I'm going to my first AA meeting tomorrow...
Today my shakes weren't as bad....as they were after drinking vodka. But I did drink today. People have noticed my shakes. We'll see what happens tomorrow...I may take a couple of days off of work. But I don't seem to have a problem at work.
My dr did prescribe me Trazadone to help me sleep. Last night I was up until 4 am. I had told her before that if I don't drink I can't sleep. Anyone heard of that drug? I do see her on the 8th. So hopefully I can beat this beast instead of it beating me and cheating my family.
Hugs and thanks to you all.
YEAH YEAH YEAH - on the AA meeting.
Do NOT be scared - remember everyone in that meeting has walked the same walk you are having to do - and if you feel you just can't connect with the people there - go to a meeting on another day - somewhere else - sometimes you have to "shop around" to find an AA group that works for you. I certainly did.
I take Trazodone right now (It is a $4.00 RX so - I can afford it - since I don't have health insurance.) It helps me sleep through the night and it also helps some what w/ my depression.
Thoughts are w/ you.
Yea, I'm so thrilled for you, I have to attend 12 step nar. mtg. for lortab addiction and the first class, I was scared and nervous. But I'm telling you, everyone there is just like you and me and they have been there and done that.
There are a lot of people in my class are addiced to drinking also. I'm on suboxine now for the detox and its helping, I just started it and admitted that I have a problem.
Congrats to you because the first step to healing and getting help is admitting that you have a problem out loud.
Take care and keep us posted. I just found this board and am thrilled that i did. I'm five years out on my surgery.
Hugs, mitz

can't wait to hear about YOUR experience.
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~Ursula K. LeGuin
It's 2:15 am central time where I live....been working on my assignment for college and dealing with "****" on the MN board. The meeting went well...I think I'll be back next week..if not I'll go a different night to see what crowd is there.....I go to see my PCP on thursday...I hope she has words of encouragement...She really is the best...so I imagine she will.....
As for the Trazadone....took that last night...slept well...but am afraid I'll get hooked on that too....that's part of the reason I'm still up....I should have taken one....but didn't...I'm sure tomorrow am I'll be calling in late.
The good news....I've been researching this project for college and the topic I chose was domestic violence, which is near and dear to my heart... having trouble on the college database, but still making strides! It's actually getting fun now that I'm half way thru! LOL
on 1/6/09 10:59 am - NC
I'm glad that you have admitted the problem and made the step of going to AA. In the past I spent a lot of time in NA meetings. If you find the right group of people they are definitely a safe haven. I know your struggles just ake it day by day.