Cross-post-Dctr Appt Yesterday-Revision for the recovering addict.

on 9/4/08 8:47 am, edited 9/4/08 10:21 am - NEPA, PA
I met with Dr Davidson yesterday (after driving 2 hrs to get there) and left smiling. He read my original surgery notes and found a few things that while they were the norm for the time (1999) - not so much now. The standard pouch now is 20cc and mine was made 65cc, The standard intestine bypass is betwee 120-150 cm--mine was something like 40cm. There was also another problem he mentioned about where my intestine connection was made where there was a pocket at the bottom of my pouch that is causing the vomitting. ( Obviously he used more medical terms but I forgot them already-forgive me)He lso mentioned the probability of a hiatal hernia, but he won't know for sure til he gets in there. He is going to try to do all the repairs and the revision without doing it open, but that will depend on what kind of adhesions if any are in there.
Soooo...that being said everything is a go as soon as the insurance approval comes through. I am still worried that they will give me a hard time even though several people who had surgery with him, had my same insurance and got approved. Dr Davidson assured me that it was medically necessary to fix the problems and the he was going to write a letter personally to send in with the submission. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long on pins and needles waiting for the approval.
As far as my concerns about pain meds, I have been probing lots of my friends in the rooms about their experience with surgeries, (some of whom are even battling cancer) and with pain meds after going home. I have lots of support, lots of phone numbers, and plenty of literature to keep me in the right frame of mind. I feel a lot better about the situation as a whole now after being reassured that I should be ok as long as I continue to work my program. (whew!!) I've come too far in my recovery ( 1 year on sept 20) to risk it for anything.
Anyhoo- I better get some work done around here- you'd think I went to the north pole instead of a 2 hr trip to Harrisburg! My kids are definantely "Cleaning challanged"--LOL..But ya gotta love em right? Right?....hehe Well, I guess not, but I do and I want to stay alive long enough to make sure they know just how much:)

P.S. I stopped at a thrift store while I was down there and in my head I was stressing out about the insurance and the whole revision in general. I wondered over to this big box of frames and pictures and stuff..I lifted one up and underneath that was a picture that said it all "Let Go and Let God"  *big smile* Guess he told about your God shot!
Patricia R.
on 9/4/08 10:33 am - Perry, MI
I am so glad that your appointment with the doc went well.  I am also glad that you are getting the support you need from your friends in recovery.  You have come a long way, and deserve the best recovery as possible. 

I hope to be in Scranton in November for a one-day continuing education workshop.  I will be staying at my mother's, as she lives in Wilkes Barre.

Take care.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/8/08 7:35 am - NEPA, PA
Oh wow,
Thank you for your response:)  It's good to know that I'm not alone on here:)
Being the good addict I am, I am of course obsessing about wanting to control the whole situation and between remembering the pain of the last surgery, and worrying if my insurance is going to cover a revision-I'm basically making myself My insurance does not do preapprovals, so of course I freaked out about this. (They said I have to go ahead of the surgery and if it was medically necessry, they will pay for it.) Anyways, I call my doc's office and his gal said not to worry about it, that they never have problems with my insurance, they just have to jump through hoops to cover all bases. *whew* I just have to hold on and wait.
Anyways, I guess it's in God's hands now~
Have a great day!
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