work, one day at a time...!
I truly believe in a Higher Power. I know that I have finally found mine. I am 5 years out from surgery and 8-1/2 months sober. I feel fantastic. I work my program hard, harder than I should but I've always been an overachiever and perfectionist. Right now, I'm reading a book about Co-Dependency - How to stop controlling others and living your life. Very insightful. I never realized that I tended to "rescue" people from situations by totally taking over their problems. Wow, its amazing what we learn when we open our mind and its not clouded by alcohol. Kathy