Husband wants an apology for years of my fat...
My first marriage was to an emotionally, physically, sexually abusive man. I got out thankfully with my life and before I had children. While it's wonderful that you both adore your child, staying together for the sake of the child is not the reason to do it. The resentment and nastiness will eventually cloud the seemingly happy home you're trying to raise him in. You can't hid that from a kid for very long. You speak like your marriage is an illusion (or delusion?) of happiness for his sake only. What about you? YOU deserve to live with a man *****spects you. This one clearly doesn't. YOU deserve to be happy...If you can honestly say you are with this man, more power to you. IF not, I applaud you for doing something about that by seeing a counsellor.
CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss! This is NOT an easy journey...I am so proud of you for what you've achieved! Don't let his misery and selfish attitude convince you tht you owe him any kind of apology. You owe him nothing. He needs to pull his bald head OUT of his ass, make the pop! sound and look at what he HAS instead of what he THINKS he's owed. I'm trying to be nice here, but I really want to ***** slap that man. You take care of YOU and your child. In time with proper counselling, you'll find what you want...what you need, and what you'll put up with.
How about HE owes YOU a apology for being a jackass? '
Hon, the others are right! He IS emotionally abusing you, and is a typical BULLY!!! He can't handle his own short comings so he tries to make you pay for them by calling you down and making himself feel better.
He's NOT a man, but rather a spoilt, self centered child!

PLEASE follow through with the councelling and work on getting yourself happy.
Remember that a child is better with one happy parent then two miserable ones!!!
Good luck and please keep us updated!
We're on vacation now - we got tickets to see the space shuttle launch this Friday, and we couldn't miss that. We have an appointment with a counselor about a week after we get back.
Thanks to all of you.
First off CONGRATS on your weight loss.
