any post ops suffering from bipolat/melancholy depression

on 9/28/08 1:24 pm - Yardley, PA
or elements of borderline personality around here?
agaian, this is not just a scentific curiosity, it's very much me trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me.

P.S> Trish, if you are reading this, i'm not a complete idiot promise. i have a doctorate (in law, for what it's worth) and am considering going for my MA in psych (figure that may be a good way to get my s..ttogether)


Patricia R.
on 9/28/08 8:35 pm - Perry, MI
I don't think you are an idiot at all.  I was in a Masters program for Counseling when I first started therapy in 1989, and learned I was suffering from borderline personality disorder, and the binge eating disorder and alcoholism.  I had a complete meltdown on a regular basis and just destroyed my marriage.  Needless to say, I did not finish that degree, as my psychiatrist encouraged me to drop out of school and focus on my teaching job and my mental health. 

After my husband left, and my kids all moved away, I went back to school and got my Masters in Social Work.  This time, I was doing much better mentally.  In fact, my therapist signed a recommendation for me to enter the program at Temple University, which meant he felt I was stable enough to work with clients and not fall apart. 

Have you read the criterion for Borderline Personality Disorder online?  You can Google it and find the nine criterion that therapists and psychiatrists use in diagnosing patients. 

I would encourage you to seek a therapist who is experienced with eating issues and personality disorders.  I would be lost if not for my therapist.

Good luck.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/28/08 8:50 pm - Yardley, PA

Thank you so much for replying. I think I can deal with the mental health bit but alcohol is becoming a problem to where i'm afrraid i'm going to loose my relationship )and just as importantly, loos me in the prosess.) i don't know what 2 do


Patricia R.
on 9/29/08 7:50 am - Perry, MI
I got sober with going to AA.  I don't live very far from Yardley, and know where there are a ton of meetings in Bucks County and would be happy to meet you at one if you are interested in attending.  There are meetings at all times of the day and night.  My favorite is in downtown Langhorne at 6:00 a.m.  That is morning.  But, I also know a lot of really good AA meetings in the evenings as well.  Some are in Newtown. 

Let me know if you would like to have me send you my private e-mail address in a PM, or just PM me and I will reply with my private e-mail and we can make arrangements to get together. 

I have been going to AA meetings since 1989,   In fact, it was October of 1989 that I attended my first AA meeting. 

One other thought.  My mental health issues always get worse when I am in relapse.  I don't stand a chance of keeping my mental health in check if I am drinking.  Drinking alcohol always opens Pandora's box in my life.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer


on 9/28/08 11:21 pm
I am bipolar and ocd and ptss. I have several issues. It all comes through my crappy life I had as a kid. I have been in the mental hospital several times. I think as myself as a normal person. There is nothing wrong with asking for mental health. I go every week to group meetings. We all have problems just some of us need to talk to someone that don't know us or will judge us. I don't care who knows that I go. When I did work. Everyone at my work knew I went. It was accross the street where I worked so I would walk over there and come back and let them know what is wrong or bothering me. And I had a job where people looked up to me. To me we are all in this world the same no matter what you have or don't have. What you live in or don't live in. Drive a nice ride or walk like me. I have no car but feel just as good as someone in a BMW....
on 9/29/08 3:44 am - Yardley, PA
dear Amy,
 thank you so much fo replying. if that's o.k. i'd like to mention that i saw your prior (hottmoma) posts and i hope you prevail with the struggle you are facing. for what it's worth, i was buimic(3-5times/day)/anorexic/binge eater for about 12 years until i had the surgery.....obviously that didn't work.:) after WSL somehing in my stomach prevents me from thowing up so i guess i'm no longer bulimic. my bmi ranges in the 22-24 range but i still feel morbidly obese (all wrong, i know).

the funny thing about cars and money just based on what you wrote:

about 6 years ago i bought my mom a Mercedes (no reason, just because she crashed her Accura.) at the time i was 27 years old. i don't come from a rich family and had my share of problems but had a great job as an attorney, etc.

For the last year, I haven't been able to work due to health problems (unrelated to WLS) and, guess credit history is ruined and i can't even get financing for a freaking compact. ...go figure. I hope to climb out of the hole i'm in and i know i will (or die trying):)

 again, thanks for answering, hope 2 hear from u again.



on 10/1/08 10:37 am - Spicewood, TX
I am diagnosed with severe depression combined with biopolar disorder and PTSD....(Sounds like I am really f'ed up.....) In addition, I am a recovering cocaine addict and am an alcoholic. (Have not had a drink for 3 weeks - but know this battle is going to be a long one.)

Unfortunately - I don't have insurance right now and don't qualify for government assistance programs. After a bunch of research - I found a program in the small county I live in that is willing to pay for medications for me. Thank God....

I think a fair number of people who had wls have psychological issues - a lot of them won't admit it though....(I am not a complete idiot either - BA in psychology and currently working on a master's in educational psychology along w/ my LCDC....)
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