Do the MB Alcohol Posts Bother You?

on 10/20/08 11:58 pm - MN
It seems like every week on the main board someone asks a question about alcohol after gastric bypass. I'm always tempted to write "Don't do it!!!" but I know I would get responses that they are adults and can do what they want, which is true. But I just wish they realized how dangerous it is and how hard the addiction is to get away from once you are sucked in. Here are some examples:,replies/board_ id,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,3760885/a,messageboard/,replies/board_ id,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,3758022/a,messageboard/
Patricia R.
on 10/21/08 12:02 am - Perry, MI
Hi there,
I do not venture onto the Main Message Board, but I do post regularly on the PA Forum.  I have been blasted by a few people when I have shared the caution of drinking after gastric bypass.  I never say "Don't do it."  I just warn that there is the potential of a problem, and that I have met plenty of people on the Mental Health Forum who developed alcohol addiction after surgery.  I was already alcoholic when I had my surgery.

I just tell people that I understand they will want to try it, and go for it, but to be aware of the dangers. 

Have a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/21/08 3:51 am - SW , MO
The reason not to drink early out is only partially because of transfer addiction issues. The strain on your liver, which is already under huge stress from rapid weight loss should be reason enough to avoid alcohol.
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on 10/21/08 5:33 am - Mountlake Terrace, WA
Yes, they do bother me.  Not just because of the dangers of transfer addiction but because of what it does to our livers b/c of the malabsorption.

This one particular post really bothered me:,messageboard/action ,replies/board_id,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,3748672/




on 10/21/08 8:08 am - MN
I remember that one! That was awful. I hope that really was a one time incident for her.
on 10/21/08 9:39 am - Mountlake Terrace, WA
Yeah, me too.  Maybe one of these days she'll end up here!




on 10/21/08 7:11 am - Vancouver, WA
While I understand they  may bother you, you need to understand that we are looking for help.......NOT condemnation!  Everyone on OH has an issue and we need to support one another.  Does this anger you?  I hope not.  That wasn't my intent.  It's just like having a kid and saying don't drink.  One drink feels good, so they try another and before you know it, it gets out of hand.  We just need support.


on 10/21/08 8:02 am - MN
When I say it bothers me, I'm not feeling any anger in any way. I guess it's more that it worries me or even pains me - almost literally in the gut - because I have been through it. When I see those posts, I just worry that that person may have started down a road of transfer addiction or maybe already in denial.
on 10/21/08 9:44 am - Mountlake Terrace, WA
It doesn't anger me; it scares me.  I am concerned about what they are doing to their bodies.  After having a life-changing surgery, why would you want to f*** it up by drinking?  However, it's not my life, not my body; I can't tell someone else what to do or how to live their life.  All I can do is offer my experience, strength & hope, and hope and pray that they don't go to the same dark place I came from.




Curious G.
on 10/22/08 4:05 am - Peachtree City, GA
it concerns me - absolutely.  BUT - when I was fresh out of surgery, you could have not convinced me no way no how that I'd be sitting in an AA meeting just 2-3 years later.  I think we do have a moral obligation to let somebody know with LOVE what happened to us if we choose to share.

But I also have to remember that not everybody will end up like me.  I have lots of other issues that led to my alcoholism and addiction. 

Very thought provoking topic though - so glad you posted it!

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