went to the doctor
I went to my doctor. He had me to go and have a swallowing test done. I go back today. I am sure he is going to put me in the hospital. I am still getting choaked. I try to eat. I am trying to drink all the protein shakes I can get down without getting choaked. I will not try to eat or dring when I am home alone. I don't want to choak home alone in case I can't get it up or down someone will be here to call 911. I am packed for the hospital just in case. I think I had a little mini stroke. I am goinng to tell my doctor today. I don't know if he will put me in rehab or the regular hospital. But anyway is fine with me. I want help. I need help. I want to stay around for a long time. I talked to my doctor about a eating disorder hospital in chapel hill. He said I needed to see why I can't eat when I try. I am willing to go. But most of the time they send me to our hospital here and they watch me and make me eat. It is a long storie.......Hope all of you have a good day.
I'm glad you went to your doc's office. I sincerely hope he can help you with options for getting better. Please do take this seriously and I'm proud of you for admitting you not only want but need help. That's the best thing about getting better is you admit it to yourself and seek the help of your own accord. I would push for your care. We are our own best advocate for our care so make him listen to you. If he doesn't want to consider other avenues. Keep us posted.
All best!
I'm glad you went to your doc's office. I sincerely hope he can help you with options for getting better. Please do take this seriously and I'm proud of you for admitting you not only want but need help. That's the best thing about getting better is you admit it to yourself and seek the help of your own accord. I would push for your care. We are our own best advocate for our care so make him listen to you. If he doesn't want to consider other avenues. Keep us posted.
All best!

Hi Amy,
I am so glad you talked to your doctor and are willing to get help. I think your doc is wise in wanting to take care of your physical inability to consume food first. After he takes care of the physical problem, then you can address the eating disorder and all the emotional stuff that is entangled in that.
Stay willing and keep the faith.
I am so glad you talked to your doctor and are willing to get help. I think your doc is wise in wanting to take care of your physical inability to consume food first. After he takes care of the physical problem, then you can address the eating disorder and all the emotional stuff that is entangled in that.
Stay willing and keep the faith.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer