Upcoming surgery and Panic Attacks
Hi all, I've been a member here for awhile now but I finally got my surgery date of 10/21/08 and I'm having the BPD/DS. I have been suffering for a few years with extremely high anxiety and panic attacks, so much so that I haven't worked for about 4 years. I got approval from my psychiatrist and all the other docs for me to do the surgery and I really want to do it, but I've really been having a hard time lately just thinking about it. Every time I think about surgery I start feeling all tense and the panic attacks start in. How can you get thru surgery while having these? I know once it's over the anxiety will probably not be as bad but I guess I'm just very anxious about it because this is such a drastic procedure. How can I remain calm just to make it to the hospital. I don't want to back out of the surgery because I've waited on this for the last 2 years and I desperately need it but it's finally here and I'm nervous!!!!! I do pray alot and take meds for the anxiety but it gets so bad that even Xanax and buspar combined don't take it away.
Any suggestions??
I am having surgery on the 25th and truthfully I'm too busy and panicked about trying to get everything done and ready to be able to have an anxiety attack!
Just keep visualizing yourself afterwards and make a list of all the things you want to do once the weight is off. It has got me so excited its hard to concentrate on anything else.
Albert Schweitzer

I know once it's over the anxiety will probably not be as bad but I guess I'm just very anxious about it because this is such a drastic procedure. How can I remain calm just to make it to the hospital.
Iowa Drug Addiction