Just found this forum
I am in the process of deciding which type of surgery I want. I have not picked out a surgeon yet. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time now. I want to get the process started now.
I suffer from depression/anxiety/mood issues. I am on med's to control that and so far everything seems to be ok.
I worry about the cross addictions. I have 3 addictions that I am battling right now. I am a compulsive shopper. I have run up around $100,000 in credit card debt over the past 14 years. To me it is a HUGE high to spend money. After I spend I feel guilt and that drives me to stuff my face with food. I use food as a source of comfort. I have gained over a 100 lbs within the last ten or so years. The shopping/eating feed off each other. I find if I concentrate on trying to control one then I fall back to the other.
My latest cross addiction is online social websites. I started this about 4 years ago. My husband and I have grown apart. My self esteem is so low that I resorted to online affairs and cybersex. I never used my real pictures. I found pictures of this "sexy" woman on webshots. I loved all the attention from men. I know it sounds totally warped, but I fell into this horrible fantasy life. I got the attention I craved. I felt wanted. I started having cyber affairs. I have no clue how many I have had. I was so caught up in this life that I shut everyone out. My shopping and eating got worse too. My last online affair ended in December and it was painful. He was the first man who told me he "loved me". I fell in love with him. We had a very emotional relationship. We made up dreams about what it would be like to be together. He is married too. We talked all day, chatted, text, etc. We did the cybersex thing or ******** He pushed away his wife for me. This whole time he didn't know that the pics I was using were not of me. He actually flew here to meet me. I had to make up some huge lie as to why I couldn't meet him. It was a mess!!! Our relationship drained me emotionally. It really messed with my mind. Here is this guy (who I thought I loved) telling me he loves me and wants me yet he still loves his wife and makes love to her. WTF? How warped is that? Anyway..........Dec 8 I got up the nerve to come clean with him. Needless to say he blew me off. I am having a hard time getting past it. I also came clean with my family regarind the internet crap.
I am in therapy now. I am feeling a bit better, but I am still struggling with it all. I just joined a 12 step group at a church. I think this will be very helpful for me. I don't know how I will react not being able to stuff my face after surgery. I am hoping I don't resort to my other addictions or find something else. That worries me. At least, I have somewhat of a support group in place while I go thru this.
I suffer from depression/anxiety/mood issues. I am on med's to control that and so far everything seems to be ok.
I worry about the cross addictions. I have 3 addictions that I am battling right now. I am a compulsive shopper. I have run up around $100,000 in credit card debt over the past 14 years. To me it is a HUGE high to spend money. After I spend I feel guilt and that drives me to stuff my face with food. I use food as a source of comfort. I have gained over a 100 lbs within the last ten or so years. The shopping/eating feed off each other. I find if I concentrate on trying to control one then I fall back to the other.
My latest cross addiction is online social websites. I started this about 4 years ago. My husband and I have grown apart. My self esteem is so low that I resorted to online affairs and cybersex. I never used my real pictures. I found pictures of this "sexy" woman on webshots. I loved all the attention from men. I know it sounds totally warped, but I fell into this horrible fantasy life. I got the attention I craved. I felt wanted. I started having cyber affairs. I have no clue how many I have had. I was so caught up in this life that I shut everyone out. My shopping and eating got worse too. My last online affair ended in December and it was painful. He was the first man who told me he "loved me". I fell in love with him. We had a very emotional relationship. We made up dreams about what it would be like to be together. He is married too. We talked all day, chatted, text, etc. We did the cybersex thing or ******** He pushed away his wife for me. This whole time he didn't know that the pics I was using were not of me. He actually flew here to meet me. I had to make up some huge lie as to why I couldn't meet him. It was a mess!!! Our relationship drained me emotionally. It really messed with my mind. Here is this guy (who I thought I loved) telling me he loves me and wants me yet he still loves his wife and makes love to her. WTF? How warped is that? Anyway..........Dec 8 I got up the nerve to come clean with him. Needless to say he blew me off. I am having a hard time getting past it. I also came clean with my family regarind the internet crap.
I am in therapy now. I am feeling a bit better, but I am still struggling with it all. I just joined a 12 step group at a church. I think this will be very helpful for me. I don't know how I will react not being able to stuff my face after surgery. I am hoping I don't resort to my other addictions or find something else. That worries me. At least, I have somewhat of a support group in place while I go thru this.
I understand all that you are saying about the various addictions you discussed. I can relate to each one of them. My best suggestion is to get into psychotherapy with a good, licensed psychologist or social worker. Also, visit Debtors Anonymous for help with the shopping addiction.
God bless.
God bless.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Good am,
Its incredibly important to be honest about all of this and seek help before your WLS and continue it through the WLS journey if that is what you choose. Addictions CAN and WILL carry over into the WLS lifestyle as well. The first step is admitting your addictions. Kudos to you for that. Take the steps you need to NOW to ensure a more successful journey. All best!
Its incredibly important to be honest about all of this and seek help before your WLS and continue it through the WLS journey if that is what you choose. Addictions CAN and WILL carry over into the WLS lifestyle as well. The first step is admitting your addictions. Kudos to you for that. Take the steps you need to NOW to ensure a more successful journey. All best!