Grateful Post..

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 10/30/08 7:00 pm - Houston, TX

Good Morning OH’ers It’s FRIDAY ! ! ! !

Today I am grateful..

That I am on my way to LA to share my story at the National OH convention..

For acceptance by certain people in my life..

That I know I can not control peoples actions only my reactions..

That I know I am just me..

For thought provoking songs..

The song of the week was sent to me by a man who saw me speak at Philly.. We talked about some of the personal stuff that I have been going through and he sent me this bad @ss song..

Thanks Randy..

Song of the week..

"What I've Done"

By Linkin Park



Movie quote of the week..

“ I hold no ill will against that man” Deputy Looney in A TIME TO KILL

In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no alibi
‘Cause I’ve drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies

So let mercy come
And wash away
What I’ve done

I'll face myself
To cross out what i’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what i’ve done

Put to rest
What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands of uncertainty

For what I’ve done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m forgiving what I’ve done!!!

What I’ve done
Forgiving what I’ve done
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..

on 10/30/08 11:48 pm
For getting 2 more tattoos yeaterday. I love them. Got one on my hand and one on my arm. I now have 11 tattoos and getting my arm sleaved out. That is my only fun.
on 10/31/08 4:35 am - exton, PA
I'm grateful that today is Helloween! I LOVE this holiday!
Tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm going to enjoy it!
339/197/124 (yeah...right)
on 10/31/08 7:25 am
Hi Ramon
Today I am grateful.

For seeing pictures of the "old" me!  I can't believe how far I've come on my journey.

For computers that link me to others on the OH.

For the kind sales lady yesterday that talked to me about her daughter who had WLS.

For encourgement, small steps and better health!

For a road-trip I'm taking with the family next weekend.  This will be the first time Both my brothers and I will be together for more than a few hours!


At Goal!   Dance of happiness!  
5/08               280 lbs   Size 26
9/08               199 lbs   Onederland!  
7/09               135 lbs  Size 9!  GOAL!! Whoopie!
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal to throw at someone else,,you are the one who gets burned!  Buddah


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