Personal freedom is mine for the taking. No matter how close are the ties of love and concern that bind me to my family and friends, I must always remember that I am an individual, free to be myself and live my own life in serenity and joy. The key word in this realization is PERSONAL.
For I CAN free myself from many involvements that SEEM necessary. Through The Program, I am learning to develop my own personality. AM I REINFORCING MY PERSONAL FREEDOM BY LEAVING OTHERS FREE TO CONTROL THEIR ACTIONS AND DESTINIES?
May I find personal freedom, by reevaluating associations, establishing new priorities, gaining respect for my own personhood. May I give others equal room to find their own kinds of personal freedoms.
Take the liberty; it's yours.

Now whether withdrawn on a mountain,
or retired in a city, the essential
thing is the long maturation.
For this, it is good to keep
the examples of the old masters in mind,
or we will be pulled back into
the dust and delusion of the world.
- Torei (1721-1792)
A day at a time is the most commonly heard expression around the programs. It's also the one newcomers often don't comprehend, and think stupid, believing it to be all too self-apparent. A day at a time is indeed obvious, but it is also an art and science of being. As people in recovery, we have lost touch with this very basic art possessed by all forms of life. As human beings, it is our lot to have to struggle to regain this lost paradise, this lost Eden that is our collective real estate. Ultimately, entering any sort of heaven can only mean entering this very day, this very moment that we always find ourselves in. ---from The Zen of Recovery by Mel Ash (page 147)
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin