help and confussion
I can only share what has helped me. I was in therapy for my eating disorder and alcoholism long before I had my surgery. It has helped me identify a lot of the childhood issues and behaviors as well as learn coping skills to deal with negative thinking and urges to eat and drink. I also particpate in Alcoholics Anonymous, which I believe is absolutely necessary for anyone who wishes to be successful in recovery from alcoholism.
Have your friend contact AA and get to some meetings. I also suggest that both of you start individual psychotherapy to deal with the emotions and thoughts that lead up to overeating and possible drinking.
Albert Schweitzer

I agree with Trish, but my suggestion would be for your friend to go to AA....if they 'think' they have a problem. They, may not be ready to give it up. My suggestion for you would be to go to Al-Anon meetings. I stopped drinking about 6 months before my surgery. I continue to go to AA. I depend on this to keep me sober. Smart of you to think of this issue before surgery.